Samsung on Wednesday revealed the long-awaited Galaxy Note 3, and while many of the details were already known, it still managed to pack in a surprise or two. The Galaxy Note 3 is Samsung's thinnest, lightest "phablet" yet, with a faux-leather back cover and a redesigned S Pen.
The Galaxy Note 3 has a 5.7-inch, 1080p display, up from 5.5 inches on the Galaxy Note 2. And despite the larger screen, Samsung has actually managed to maintain the same width of the Galaxy Note 2, while making it lighter and thinner. The Note 3 measures just 0.32 inches thick and weighs 5.9 ounces, which is actually the same weight as the 5-inch Sony Xperia Z1.
Despite the reduced footprint, Samsung has managed to pack more power into the Note than ever before. The phone is powered by a quad-core 2.3GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor and features a whopping 3GB or RAM. It also packs in 13-megapixel camera and a 3,200mAh battery. The phone will come in 32GB and 64GB versions, along with a microSD card slot for expanded storage.
One of the most interesting changes is the Note's new, faux-leather design. With the stitched, patterned leather-like back panel, this is a big step away from Samsung's traditional plastic finishing. And the S Pen has seen a lot of improvement, most notably the ability to click it and initiate Air Command, which brings up five different available functions.
Samsung has also included its Knox mobile security feature, which uses partitioned software to increase consumer and enterprise security.
Samsung is planning to launch the Note 3 in 149 countries on September 25, and worldwide in October. In the U.S. the phone will be available on AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon and U.S. Cellular. Pricing has not yet been announced.
And if that weren't enough, Samsung also introduced the Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 edition. It too offers improved S Pen functionality, Samsung Knox, and a leather-style rear casing. It also features a 1.9GHz octa-core processor, a gigantic 8220mAh battery, and a Flipboard-style Magazine user interface. Pricing and availability for the new Galaxy Note 10.1 have not yet been announced.
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