
30-second smartphone charge demonstrated using biological semiconductors [feedly]


30-second smartphone charge demonstrated using biological semiconductors
// 9 to 5 Mac

I'd find this video hard to believe were it not for its credentials. The WSJ reports that StoreDot, the start-up behind the technology, has its background in the Nanotechnology department of Tel Aviv University, and it's been demonstrated at Microsoft's Think Next conference.

Ultra-fast battery charging has been seen before, but using special (and not very portable) battery technology. This system charges standard cellphone batteries. It's demonstrated here with a Samsung Galaxy S4, but the company says that it plans to make versions for other phones, which will could certainly include the iPhone … 

StoreDot claims the commercial version of the charger will only cost around twice as much as today's chargers. However, it seems the company still has some work to do to turn it into a commercial product: production isn't expected to begin until late 2016.

The same technology could presumably be used to provide ultra-fast charging of iPads and MacBooks too. If a phone can be recharged in 30 seconds, perhaps a MacBook could be charged within five minutes or so?

If so, the most exciting thing about this is the possibility it creates for liberating MacBooks from power cables: forget about keeping them plugged in during use, just use them until the battery runs low then recharge them while you make a cup of coffee.

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