
4999元送大耳机 国行Xperia Z售价公布

4999元送大耳机 国行Xperia Z售价公布

4999元送大耳机 国行Xperia Z售价公布
今天,索尼直营店官方微博发布信息称,索尼手机旗舰新品 Xperia Z L36h 最新官方售价定为 4999 元人民币,目前已经可以通过各大索尼直营店直接预订。

Original Page: http://weiphone.feedsportal.com/c/33984/f/616432/s/28165b0b/l/0Ltech0Bweiphone0N0C20A130E0A10E310C49990Iyuan0Ito0Isend0Ilarge0Iheadphones0Irow0IXperia0IZ0Iannounced0Iprice0I5454390Bshtml/story01.htm

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Fujifilm F900EXR 旅遊小砲,對焦速度提昇

Fujifilm F900EXR 旅遊小砲,對焦速度提昇

富士今天正式發表最新高倍變焦中階隨身機 F900EXR,採用 1/2 吋 1600 萬畫素的 EXR CMOS II 感光元件,鏡頭也維持二十倍變焦優異水準,並承襲 Wi-Fi 傳輸能力,並在 CMOS 上內建相位差對焦點,對焦速度提升為 0.05 秒,液晶螢幕終於升級到 3 吋 92 萬畫素。

Original Page: http://www.eprice.com.tw/dc/talk/1435/4798764/1/

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平價大光圈!Olympus XZ-10 隨身機發表

平價大光圈!Olympus XZ-10 隨身機發表

Olympus 今天正式發表一款五倍變焦的大光圈隨身機 XZ-10,採用 1200 萬畫素的 2/3 吋感光元件,但鏡頭採用等效 28-130mm F1.8-2.7 鏡頭,全焦段都有大光圈,具備 3 吋觸控螢幕,並支援 Full HD 錄影,價格預計新台幣 12,980 元左右,二月下旬在海外開賣。

Original Page: http://www.eprice.com.tw/dc/talk/1429/4798759/1/

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Sony 發佈旗下首款鐳射投影儀,擁有同類產品最亮的投影表現

Sony 發佈旗下首款鐳射投影儀,擁有同類產品最亮的投影表現

Sony unveils Laser Light Source Projector, claims brightest output in the class

鐳射光源的投影儀在色彩、能耗、壽命等方面具備一定的優勢,逐漸被用戶所接受。不過 Sony 在這之前一直沒有在鐳射投影儀上做產品佈局,現在這個局面被打破了。新發佈的 Sony 鐳射投影儀做為後來者,直接樹立了一個新的標杆。這款產品採用 3LCD 鐳射投影技術,可以達到 4,000 流明,解析度則達到了 1,920 x 1,200,成為業內同類產品中最亮的鐳射投影儀。它的工作壽命最高可長達 20000 小時以上,比傳統高壓水銀燈的表現要好許多。它的外觀設計借鑒了 Sony 之前 VPL-FH36 的風格,另外還具備了即時開關機功能,無需長時間等待。如果有興趣的話,可以留意之後其上市的價格。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2013/01/30/sony-unveils-laser-light-source-projector/

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A Bicycle Handlebar Bag For the Discriminating Cyclist

A Bicycle Handlebar Bag For the Discriminating Cyclist

As the weather starts to (eventually) warm up, cyclists will inevitably begin coming out of the woodwork to enrage drivers and terrify pedestrians once again. But how, you might ask, does the cycling businessman about town distinguish himself from the fanny-pack-wearing hipsters on fixies? With fancy leather accessories like this Detroit Cargo Handlebar Bag, naturally. More »

Original Page: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/NTdRZfWl5IA/a-bicycle-handlebar-bag-for-the-discriminating-cyclist

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Pantech 在南韓推出 Vega No.6:5.9 吋螢幕,迄今為止最大的 1080p 智慧型手機

Pantech 在南韓推出 Vega No.6:5.9 吋螢幕,迄今為止最大的 1080p 智慧型手機

繼 5 吋的 Vega No.5 之後 Pantech 又為自己的平板手機(phablet)家族增添了一位新成員:5.9 吋的 Vega No.6。這款產品號稱目前市面上最大的 1080p 智慧型手機,採用了 IPS LCD 螢幕、四核心 Snapdragon S4 Pro 處理器、1,300 萬畫素相機,支援 1080p/30fps 錄影、200 萬畫素前置視訊鏡頭,電池容量為 3,140mAh,支援 LTE 網路,系統為 Android 4.1 Jelly Bean。售價方面為 850,000 萬韓元(約 HK$6,040 / NT$22,980),不過目前僅在南韓地區推出,中港台三地要是有消息的話我們再通知大家囉。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2013/01/28/pantech-vega-no-6/

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The 10 best Bluetooth keyboards for your Apple TV

The 10 best Bluetooth keyboards for your Apple TV:
Last month we discovered the latest Apple TV beta has a new Bluetooth menu that allows users to pair a wireless keyboard to second and third-gen Apple TVs. With Apple’s release of iOS 6.1 to the public today and an update to Apple TV, you’ll probably be in the market for the right Bluetooth keyboard to occupy a spot next to your already crowded table full of remotes. Below we have put together a few of our favorite compact options that will pair perfectly with your Apple TV.

Compact, handheld keyboards:
HiPPiH Pro ultra-foldable keyboard: Apple sells a HiPPiH foldable wireless keyboard on the Apple Online Store for $60. An identical looking model sells on Amazon for $50 and appears to be one of the better compact, foldable keyboards available with strong reviews. Like the iPad keyboards below, you should have no issues pairing with your iPhone and iPad when not using with your Apple TV, and the small, TV controller-like dimensions (12.5″ L x 4″ W x 0.39″ D, 14.4 ounces) should fit in with your table full of remotes. It requires two AAA batteries.
Logitech diNovo Mini keyboard: Another compact keyboard that should be right at home with your TV remotes is this thumb-operated, palm-sized mini keyboard from Logitech. It packs in orange and green backlight options, had a directional pad and touchpad, and measures in at just 2.9 x 8.6 x 8.6 inches and 5.9 ounces. A USB port will let you charge its built-in 950 mAH Li-ion batteries for 30 days battery life. The diNovo Mini sells on Amazon for $80.
Amazon has a few cheaper options available that have positive reviews including this $5 mini Bluetooth keyboard, and another foldable, backlit keyboard for $30.
Full-sized keyboards: 
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Logitech Easy-Switch Keyboard: If you want a truly full-sized keyboard, Logitech makes one of our go-to options with the backlit, easy-switch keyboard that lets you quickly switch between three bluetooth devices such as an iOS device, Mac and, in this case, your Apple TV. It’s available for $99 from Logitech.
iPad keyboards: If you’re going to get a keyboard larger than the handheld options above, iPad keyboards will do double duty as a lightweight, compact keyboard for your Apple TV. Here are a few of our favorites:
Bluetooth keyboard-02
Cygnett KeyPad: Cygnett, a company that makes several iPhone and iPad accessories we’ve enjoyed, has another great option with the high quality but lightweight Cygnett Keypad pictured above in the middle.
Screen Shot 2013-01-28 at 1.40.18 PMZaggKeys PROplus: One of the highest-quality iPad keyboards on the market that we’ve had the pleasure of using is the PROplus from Zagg ($125). It comes with a case for your iPad that will keep the keyboard magnetically attached, but the keyboard by itself provides one of the nicer, iPad-sized keyboards on the market. Zagg also sells its FLEX standalone keyboard for tablets as low as $53 on Amazon.
Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover: Zagg’s biggest competition with the PROplus is this ultra thin keyboard from Logitech. It too comes with a cover for iPad that will attach magnetically to the keyboard, which also means it will easily detach to allow you to use the keyboard standalone with your Apple TV. It also sells for slightly less than Zagg’s PROplus at $80 on Amazon. 
Solar: Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard: Another great option and one of our favorite keyboards is Logitech solar products. Sitting in your living room, you should be able to keep a charge for months without ever having to worry, and Logitech sells two sizes: a smaller, compact version for $65, and a full-sized version that sells on Amazon for $60.
Apple Bluetooth keyboard: Of course Apple’s own Bluetooth keyboard is always an option and a keyboard that many of us at 9to5 use on a daily basis. It doesn’t have USB charging or illuminated keys, but it’s competitively priced with the keyboards above and will get the job done for $69 on Amazon.

Facebook updates iOS app with in-app video recording, voice messages, improved Nearby tab

Facebook updates iOS app with in-app video recording, voice messages, improved Nearby tab:
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Facebook has updated its official iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch application to include new in-app video recording and sharing capabilities. Additionally, the social network had added the new voice messages feature (which launched first in the standalone Messenger app for iPhone), to the main Facebook app. More details, images, and release notes below:

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Lastly, Facebook’s app has gained an improved Nearby tab for better sharing and of your favorite places. Thanks, @AlexBrooks

动力提高 奥迪计划推出RS 6旅行版Plus

动力提高 奥迪计划推出RS 6旅行版Plus:
近日,据国外媒体报道,奥迪正计划推出RS 6旅行版Plus车型,该车的动力输出将由普通版RS 6的560马力提升到608马力。

动力输出提高 奥迪计划推RS 6旅行版Plus
动力输出提高 奥迪计划推RS 6旅行版Plus动力输出提高 奥迪计划推RS 6旅行版Plus

据奥迪quattro 部门总监Stephan Reil表示,奥迪RS 6旅行版车型未来将进行升级。奥迪RS 6旅行版匹配4.0TFSI双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率输出为560马力(412kW),而在将推出的RS 6旅行版Plus上,新车的最大输出功率可达608马力(447kW)。

动力输出提高 奥迪计划推RS 6旅行版Plus

动力输出提高 奥迪计划推RS 6旅行版Plus
除了这款车型外,此前奥迪还陆续推出过TT RS Plus以及R8 V10 Plus两款产品。这些RS Plus产品不仅在动力方面升级,同时还会进一步减重以及在悬架方面进行升级。例如R8 V10 Plus车型的车身质量相比普通版就减轻了50kg。而此次的RS 6旅行版Plus车型预计也会进一步减重,但是准确数字目前还不清楚。


Safari在美國流動瀏覽器市場份額超60%:   新浪科技訊 香港時間2月02日晚間消息,CDN服務Akamai在週一發佈的互聯網狀態報告中表示,去年第三季度, Apple 的流動版Safari在流動瀏覽器市場的份額約為60%,但在蜂窩網絡數據流量方面落後於Android Webkit瀏覽器。   根據Akamai的報告,2012年第三季度,通過 Google Android Webkit瀏覽器使用蜂窩網...

iPhone hits speed bumps abroad

iPhone hits speed bumps abroad:
iPhone International Sales Growth
The iPhone's meteoric rise in the United States isn't so easy for Apple (AAPL) to duplicate abroad, according to a new report. In a recent note to clients picked up on Monday by AllThingsD, Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt noted that international iPhone sell-through growth has declined rapidly. Apple's iPhone sell-through growth rate in non-U.S. markets peaked at more than 110% in the first quarter last year but by the fourth quarter, when Apple sold an estimated 29.2 million iPhones outside of the U.S., growth fell to 35% according to the analyst's data. "This would be a strong result except for the fact that the comp was easy internationally for Apple as the iPhone 5 launches occurred far earlier this year in most countries than last year’s 4S launch," McCourt wrote. "March will be a tougher comp internationally." A graph outlining the analyst's data follows below.

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New VW Golf Mk7 for North and South America to be Produced in Mexico from Early 2014

New VW Golf Mk7 for North and South America to be Produced in Mexico from Early 2014:

CEO Martin Winterkorn wants VW to become the world’s number one automotive group by 2018. While the company is currently is Europe’s number one and it has increased its sales in China, Russia and Brazil, in the U.S., despite posting a 31 percent increase in 2012, it trails both General Motors and Toyota.
With its European sales having plunged by 15 percent due to the debt crisis and the market set for another decline in 2013, the sixth in a row, the German group is focusing its push in the Americas.
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Chevrolet CrossVolt Rumors Sparked by Trademark Filing

Chevrolet CrossVolt Rumors Sparked by Trademark Filing:

General Motors is in the process of acquiring a trademark for the word “CrossVolt” which could be used for a future vehicle.

Pictured above is the Chevrolet Volt MPV5 concept that debuted several years back and would be a fitting model to sport the CrossVolt name. Sporting seating for five, the Volt MPV5 concept surfaced in 2010 but little has been hard of it since.
The trademark was originally filed on April 11, 2011 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and since has gotten a second extension to file its statement of use. That’s a good indicator that the American automaker intends to use the CrossVolt moniker at some point, but is holding off on filing its statement until it has a production model to show.

GALLERY: Chevrolet Volt MPV5 Concept

[Source: GM Authority]
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Sigma 推出 19、30、60 F2.8 無反定焦鏡

Sigma 推出 19、30、60 F2.8 無反定焦鏡: 今天 Sigma 正式發表針對 NEX 和 Micro4/3 無反光鏡系統所開發的三款定焦鏡,其中 19mm F2.8、30mm F2.8 屬於小改款,另外還有一顆 60mm F2.8 小望遠鏡頭。這三顆新鏡都屬於 Sigma 的「Art」系列產品線,並強調優異的畫質表現,並將推出黑色和銀色兩種款式。

Sigma 30mm F1.4 DC HDM 大光圈鏡登場

Sigma 30mm F1.4 DC HDM 大光圈鏡登場: Sigma 發表一顆備受矚目的 APS-C 單眼專用新鏡 30mm F1.4 DC HSM。這顆鏡頭是 2005 年推出的舊款焦段和光圈相同,但宣稱是大幅度的重新設計樓。Sigma 將這顆新鏡列為「Art」系列產品,外觀質感出色,最近對焦距離也進步到 30 公分,預計會受到熱烈歡迎。


美国专利局公布苹果新获得的四项专利: 美国专利局公布苹果新获得的四项专利
今天,美国专利和商标局一口气公布了四项苹果最新获得的设计专利,分别关于 iPod touch、MacBook Air 的安装 U 盘、苹果最新的耳机设计和 iPhone 4 的 Bumper 边框保护套。