
Apple announces iPad Air and Retina iPad mini with TD-LTE for China [feedly]


Apple announces iPad Air and Retina iPad mini with TD-LTE for China
// iPhone Hacks

Apple today announced it is releasing new versions of the iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display with support for China's TD-LTE networks. The devices target China Mobile, which launched its TD-LTE network last year and started selling the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c for the 4G network earlier this year. Continue reading


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Purported photos of iPhone 6 show thinner design, rounded edges, protruding camera [feedly]


Purported photos of iPhone 6 show thinner design, rounded edges, protruding camera
// iPhone Hacks

Images of what appear to be an iPhone 6 in development have been leaked on Chinese social network Weibo. The images show the iPhone 6 with a thinner, but taller and wider design, and a protruding camera, like the current-gen iPod touch. Continue reading


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Apple's A7 Processor Truly 'Desktop Class', iOS Apps Don't Take Full Advantage [feedly]


Apple's A7 Processor Truly 'Desktop Class', iOS Apps Don't Take Full Advantage
// MacRumors: Mac News and Rumors - All Stories

apple_a7Anandtech provides a detailed analysis of Apple's A7 (ARM-based) mobile processor which was introduced in the iPhone 5s. The latest information and analysis comes from Apple's own code changes to the LLVM Compiler project.

While Anandtech goes into great detail on the architecture of the A7 chip and how it compares to the A6, they conclude that the A7 chip is indeed -- as Apple claimed -- "desktop class" and "the rest of the players in the ultra mobile CPU space didn't aim high enough". In fact, they found that there are almost no iOS apps that take full advantage of the A7 processor. The processor even seems overpowered for the current devices in both RAM bottlenecks and battery consumption.

Qualcomm chief marketing officer originally described the 64-bit A7 as a "marketing gimmick" but Qualcomm later backtracked on that statement. Another Qualcomm employee then said that the 64-bit Apple chip "hit us in the gut."
"Not just us, but everyone, really. We were slack-jawed, and stunned, and unprepared. It's not that big a performance difference right now, since most current software won't benefit. But in Spinal Tap terms it's like, 32 more, and now everyone wants it."
Any reference to "desktop class" Apple processors may remind readers that there have been recurring rumors that Apple has been testing ARM processor based MacBook Airs. Apple even threatened that they would stop using Intel chips due to concerns over power consumption. AMD or even ARM were speculated to be possible alternatives.


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[消息] 日媒稱蘋果9月發佈iPhone 6:螢幕尺寸仍存爭議 [feedly]


[消息] 日媒稱蘋果9月發佈iPhone 6:螢幕尺寸仍存爭議
// Apple iPhone iPad 最棒的華語影音教學網站 - 8,9,12,13,14,22,23,25,39,40,41,42,46,51,69,70,71,74,80,114,115,116

據《日本經濟新聞》週四報導,蘋果公司將在9月發佈"iPhone 6",提供4.7英寸和5.5英寸兩種顯示幕尺寸。報導稱,蘋果公司的遠東部件供應商"明顯已開始"生產感測器和顯示幕部件。此前也有多篇報導稱,蘋果公司將為新款iPhone提供兩種顯示幕尺寸, 但分析師在具體尺寸上仍存在分歧。許多分析師都認為,蘋果公司至少會推出一個5英寸以上的版本,但KGI Securities分析師郭明池則對此持不同看法,認為出於單手使用的考慮,蘋果公司不會讓其新款iPhone的顯示幕尺寸超過5英寸的"門檻"。

有消息顯示這塊來自Japan Display的1440x2560解析度的5英寸538PPI螢幕將成為iPhone 6的選擇
此外,市場猜測夏普、Japan Display和LG都在為iPhone 6生產Retina顯示幕。《日本經濟新聞》還報導稱,與現有的326ppi圖元密度相比,新款iPhone顯示幕將擁有"高得多的"解析度。

傳聞中iPhone 6將具備的其他特性還包括新的藍寶石顯示幕,以及類似於iPad mini的薄斜面設計等。另外,其攝像頭可能也將升級至1000萬圖元f/1.8可更換鏡頭。



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iPad 版 Microsoft Office 未來會補回打印功能 [feedly]


iPad 版 Microsoft Office 未來會補回打印功能
// Engadget 中文版

雖然剛推出的 iPad 版 Microsoft Office 軟體系列之功能已經頗完整,但其中一個最大的缺點就是不支援打印了,雖然現在已經漸漸進入無紙化的世代,不過作為一套好的文件處理軟體,打印功能暫時還是不能缺席吧。為此,Microsoft 向 PCWorld 表示打印功能將會在未來的升級中補回,只是沒有透露這個「未來的升級」會在何時推出,Office 部的總經理 Julia White 也只能向大家保證「很快」而已。



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Apple's failed attempts at taking over the camera industry are now collector's items [feedly]


Apple's failed attempts at taking over the camera industry are now collector's items
// (TUAW)

The iPhone remains one of the most popular "cameras" on the planet, and Apple's smartphone has indeed conquered consumer photography, but it wasn't the company's first attempt to do so. In the mid '90s, Apple was going through its "see what sticks"...

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BeHere app uses iBeacons to automatically take attendance as students enter the classroom [feedly]


BeHere app uses iBeacons to automatically take attendance as students enter the classroom
// 9 to 5 Mac


A new app called BeHere aimed at teachers uses Apple's new Bluetooth LE iBeacon technology to recognize students and automatically take attendance as they enter a classroom.

With the BeHere app installed, the teacher's iPad acts as an iBeacon and students entering the classroom with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch will automatically appear in the app with a profile picture and name. Students will have to install the app on their device too, but thanks to recent iBeacon improvements in iOS 7.1, they won't have to even open the app or take the device out of their pocket to be recognized as they walk in. 

The BeHere app also has a few other interesting features for the classroom environment. From within the app, students can tap a button to request help from a teacher. The teacher is then presented with an ordered queue of students waiting for assistance.

The company is currently testing the app with a number of partners at colleges, but the app is now available for all to download from the App Store.

iBeacon technology is quickly being adopted in many different settings since Apple first introduced it alongside iOS 7 last year. First rolling out in retail environments like the Apple Store and Macy's, the technology is also being used at events like the recent SXSW festival and professional sporting events to allow for speedy check-in features and relevant location-based notifications. More apps have also been hitting the App Store recently too. A new app called 'Placed'  that we told you about recently allows users to setup context-aware app launching using iBeacons at home.

BeHere is available as a free download for iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad on the App Store.

Filed under: Apps

Check out 9to5Mac for more breaking coverage of Apps.

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This week’s iPhone 6 concepts seemingly inspired by iPod Nanos [feedly]


This week's iPhone 6 concepts seemingly inspired by iPod Nanos
// 9 to 5 Mac


One of our favourite concept designers, Martin Hajek, has been busy again – this time with an iPhone 6 concept reminiscent of the iPod Nano design, commissioned by Dutch site iPhoneclub.

The iPhone 6 is widely expected to be launched in two different sizes, with Bloomberg and Nikkei specifically suggesting 4.7- and 5.5-inch sizes. Hajek's design shows the 4.7-inch model, though thinner bezels and reduced casing top and bottom mean that the exterior dimensions don't increase too dramatically.

Three of the images contrast the new concept with the iPhone 5s, shown in the gallery below … 

iPhone-6-concept-iCulture-achterkant iPhone-6-concept-iCulture-detail iPhone-6-concept-iCulture-zijkant

The concept is perhaps a little too thin to be realistic, but the larger dimensions would allow the battery to be longer and wider, and thus thinner, so we can likely expect something between the 7.6mm depth of the iPhone 5s and the 5.5mm depth depicted in Hajek's concept.

Check out the rest of the images over at iPhoneclub.

Meantime, Japanese magazine MacFan has posted what it claims are drawings of an iPhone 6c in both 4.7- and 5.7-inch sizes.


The claim doesn't appear to make a great deal of sense, suggesting that the larger of the two 6c models would be bigger than the larger flagship model, and that the 6c would get Touch ID but not the dual-flash camera, which seems a little random. It's also not entirely certain that Apple will continue with the Xs/Xc model approach after sales of the 5c appear to have been lower than expected.

Filed under: AAPL Company, iOS Devices Tagged: Apple, Hajek, iPhone, iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6c, IPod Nano, IPod Touch, Martin Hajek

Check out 9to5Mac for more breaking coverage of AAPL Company, iOS Devices, and Apple.

What do you think? Discuss "This week's iPhone 6 concepts seemingly inspired by iPod Nanos" with our community.


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為 Android 裝置而設的 Jolla Sailfish OS 已可在 Nexus 4 上安裝了 [feedly]


為 Android 裝置而設的 Jolla Sailfish OS 已可在 Nexus 4 上安裝了
// Engadget 中文版

Jolla 剛剛向 Sailfish OS 早期用戶發出邀請,指出他們為 Android 裝置而設的 Sailfish OS 已經推出,並由 Nexus 4 首先享用。雖前早前已經有人成功將 Sailfish OS 安裝到 Nexus 4 等 Android 裝置上,但這次是由官方親自提供方法,成功率理應較高。用戶需要首先在 Nexus 4 上安裝 CyanogenMod 10.1.3,然後才可以安裝代號為「Mako」的 Sailfish OS ROM,後者的容量為 354MB。如果大家想為自己的 Nexus 4 換新裝的話,可以點擊引用來源看看詳細步驟。

引用來源:The Jolla Blog


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Philips 推出了一個不用接電的網絡燈開關,以及白光版 Lux 燈泡 [feedly]


Philips 推出了一個不用接電的網絡燈開關,以及白光版 Lux 燈泡
// Engadget 中文版

Philips 剛剛推出了一個有趣的網絡燈開關,最強之處不是因為它可以連上網絡,而是因為它並不需要連接著電源已經可以運作了。Philips 的解釋就是用戶每次按開關鍵的時候,所產生的動能就已經為其提供足夠的電力了。而它上面雖然只有三個圓形按鍵,但只有一點那個都是開關來的。它將會在今年稍後的時間以 US$60(約 HK$465 / NT$1,830)之價上市。

另外,Philips 也同場推出了一款新的 Lux 燈泡,「特點」就是只會產生白光,但據報很亮眼的。它的價格為 US$40(約 HK$310 / NT$1,220 -- 多色版為 US$60),另有價值 US$100 的套裝,內含兩個白光 Lux 燈泡以及一個燈座;將會在夏季之後在歐洲和北美兩地上市。



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Shazam's latest update increases speed and battery life while improving sharing options [feedly]


Shazam's latest update increases speed and battery life while improving sharing options
// (TUAW)

For music lovers on the go, Shazam is an invaluable discovery tool. With the simple press of a button, the app tells you the name and artist of any song currently playing around you. Today Shazam released a new update that throws a fresh coat of...

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Review: Dragon Dictate 4.0 for Mac – The best speech recognition app gets even better [feedly]


Review: Dragon Dictate 4.0 for Mac – The best speech recognition app gets even better
// 9 to 5 Mac


Using our voice to control computers has never really taken off. For many of us, using voice recognition technology wasn't even a consideration until features like dictation and Siri arrived on our iPhones and iPads. There's good reason too: the voice recognition features built into our devices have always had the reputation of being half-baked. They simply aren't accurate and consistent enough to replace our tried and trusted mouse and keyboard or touchscreen. While half decent dictation features come with every Mac (and are powered by Nuance's technology), the voice recognition features you get with latest version of Nuance's Dragon Dictate for Mac go well beyond simply dictating speech to text. 

When people think Nuance and Dragon Dictate they typically think speech to text dictation features. After reading a bit of text and walking through a brief tutorial (about 10 minutes total), the app is remarkably accurate at understanding your voice and dictating speech consistently. If you haven't tried full-blown dictation software like Dragon in recent years like myself, you'll truly be amazed at how precise the program is at dictating error-free text as you speak naturally. There's no need to speak slowly and carefully to make sure every word is recognized, and there's no waiting around for the software to catch up to what you're saying.

Dragon-Dictate-4-02So will I be writing my articles for 9to5Mac by simply speaking and having Dragon dictate from now on? Nope. Dragon Dictate won't let you plow through a 5000 word piece nearly as quick as you'd type it, mainly because learning the commands necessary for formatting and corrections is like learning a new language. Basic commands seem easy enough to remember while dictating— Caps on, close quote, comma, 'apostrophe ess', insert, correct, new line— but in practice having to speak commands to properly format a sentence as you dictate takes away from the freedom of being able to capture your thoughts as you speak freely. I personally found the software much more useful for composing short snippets of text that typically don't require much formatting or a deep train of thought that might be interrupted by formatting commands, like emails, Tweets, reminders, lists, and brainstorming sessions.

Of course, that process becomes much easier as you memorize and become more comfortable with the commands. While for me it won't be replacing my keyboard on a daily basis for writing, that doesn't mean with a little practice dictation in Dragon Dictate 4.0 can't be a powerful alternative if necessary. Dragon Dictate has long been a popular product among those with medical conditions like arthritis that limit the ability to type comfortably or at all.

Admittedly your mileage with accuracy might vary depending on your accent (I was using the U.S. setting since there is no Canadian accent preference), but there are also region settings for the UK, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada and India, as well as accent preferences for American, American- Inland Northern, American- Southern, American- Teens, Australian, British, Indian, Latino, and Southeast Asian.

For me, the real standout feature of Dragon Dictate 4.0 is the ability to control applications on your Mac using only your voice. Dragon Dictate comes with a number of built-in commands that allow you to control functions across apps like Finder, Mail, Messages, Notes and Safari, as well as commands for composing email or sharing status updates to Facebook and Twitter. It also has a powerful built-in command editor that lets you setup your own voice commands for just about anything you can think of. Launch, quit, or hide applications, search the web, open a file or folder, or create a new reminder using only your voice. I set up commands for opening new tabs and navigating to specific tabs in Chrome, switching between or launching my commonly used full-screen apps by simply saying the app's name, initiating playback in Logic Pro, as well as opening files and folders in Finder. The command editor is easy enough for anyone to setup commands for opening apps, bookmarks, files and folders, menu items, and any keystroke either system wide or within an app, but also has the ability to use AppleScript, Automator workflow, Shell script, and text macro for more complex voice commands. Once you get used to speaking to your Mac and asking it to do things, you'll wonder why you always haven't been searching the web, navigating Gmail, and launching and switching between apps and folders with your voice.

What's new in 4.0: 

Dragon-Dictate-4.0For those that have used previous versions of the software, the upgrade to Dragon Dictate 4.0 has a lot to offer on top of an overall bump in speed and accuracy. It includes the ability to transcribe from various audio formats like mp3, air, or wav files, a feature that previously required a separate $149 purchase of Nuance's MacSpeech Scribe software. Once you select an audio file to be transcribed, Dragon Dictate immediately starts transcribing around 60 seconds of the file as best it can without any training— the accuracy of the initial text will depend a lot on the quality of the recording. After correcting or approving the 60 seconds worth of text it transcribes (I usually found a correction or two to be made every other line), the software takes a few minutes to create a profile for the audio and train itself to accurately transcribe the rest of the file. It's not perfect, the final transcription typically had a number of errors to correct unless the audio source was the cleanest, professional voice recording imaginable with no background noise. The transcription also comes out as one big blob of text with no concern for punctuation or grammar. Don't expect a finished product quality transcription, but since it can transcribe the text in only a fraction of the actual length of the audio and pretty accurately, it will certainly trim a lot of time off transcriptions of long audio files.

The new version also packs in a long list of commands specifically for controlling Gmail in Safari and Firefox with your voice, as well as some nice enhancements for dictating into Pages.

The biggest issue I ran into with Dragon Dictate 4.0 was background noise getting picked up. There are commands to mute the mic, put it to sleep, or have it auto sleep, but that doesn't do much to combat background noise when you have the mic on while dictating commands. On a few occasions background noise from either my devices, pets or the street would launch apps unexpectedly or begin dictating text when I wasn't speaking. This was mostly an issue when using my Macbook's built in mic and of course wouldn't be a concern in a perfectly quiet room. It's also partly your Mac's fault; using a standalone vocal mic positioned properly, a headset, or the Dragon Remote app that turns your iPhone into a mic for your Mac will minimize these issues.

Is it worth the cost? 

Dictation might not be faster than typing, but that's not the point. The ability to transcribe voice memos and other audio files you've recorded on the go and control anything on your Mac with your voice would make Dragon Dictate an excellent value even without everything else it offers. And for those that for some reason can't type or just don't want to, the dictation features are worth every penny if Apple's built-in features simply aren't enough.

Dragon Dictate for Mac 4 usually sells for $199.99 but is currently on sale for $179. An upgrade from previous versions of Dictate is available for $149.


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New iPhones Being Released This September [Report] [feedly]


New iPhones Being Released This September [Report]
// Ubergizmo

New iPhones Being Released This September [Report]

Another day, another report about Apple's 2014 iPhone plans. So far the company hasn't said exactly when its new smartphones are going to be unveiled, and if its going to launch two this year as well. We only have rumors to go on at this point in time. Today, Nikkei reports that Apple may release its new iPhones as early as September. Once again, two larger screen sizes are rumored.


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  • New iPhones Being Released This September [Report] original content from Ubergizmo.


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    Acer Iconia One 7 Primed For A Release [feedly]


    Acer Iconia One 7 Primed For A Release
    // Ubergizmo

    Acer Iconia One 7 Primed For A ReleaseAndroid-powered tablets are dime a dozen in the market these days, and there should be a model to suit just about every single need and taste. The thing is, which particular model should you decide to purchase when the time comes? Acer has not exactly been a huge player in this department, but their entry level model has been a decent performer. The $130 Iconia B1-720 was in January earlier this year, and there is a new Acer Iconia One 7 model that is well on its way after passing the rigors of the FCC this week.


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    Roku CEO Calls The Apple TV A “Money Loser” For Apple [feedly]


    Roku CEO Calls The Apple TV A "Money Loser" For Apple
    // Ubergizmo

    Roku CEO Calls The Apple TV A Money Loser For AppleWe guess it could be safe to say that Roku sees the Apple TV as a competitor. After all both devices allow users to hook up to the television and watch video content, and it seems that Roku is not mincing words when they recently called the Apple TV a money loser, and even went as far as calling it as an accessory for the iPad.

    Speaking at Re/Code's Code/Media conference, Roku's CEO and founder, Anthony Wood, was quoted as saying, "Apple TV is essentially an accessory for the iPad. They lose money, which is unusual for Apple. If you're losing money, why would you want to sell more?" This seems to go against Tim Cook's recent statement in which he claimed that the Apple TV could no longer be considered a hobby. (more…)

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  • Roku CEO Calls The Apple TV A "Money Loser" For Apple original content from Ubergizmo.


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    Sony’s CP-W5 Wireless Charger Also Comes With A 5,000mAh Battery [feedly]


    Sony's CP-W5 Wireless Charger Also Comes With A 5,000mAh Battery
    // Ubergizmo

    Sonys CP W5 Wireless Charger Also Comes With A 5,000mAh BatteryWireless chargers are something of a novelty since they're not really wireless as for the most part, they require to be tethered to a power source in order to provide enough juice to charge your device. However Sony is hoping to change that with the CP-W5, a portable wireless charger that should work with Qi-compatible devices.

    What makes this device particularly interesting is the fact that it comes with a 5,000mAh battery built into it. This means that you won't have to plug it into a power outlet if you wish to juice your phone or tablet while on the go. It also helps to eliminate the need for extra cables which you could lose or forget to bring with you. (more…)

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  • Sony's CP-W5 Wireless Charger Also Comes With A 5,000mAh Battery original content from Ubergizmo.


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    The iMacompanion Adds A USB Port To The Front Of iMacs [feedly]


    The iMacompanion Adds A USB Port To The Front Of iMacs
    // Ubergizmo

    The iMacompanion Adds A USB Port To The Front Of iMacsIf there is one thing that Apple has done right with the iMac and its Thunderbolt Displays is that they have created very sleek and stylish looking products. How they managed this is by keeping the ports at the back, thus making the interface look very clean.

    However there is a drawback which is that if you wanted to access the USB ports on an iMac, you'd have to reach around. Sometimes the monitor might even be placed in such a way that longer USB sticks might have a hard time fitting. Thankfully there's an answer for that on Kickstarter. (more…)

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  • The iMacompanion Adds A USB Port To The Front Of iMacs original content from Ubergizmo.


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    AC charger and backup battery – two great tastes that taste great together [feedly]


    AC charger and backup battery – two great tastes that taste great together
    // The Gadgeteer


    The Bolt Battery Charger combines the "world's smallest portable iPhone USB wall charger" with a built-in 3000mAh rechargeable battery, so you'll be able to charge your phone whether you're near a power outlet or not.  You won't have to keep up with a special cable to recharge your backup battery, because the Bolt has prongs that fold down until you need them.  It's only 2.75″ x 1.33″ x 1.10″, but it packs enough reserve power to recharge a phone twice.  It charges its own battery as it charges up your phone, so you'll always have backup power even for your longest days.  It's $59.99 at REIGN|23.

    Filed in categories: Cables, Batteries and Chargers, News

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    AC charger and backup battery – two great tastes that taste great together originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on March 28, 2014 at 9:00 am.


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    Apple patent for fingerprint-resistant coating adds more proof sapphire displays are coming soon [feedly]


    Apple patent for fingerprint-resistant coating adds more proof sapphire displays are coming soon
    // 9 to 5 Mac


    A new Apple patent application filed last year and published by the United States Patent & Trademark Office today adds more proof that Apple is preparing to use sapphire displays in upcoming devices (via AI). There has been no shortage of proof that Apple is preparing to do something— most likely next-generation iPhone screens— with the large Sapphire plant it recently picked up in Arizona. We already know that the sapphire material could make iPhone displays, for example, stronger and more scratch resistant, but today's patent details a method Apple will use to also make sure the sapphire repels fingerprints as well or better than the glass used on previous generation iPhones.

    The patent details various methods of applying an oleophobic coating on sapphire material, "particularly where information is also displayed on the touch-sensitive surface (e.g., on a touch-sensitive display)." There's also mentions of using a hydrophobic coating for waterproofing properties in the patent. While Apple's patent shows the method of application of these coatings has to change when applied to sapphire, Apple has long used both oleophobic and hydrophobic coatings on its touch displays.

    Analyst Matt Margolis pointed out some details on the new process of applying the coatings to sapphire as described in the patent:

    What is interesting is that this patent allows for the oleophobic coating to be applied to a brick of sapphire and not having to apply it to each cut screen individually i.e. the patent allows for batch processing. The process used to coat sapphire screens is different from traditional glass screens. The patent mentions PVD and sintering as options. Apple and GT may be leveraging GT's SPS technology for sintering to get this job done in the most efficient way possible Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)

    The patent is rather new having been first filed in September of last year, but it's worth keeping in mind that Apple already uses sapphire on the iPhone camera lens and home button, both components that would typically get oleophobic and hydrophobic coatings. The patent does, however, seem to hint at using the coatings on larger touchscreen-sized areas.

    Apple and its partners have already revealed that a new manufacturing facility in Mesa, Arizona will go towards producing sapphire. In February, we reported that Apple and its partners at the new plant had procured enough sapphire crystal furnaces to make approximately 100-200M 5-inch iPhone displays.

    Filed under: iOS

    For more information about iOS continue reading at 9to5Mac.

    What do you think? Discuss "Apple patent for fingerprint-resistant coating adds more proof sapphire displays are coming soon" with our community.


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    Survey: 33% of iPhone owners would shell out $300 on contract for a bigger iPhone 6 [feedly]


    Survey: 33% of iPhone owners would shell out $300 on contract for a bigger iPhone 6
    // BGR

    iPhone 6 Specs Price

    Tim Cook's eyes might turn into big fat dollar signs once he sees new survey data published by Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt. Per Barron's, a new Raymond James survey conducted with the help of Surveymonkey has found that one-third of American iPhone owners would be willing to pay an extra $100 for an iPhone 6 if it had a bigger display than the iPhone 5s. This means that fully 33% of U.S. iPhone owners might be willing to pay $300 with a two-year contract to get an iPhone 6 if it has a display of between 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches. And considering that Raymond James' latest survey found that 52.3% of all American smartphone owners use the iPhone, it looks like Apple could make a huge chunk of cash if it decided to make customers fork over more money for a bigger device.


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    Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark II 動手玩,表現比之前進步不少(影片) [feedly]


    Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark II 動手玩,表現比之前進步不少(影片)
    // Engadget 中文版

    不知不覺,原來 Canon 的 1.5 吋感光元件相機 PowerShot G1 X 已經推出了兩年。雖然我們在評測中對其評價只是一般,但廠方並沒有放棄,並在本年的 CP+ 中為我們帶來了其後繼機種 PowerShot G1 X Mark II。規格上,其使用 1.5 吋 1,310 萬像素 CMOS 感光元件、等效 24 - 120mm f/2.0 - 3.9 的鏡頭、Wi-Fi、NFC 以及可以作 180 度反轉的 3 吋 104 萬像素觸控式螢幕等等。至於定價達 HK$6,480(約 NT$25,500)的它,相較上代又有多大進步?讓我們在跳轉後的動手玩感想和影片和大家說明。

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    兩顆鏡頭的 Canon PowerShot N100 香港動手玩(影片) [feedly]


    兩顆鏡頭的 Canon PowerShot N100 香港動手玩(影片)
    // Engadget 中文版

    在我們知道 Canon 為去年那部可愛的(偏向)正方形相機 PowerShot N 推出外形較傳統的後繼機時,曾經感到莫名的失落,不過在今天動手玩過這部 PowerShot N100 後,便開始對它改觀了。分別有黑白兩款機身設計的 N100 主要規格包括 1/1.7 吋 1,210 萬像素高感光度 CMOS 感光元件、等效焦距 24-120mm 最大光圈 f/1.8 鏡頭、3 吋 92.2 萬點 90 度翻轉觸控螢幕、DIGIC 6 數碼影像處理器、1,920 x 1,080 / 30 fps 全高清影片攝錄、NFC 及 Wi-Fi 無線傳送功能等,重點是 25mm 廣角的後置鏡頭,動手玩後感就請繼續閱讀了。

    繼續閱讀全文兩顆鏡頭的 Canon PowerShot N100 香港動手玩(影片)


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    Microsoft announces new Office for iPad apps including Word, PowerPoint, & Excel [feedly]


    Microsoft announces new Office for iPad apps including Word, PowerPoint, & Excel
    // 9 to 5 Mac


    Microsoft's Office suite of productivity apps has long been rumored to be in development for the iPad shortly after the tablet's debut in 2010. Most notably was The Daily (now defunct) reporting it had knowledge (and screenshots) of Microsoft's software for Apple's mobile platform in 2011, something Microsoft was quick to deny was legitimate. Three years and one CEO later, Microsoft is finally ready to play nice with the iPad.

    Satya Nadella, Microsoft's new CEO following Steve Ballmer's retirement earlier this year, outlined Microsoft's new cloud and mobile strategy for the company today including full Office for iPad support. Unlike the Office 365 app Microsoft introduced early last year, Microsoft's new apps today include individual apps for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.

    Microsoft's Office suite of apps will each be available as a free download, but will require an Office 365 subscription (which offers a 30-day trial) to create and edit documents. Users can still read and present documents with Office for iPad without a subscription. Office documents will rely on Microsoft's OneDrive service for syncing content.

    WordPowerPoint, and Excel are now available on the App Store.

    "Microsoft is focused on delivering the cloud for everyone, on every device. It's a unique approach that centers on people — enabling the devices you love, work with the services you love, and in a way that works for IT and developers," said Satya Nadella, chief executive officer for Microsoft.

    Microsoft debuted its Office for iPhone software last June for Office 365 subscribers and today updated it to version 1.1 saying it's now "free for home use."

    Apple made changes to its iWork suite of productivity apps last fall including making the software available for free with purchases of new devices. Microsoft has previously ran a number of ads comparing its mobile hardware against the iPad using the lack of Office on Apple's platform as a point of contrast.

    Earlier this month, reports surfaced that Microsoft is slated to release an update to its Office software for Mac later in the year. Microsoft also debuted its OneNote app for Mac earlier this month and currently have three apps in the top 20 free Mac App list.

    ExcelforiPad_Web WordforiPad_landscap_Web PowerPointforiPad_Web Office-iPad-01 Office-iPad-02 Office-iPad-03 Office-iPad-04 Office-iPad-excel-01 Office-iPad-excel-03 Office-iPad-PP-01 Office-iPad-PP-02 Office-iPad-PP-03


    Filed under: AAPL Company Tagged: iPad, iWork, Microsoft, Office, Satya Nadella, Steve Ballmer

    For more news on AAPL Company, iPad, and Microsoft continue reading at 9to5Mac.

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