
Apple's North American Sales Head Departs, Japan Sales Chief Doug Beck to Take Over [Mac Blog] [feedly]


Apple's North American Sales Head Departs, Japan Sales Chief Doug Beck to Take Over [Mac Blog]
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iphone5s5cApple's head of North American sales, Zane Rowe, will be leaving the company, reports The Wall Street Journal. Rowe, who initially joined the company two years ago from United Continental Holdings, will be replaced by Doug Beck.

Beck already oversees sales in both Japan and Korea, and following Rowe's departure, he will take over North American sales.
Doug Beck has done a great job helping to grow Apple's business in Japan and Korea. His role is expanding to include North America sales as well," said Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet.
During Apple's January earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook noted sales in North America were down somewhat year over year, largely due to supply/demand balance issues with the iPhone 5s. Sales in Japan, however, which were managed by Beck, Rowe's replacement, were up some 40 percent.

No reason has been given for Rowe's departure, but he joins Apple's VP of Public Relations Katie Cotton in leaving the company. Cotton's retirement was announced earlier today, following more than 18 years at the company.

The departure of both Cotton and Rowe comes just as Apple has hired a new chief of online and retail, Angela Ahrendts, who officially joined the company last week.


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