
First Apple Store opens to public in Turkey [feedly]


First Apple Store opens to public in Turkey
// 9 to 5 Mac

After a long build up, Apple's first Eastern Europe/Asia Minor store opened up today in Istanbul at the Zorlu Center. As some other flagship stores, it is mostly subterranean with a glass upward protrusion. This one is 4 large panes of glass covered by a white roof with darker Apple logo surrounded by a fountain as pictured below.

zorlu_center_first_view_big Image via iFoAppleStore

Apple yesterday held a press event attended by one of the Apple Store leads Steve Cano. Tim Cook took to Twitter to announce the opening in Turkish:

[twitter https://twitter.com/tim_cook/status/452417592544608256]

More images and videos below:


Istanbul Zorlu T-shirt. They are made from American Apparel. @9to5mac @verge @MacRumors http://t.co/UTyXwsbT02
Kerem Sayin (@kerem_sayin) April 05, 2014

Apple Istanbul Grand Opening … @9to5mac http://t.co/zLoU0XEBMI
Bora ŞAHİNOĞLU (@borasahinoglu) April 05, 2014

Geniuses coming in! #AppleStoreIstanbul +@9to5mac http://t.co/8ro0H3vUbF
Mert Dümenci (@mertdumenci) April 05, 2014

The Grand Opening #AppleStore @verge @9to5mac @MacRumors http://t.co/lCov5Mk9gU
Kerem Sayin (@kerem_sayin) April 05, 2014

40.714513 -74.005122

For more information about AAPL Company continue reading at 9to5Mac.

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