
XCOM: Enemy Unknown for iOS hands-on preview [feedly]

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XCOM: Enemy Unknown for iOS hands-on preview

Strategy-game developer Firaxis has made a couple of small but impressive forays into iOS territory this year with turn-based titles Haunted Hollow and Sid Meier's Ace Patrol, but it's poised to go a lot bigger this summer. Specifically, it's bringing its 2012 strategy blockbuster, XCOM: Enemy Unknown (which debuted on Mac in April), to iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch — and we've had a chance to take it for a spin.

Like its big-screen cousin, the iOS version of XCOM: Enemy Unknown lets players run a secret, multinationally funded agency formed to fight off a full-scale alien invasion of Earth. This involves directing research and development of new technologies, hiring personnel, allocating finances, building out a sprawling underground base, and — of course — commanding small squads of soldiers through tense, turn-based battles against hidden, murderous, and increasingly deadly alien monsters.

Seeing the game run on an iPad, it's immediately clear that not a lot has been lost in translation. There's a clear visual downgrade, of course — iOS devices aren't yet capable of console-quality graphics — but it's not all that steep, either, and things like destructible cover, cutscenes, customizable soldiers, and the ability to pan and zoom across the map (now with pinch-and-swipe touch controls) are intact. So are some of the smaller details, like the spent cartridges that fly out of machineguns as they fire, or the colorful effects of the aliens' psionic powers. And in spite of the trade-offs (or maybe because of them), it frequently loaded up missions much more quickly than the Mac or console versions.

The biggest sacrifice, according to publisher 2K Games, is in some of the map variety. One of the full-sized version's proudest bullet points was that it was possible to play through multiple times without revisiting the same randomized battlefields, but those had to be trimmed back in order to make XCOM a manageable download. 2K assured us it's still possible to play through once with no repetition, however (which, honestly, might be enough for most players).

Regardless of cutbacks, XCOM's turn-based approach to strategy makes it ideally suited for touch controls, and here it performed beautifully. Tapping the spots we wanted our troops to run to was easy, as was sliding a finger across the active soldier's onscreen name to switch to the next one. The new sliding combat menu (through which you can order soldiers to take an aimed shot, throw a grenade, go into "overwatch" to take potshots at moving aliens during their turn, and so on) took slightly more getting used to; without every icon immediately visible, it was easy to think (at first) that the soldier we were controlling didn't have a target to shoot at, when in fact we'd just accidentally slid the "fire" icon out of view.

There are a few features we didn't see, most notably multiplayer (which 2K isn't talking about just yet) and cloud saving, which will enable you to continue a single game across multiple iOS devices. But XCOM's new touch controls look and feel great, and after an hour of play – during which we tangled with alien Sectoids at abduction sites, dug out space for new base facilities, gave a few soldiers silly facial hair, and scrambled a jet fighter to shoot down a UFO before investigating the crash site – it felt just as complex and fun as the Mac version. If it can stay that good through an entire playthrough, this could easily become a new iOS obsession.

Samyang无反相机用300mm f/6.3折返镜头亮相 [feedly]

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Samyang无反相机用300mm f/6.3折返镜头亮相

继16mm f/2之后,韩国samyang(rokinon)公司的facebook官方账号又公布了一支规格为300mm f/6.3的超长焦折返镜头。

继续阅读全文 Samyang无反相机用300mm f/6.3折返镜头亮相

佳能发布EOS-1D X 1.2.4版固件升级 [feedly]

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佳能发布EOS-1D X 1.2.4版固件升级

佳能发布eos-1d x新版固件升级,最近固件版本号1.2.4。新版固件主要做出以下更改:

  1. 提高了使用canon闪光灯的自动对焦辅助光功能时,相机对焦的速度。
  2. 减少了激活测光表时,在液晶屏或取景器上显示测光结果的时间。
  3. 修正了不需要将"caution 02"信息记录在相机状态日志的现象
  4. 修正了使用canon闪光灯时,连续拍摄暂停的现象。
  5. 修正了在连接canon gp-e1,gps装置设置在相机关闭后被重置为默认设置的现象。


下载佳能eos-1d x 1.2.4版固件:windows | mac

Google 升級Gmail:可自動分類用戶郵件 [feedly]

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Google 升級Gmail:可自動分類用戶郵件
流動版Gmail 新浪科技訊 香港時間5月30日早間消息, Google 今天宣佈對桌面版和流動版Gmail進行升級,新增一系列工具以幫助用戶更好地組織他們全天收到的各類信息。 新版Gmail可以讓用戶將電子郵件歸為五類,分別為主要(Primary)、社交(Social)、推廣(Promotions)、&ldq...

新款16GB iPod Touch上架:售價229美元 [feedly]

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新款16GB iPod Touch上架:售價229美元
第五代iPod Touch 新浪科技訊 香港時間5月30日下午消息, Apple 公司在網上商店銷售存儲容量為16GB的第五代iPod Touch音樂播放器,該產品去年上市時只有32GB和64GB兩種型號,而且仍在繼續銷售16GB和32GB兩種型號的第四代iPod Touch。 但隨著16GB第五代iPod Touch的推出,第四代iPod Touch似乎已經停售。這款新產品配...

Samsung 發表 Galaxy S 4 Mini:4.3 吋螢幕、1.7GHz 雙核處理器 [feedly]

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Samsung 發表 Galaxy S 4 Mini:4.3 吋螢幕、1.7GHz 雙核處理器

我們一直都知道有 S 4 Mini 這台機器的存在,但這樣毫無預警就正式蹦了出來,還是稍微嚇了我們一跳。如同先前所知道的,S 4 Mini 搭載了一顆 1.7GHz 雙核處理器(但仍不確定是哪顆)、4.3 吋 Super AMOLED qHD 螢幕、Android 4.2.2、GPS、GLONASS、1.5GB RAM、8GB 內建儲存空間(使用者可用約 5GB),並可擴充 microSD 卡。正面鏡頭為 2.1MP、背面 8MP、電池容量為 1,900mAh,並且支援 LTE,同時還為特定市場推出雙卡 3G 版本。



Apple 推出新款 16GB 版 iPod Touch:只有銀色並且拿掉了背後主相機,官方定價 NT$8,590 / HK$1,788 [feedly]

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Apple 推出新款 16GB 版 iPod Touch:只有銀色並且拿掉了背後主相機,官方定價 NT$8,590 / HK$1,788

這倒是有點意外,就在剛剛 Apple 為新一代 iPod Touch 系列產品加入了 16GB 的最新款式。其實比起第五代的 32GB 與 64GB 版本並沒有太多規格的變化:尺寸幾乎相同,也搭載了 4 吋的 Retina 視網膜顯示器與雙核的 A5 處理器。新的 iPod Touch 16GB 依然擁有前置的 FaceTime HD 視訊相機,但 500 萬畫素的主相機卻沒有跟上 2012 的款式被閹割了,且只有銀色的版本可供選擇,重量方面則是輕了約 2g,

價位上比起上一代最後調整的定價略貴了些 -- 這次新款的銀色 iPod Touch 16GB 建議售價為 US$299 / NT$8,590 / HK$1,788),並可在 24 小時內開始出貨。不知道謠傳已久的平價版 iPhone 是否會沿用類似的做法?

經由:EngadgetThe Verge
引用來源:Apple USATaiwanHong Kong


專業模特兒秘技︰如何拍出最美照片 [feedly]

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image by Electric Images

這是個人人都可以做模特兒的年代嗎?(就像買完相機就做攝影師?) 來自英國的專業模特兒 Jen Brook,分享了一系列作為模特兒的心得及小技巧,未必每一個都適用於所有人,但是作為參考是非常有價值。當然,有些超模例如 Kate Moss 就可以完全無視法則,因為她是超模嘛,不過對於有興趣做模特兒,或需要拍攝模特兒的人來說,就甚有意義了!

1) 多照鏡


2) 在四肢與身體之間留空




3) 了解多一點光線



4) 小心趨光本能


5) 眼睛不要過度斜視



6) 知道自己的扭頭極限


7) 伸長頸部



8) 恰當角度

如果攝影師就在 12 點方向對著你,那麼你應該稍稍轉向 1 點半方向,而不要 3 點,因為這樣會令你失去身體應有的闊度;另外,不要轉向光源,要轉向陰影,並且將你不要的東西藏在影子裏。

9) 製造假腰

大家可以如下圖右方般,製造出更纖瘦的效果,再看看那對手,哈哈,好優雅;如果雙腳微微交叉來站著,更有 S 形曲線呢。


10) 留意手指



11) 就地取材



12) 穿著合適的衣服


13) 隨身帶著萬用箱

你應該收拾一個萬用箱,並且每次工作都帶著,因為有些小工具,並不會在工作簡介時提到,但你應該好好準備。例如室外 / 影樓鞋、透明 / 黑色內衣、面紙、雙腿潤膚露、普通小背心、安全別針 / 夾、飲管 (用來喝水時保護唇膏)、清水及能量食品、拍攝內衣的話則帶備用絲襪、補妝用品等等,如果特別的工作例如飾演新娘子,則自備小飾物尤其是婚戒就更好。

14) 誠實回答你的尺寸


15) 跟其他模特兒溝通


16) 友善好玩


source via PetaPixel

美人之美:40幅古典女性肖像攝影作品 [feedly]

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這組攝影作品來自攝影師Dolf Walter,是一組十分具有古典韻味的肖像攝影,暗色調的背景、低飽和的色彩以及人物凝重的表情,讓畫面顯得如油畫般厚重。 圖片來源︰其他

9to5Toys Last Call: 50% Savings on 1Password Mac / iOS Apps, $131 WD Red 3 TB NAS Hard Drive, $10 Apple Lightning cable (Refurb) [feedly]

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9to5Toys Last Call: 50% Savings on 1Password Mac / iOS Apps, $131 WD Red 3 TB NAS Hard Drive, $10 Apple Lightning cable (Refurb)

From 9to5Toys.com:

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Other great deals we love that may not see tomorrow:

Wake is a new smart alarm clock app for iPhone [review] [feedly]


Satechi adds aluminum 7-port USB 3.0 hub to its product line [feedly]

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Satechi adds aluminum 7-port USB 3.0 hub to its product line

Now that USB 3.0 has become mainstream in the Mac market, we're hearing about a lot more USB 3.0-based drives and accessories. Of course, once you've run out of ports on your Mac, you either need to swap devices or get yourself a hub. Satechi, the company that wowed us with a 10-port USB 3.0 hub earlier this year, has just announced the 7-port USB 3.0 Premium Aluminum Hub (US$69.99, specially priced now for $54.99).

Made from aluminum and echoing the design of Apple's Wireless Keyboard and Magic Trackpad, the hub is perfect for any of your favorite Macs, from the thin MacBook Air to the latest iMac. It's powered through an included wall adapter, and comes with either white or black trim. Best of all, it's available now through Satechi's website and Amazon.

Satechi adds aluminum 7-port USB 3.0 hub to its product line originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 29 May 2013 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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『傳聞』 Olympus 9月發佈M4/3-4/3混合卡口相機 [feedly]

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『傳聞』 Olympus 9月發佈M4/3-4/3混合卡口相機
最近關於M4/3相機的傳聞都被松下GX2的風頭給蓋住了,但 Olympus 也沒閒著,43R傳出 Olympus 將在今年9月發佈一款兼容M4/3、4 /3卡口的高級相機。 關於兼容4/3和M4/3系統相機的消息我們並不陌生, Olympus 影像事業部部長小川治男曾表示, Olympus 正在考慮混合M4/3和4/3系統,外界也一度傳聞E-7將是一款原生支援M4/3、4/3卡...

Affordable self-driving cars could be available within the next three years [feedly]

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Affordable self-driving cars could be available within the next three years
Self-Driving Cars Availability
Driverless cars have the potential to drastically reduce accident rates and saves hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide each year. Google has been hard at work making autonomous vehicles a reality but its fleet of vehicles is equipped with a large array of bulky cameras and sensors that cost thousands of dollars, making mass production unlikely. Due to the high cost, earlier reports claimed the technology isn't expected to go mainstream until 2025, however an Israeli company has created a relatively low-cost system that could see self-driving cars come to market sooner than we thought.

Continue reading...

Angry Birds soda release makes for huge sales jump [feedly]

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Angry Birds soda release makes for huge sales jump

Yes indeed: Angry Birds soda. A Nordic beverage company named Olvi got the rights from Rovio to make some Angry Birds-branded sugar water, and apparently it's a huge hit for them, raising the company's sales by 85 percent. Exports were especially huge, going from 3 percent of Olvi's market to a whole 20 percent, with exports focusing primarily on Spain, Norway and the UK. There's no indication that any of this drink has made it over to the United States for sale just yet, so if you have a chance to try some, you'll have to let us know how it tastes. Hopefully "eggy" isn't a word included in the description.

This is far from the last we'll hear about Angry Birds merch, especially with that movie set to arrive in the next few years. You can bet that even bigger companies are looking at sales figures like this, and then lining up to make a deal with Rovio as fast as they can.

Angry Birds soda release makes for huge sales jump originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Wed, 29 May 2013 19:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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August wants to make connected locks that don’t require you to pull out your smartphone [feedly]

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August wants to make connected locks that don't require you to pull out your smartphone

Locks are not only the gatekeeper to your home, but they are also a gateway to building out a connected home. Which is why August, a company building a connected lock is worth a look. The startup, which was formed last year, has built a Bluetooth lock that's pretty, social and in the same price range as other connected locks.

The service lets you open your door without a key, but it also lets you set times that your door could be unlocked by people you've invited into your home. So you might send a plumber the code to unlock your house set for a one-hour window, or you could invite your friends over for a barbecue and they could wander in during a multi-hour window without having to wait for you to let them in. You send or revoke invites from the app on your smartphone, although you can also still open the door using a key if you want (or if your battery dies in your handset).

augustmoveFrom a user perspective the most important thing you need to know about the August lock is that the use of Bluetooth means you won't have to take out your phone and use an app in order to open your door. The Bluetooth radio in your phone (or a friend's phone if you send them the code via text or email) is enough to trigger the door. This is nice, since other options on the market such as the Lockitron (on older iOS and Android phones that don't have native Bluetooth support) or specialty products require an app and sometimes even a gateway in the house.

But the August lock, designed by Yves Béhar, may benefit you if you do decide to take out your phone. The service provided with the lock (there's always a service element for the best connected devices) lets people leave "notes" for people who trigger the lock that can be sent via the August app. So if your guest opens the door, you can send them a note about the alarm code once they're inside or tell them that they can find clean towels in the laundry room. If it's your husband you can ask him to empty the dishwasher.

I think it would be awesome to sync the locking service to my Evernote account so I could set myself reminders for when I leave the house. That's not a feature offered yet, but imagine a situation in which my daughter locked the door every Wednesday as she was leaving for school, and she got a reminder asking if she has her karate bag. The locking or unlocking of the front door is a more exact way to pinpoint when someone leaves, as opposed to GPS or Wi-Fi.

In our interview, Béhar also was excited about the social aspects of leaving notes for people after you left the house. I personally could care less if someone who came over for a barbecue leaves a note telling me they liked the ribs, but I am a bit of a curmudgeon. There are plenty of people who will like the social aspects associated with the lock. Plus, technology like this will help overcome some of the physical hurdles in the sharing economy. Being able to grant access via an app is a lot easier than meeting someone to hand over a set of keys.

However, when paired with other services, or even on its own, I think this is a lock worth looking at when it comes out in the fourth quarter of this year. Jason Johnson, a co-founder, said the price would be less than $200 and installation is about a 10-minute endeavor. The lock requires four double A batteries that should last about 6 months (Johnson says it may last up to a year).

August has developed a secure layer on top of the Bluetooth protocol to add a level of security. They also won't let you send someone an access code to get into the house with the home address, although a diligent search through previous emails or texts on a stolen phone might reveal that. And if you're like me and wonder how to give people (small children, Luddites) access to your home if they don't carry a smartphone, Johnson says they are looking at providing a way to let other Bluetooth devices such as personal fitness trackers or even specialty dongles work with the lock.

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With Apple TV, Apple controls more than 70% of the digital media receiver market [feedly]

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With Apple TV, Apple controls more than 70% of the digital media receiver market
Apple TV Market Share Sales
Tim Cook revealed on Tuesday at the AllThingsD: D11 conference that Apple has now sold more than 13 million second-generation Apple TV devices. Even more impressive, the CEO noted that roughly half of those devices were sold in the past year alone. Philip Elmer-DeWitt of Fortune crunched the numbers and found that Apple controls more than half of the digital media receiver market. Not including dedicated gaming systems such as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Apple TV has a 71% share of the market. The popular Roku box has sold more than 5 million units, giving it a 27% share of the market, and the Boxee Box sold about 200,000 units, for a 1% share, before it was discontinued last summer.

HTC ONE 即將在港推出 64GB 版本多色版 Butterfly 2代也將推出 [feedly]

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HTC ONE 即將在港推出 64GB 版本多色版 Butterfly 2代也將推出
要數今年最好的智能手機當中,相信很多人也會認為是HTC ONE,HTC ONE在香港推出了32GB黑白版本已數星期,不知大家買了沒有。 如果未買的看來可以等一等,因為消息稱,香港將會在 6 月 10 – 15 日推出64GB和多色版的HTC ONE,如果大家有興趣的就要留意了。 HTC一直在強調,他們現在走的是高端精品化路線,所以從某種意義...

Galaxy Tab 3 10.1和Galaxy Ace 3細節 [feedly]

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Galaxy Tab 3 10.1和Galaxy Ace 3細節
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1採用10.1英吋TFT-LCD顯示屏,解像度為1280x800像素,並將會搭載一個1.6 GHz雙核心處理器以及1 GB內存,300萬像素後置鏡頭,130萬像素前置鏡頭, 16或32 GB的內置存儲器和6800 mAh電池。 Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1機身尺寸243.1x176.1x7.95毫米,重量510克, Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1將在六月上...

「勝利日之吻」原作與拍攝相機​以13.8萬歐元成功拍賣 [feedly]

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在上週結束的第23屆WestLicht拍賣會上,新聞攝影之父阿爾弗雷德御用Leica IIIa相機和勝利日之吻簽名版原作最終以11.4萬、2.4萬歐元成功售出。 勝利之吻拍攝於紐約時代廣場,時值日本宣佈戰敗投降,一位水兵在歡慶活動中親吻了身旁的一位女護士,這一瞬間被阿爾弗雷德抓拍下來。不過到了20世紀末...

Jawbone Designer Debuts New August Smart Lock [iOS Blog] [feedly]

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Jawbone Designer Debuts New August Smart Lock [iOS Blog]
The August Smart Lock is a new iPhone-compatible locking system that has been designed by Jason Johnson and Yves Béhar, who serves as Jawbone's Chief Creative Officer. Béhar, who has worked on products like the Jambox and the UP, has created a simple universal lock that is designed to connect to a smartphone using Bluetooth.

The lock itself is crafted of anodized aluminum and looks similar to a standard home lock. It comes with a number of faceplates and deadbolt adapters to fit the majority of the locks on the market, and it functions on two AA batteries. When battery life is low, the system will send out a notification.

Much like competing products Lockitron and Kevo, the August Smart Lock will be available without subscription fees. It will also function with an accompanying app, which can be programmed to allow entry to friends and family. The system monitors guests that enter and it can be customized with specific timers. TechCrunch has some additional information:
In addition to the ability to turn on and off access to the home through an app, users will be able to send invitations to friends or family that have been connected on Facebook or in their mobile contact list. Johnson gave the example of a dinner party, where visitors could be invited and let themselves in without having to ring the doorbell.

The August smart lock is powered by Bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology, which will enable it to work without connecting to a WiFi network. The team claims that it's the smallest electronic door lock on the market, and they say that it only takes 10 minutes to install.
There are no specific details on when the August Smart Lock will launch, but the reservation website says that it will go on sale later in the year. The lock will cost $199, with no additional fees.


[消息] 傳蘋果欲推解析度更高的iPhone 5S和螢幕更大的iPad maxi [feedly]

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[消息] 傳蘋果欲推解析度更高的iPhone 5S和螢幕更大的iPad maxi
國外媒體傳言稱,蘋果正考慮製造解析度更高和螢幕更大的下一代iPhone和iPad設備,未來可能會推出大螢幕的"iPad maxi"和解析度高出iPhone 5很多的iPhone 5S。傳言表示蘋果已經考慮到要同具備大屏和高解析度的Android智慧設備一較高下,所以推出更大螢幕和更高解析度的設備不足為奇。

據說蘋果期望將傳說中的iPhone 5S(或iPhone 6)螢幕解析度翻番。國外科技媒體slashgear援引了威鋒網的報導,提及iPhone 5S的螢幕應當還會保持在4英寸的螢幕尺寸上,但螢幕圖元數目確有著成倍的增長。

目前iPhone 5螢幕的圖元點數目為72.7萬,而iPhone 5S的4英寸面板圖元數目會達到150萬。1704×960的解析度可保持原有長寬比,對目前的應用提供向下相容。不過這樣的解析度似乎更為怪異,不知蘋果會向誰訂購這種規格的螢幕。另一方面,蘋果還會將iPhone的螢幕邊框修葺得更窄,令5S的外觀整體尺寸比現在更小。

而平板方面,據說蘋果正單獨考慮生產一款螢幕尺寸比目前9.7英寸iPad更大名為iPad maxi的平板產品。這款maxi平板的螢幕尺寸或將達到12.9英寸,國外媒體ETNews宣稱,此設備預計的發佈時間是明年上半年。

大平板的出現對於替代課堂上的書本似乎更有優勢,而且也可將市場擴展到超便攜筆記本領域的競爭對手,maxi的物件便是那些不需要完整桌面作業系統的使用者。但似乎這個用戶群體還是挺窄的,不過iPad與iPad mini的協力廠商鍵盤外設好像都賣得不錯,從這個替代筆記本的角度來講,maxi或許有自己的市場也說不定。

蘋果長期以來堅持不引進觸屏版Macbook,並且認為這類產品根本不符合人體工學。或許去除鍵盤的平板可以很好地彌補這一市場缺失,作為iPad和MacBook Air的中間型設備。

這些揣測和傳言可能聽起來有些扯,不過起碼說明當前蘋果遭遇的挑戰主要來自Android設備以及Windows 8觸控超級本,畢竟Android智慧手機相較目前iPhone 5更高的圖元密度以及其他平板設備相較iPad更優的開放性和對PC的替代性,都讓蘋果有了一定的危機意識。


Things that make us smile: how the iMac story leaked in 1998 from a most unusual source [feedly]

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Things that make us smile: how the iMac story leaked in 1998 from a most unusual source


Business Insider spotted a fun Quora thread on how Apple keeps secrets – and sometimes how it doesn't. We were amused by former Mac User editor Adam Banks breaking the story of the first iMac back in 1998 from a most unusual source …

I was editing MacUser (UK) in 1998 when rumours surfaced that Apple was working on a completely new kind of Mac. By a series of flukes, we became the first magazine to print what turned out to be a pretty accurate description of the machine a couple of months ahead of its launch as the iMac. We got the details from someone who worked at a third party site where Apple had seeded a test unit. Probably safe by now to mention what the site was. It was the Pentagon. Compared to the real secrets they were keeping, when it came to some plastic PC they'd been asked not to talk about, I suspect nobody gave a shit.

"The device that saved Apple" was probably a bigger deal than the Pentagon employee could have ever imagined.


Just Mobile’s aluminum AluBase, HeadStand, and AluRack reviewed [feedly]

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Just Mobile's aluminum AluBase, HeadStand, and AluRack reviewed


As we previously noted, Just Mobile sells a series of accessories, mainly for Apple products, made out of carefully crafted aluminum designs. These designs and materials are akin to what Apple builds for its own products, therefore Just Mobile accessories are at the top of the wish lists for many Apple product design fans. For the past few weeks, we have been testing out Just Mobile's latest accessories. Find our reviews below:

HeadStand – Current on sale at Amazon (9% off):


Just Mobile's HeadStand is a well-built aluminum stand for large headphones. The accessory itself is very well-constucted and can seemingly stand use for long periods of time. The product comes unassembled, but it is easily able to be put together with a few minutes and a coin for screwing in small bolts. The stand does a solid job of holding headphones.

While the accessory is elegant to look at and definitely works as advertised, the product does not seem practical for some people. I, personally, do not find much use of holding my headphones upright on a stand. I typically like to keep my headsets in a case or in a drawer. The product also includes a price tag just under $50.



Perhaps the best use, or only reasonable use case for the stand, is for those who do a lot of audio intensive work and want a place to keep their earphones without taking up space on their desk. The stand is an excellent way to avoid cable and earphone clutter. For those wondering, the earphones shown in the photo are the Beats by Dre "Executive" model.

AluBase – Available at Amazon:


The AluBase is another well-built accessory for a niche audience. The accessory is a small stand for holding up your Apple notebook upright on a desk or other flat surface. The product is built to remove clutter and improve organization for your desk. Depending on screen-size, notebook computers can take up a significant amount of space on a desk while placed flat. On the other hand, standing up right, a notebook only takes up a small slice of space on a desk.

The base leaves all ports on laptops wide open, so no accessibility is affected.



The base comes with two inserts: one for the last-generation MacBook Pro design, and another for the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro with Retina display models. Both inserts fit the laptops well as they are snug enough for your laptop to likely be safe, but the inserts not tight enough for there to be difficulty with docking and undocking your computer.


The AluBase is an elegant way to dock your computer on your desk, but the product is not likely necessary for all notebook owners. It is available on Amazon for under $50. 

AluRack – Available at Amazon:


The AluRack is a similar accessory to the aforementioned AluBase, but instead of being a docking solution on a desk, it attaches to the back of an Apple iMac or Thunderbolt Display. The AluRack is designed to hold a laptop or an external drive. The AluRack is well-design, seemingly long-lasting, and attaches with stability to the back of an Apple desktop computer or monitor.


While the product looks nice and is strong, it does not, like the AluBase, provide a snug, specifically designed fit for Apple's thinner notebook lines (MacBook Air + Retina). Additionally, the setup process is not as intuitive as the setup for the other Just Mobile products reviewed above.

Nonetheless, for those who want one of the better looking accessory stands on the market, the AluRack gets the job done (if you have the right devices to place into it and just under $60).

iPhone 5S新說:窄邊框屏幕顯示更清晰 [feedly]

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iPhone 5S新說:窄邊框屏幕顯示更清晰
今天威鋒網從富士康得到的內部消息稱,下一代iPhone將擁有更窄的屏幕邊框,目前已經備料,9月份即將出貨。 此外,報導還稱新iPhone屏幕還將擁有150萬的像素數量,對比iPhone 5將近73萬的像素數量來說,如果屏幕尺寸不繼續增加,那麼分辨率將會有很大的提升。 。 從之前的傳聞和蘋果一貫的升級情況來看,iPhone 5S似乎應該與...

你敢吃嗎?3D打印食物來了 [feedly]

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『傳聞』松下8月底發布GX2 [feedly]

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43R從可靠來源收到消息稱,松下新款無反相機GX2將推遲至今年8月下旬發布,該相機同時也是今年秋季松下 發布的唯一一款M4/3格式相機。若消息屬實,先前傳聞的M4/3高級便攜定焦相機的發布安排可能也會受到牽連。 松下GX1發佈於2011年11月,現在已進入正常更新周期。根據目前已掌握的消息,GX2搭載1600萬像素傳感...

廉價iPhone新說:7.89mm機身無黑色版 [feedly]

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關於 Apple 下一代iPhone以及廉價版iPhone的消息在最近終於有點消停的跡象了,各分析師似乎把各種可能性都猜了個遍,再也猜不下去​了。 今天廉價iPhone又有了新的說法,來源不是分析師,而是民間。據稱廉價版iPhone的厚度為7.89mm,機身的長寬與iPhone 5接近,並且會有多種色彩款式。 如果真的是如此的話,那麼...