
Apple Sells 37.4M iPhones And 19.5M iPads In Q2, Tablet Business Shows 65% YOY Growth [feedly]

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Apple Sells 37.4M iPhones And 19.5M iPads In Q2, Tablet Business Shows 65% YOY Growth

Apple has just released its Q2 2013 earnings report, announcing sales of 37.4 million iPhones in the quarter ending March. Apple also reported 19.5 million iPad units sold, which shows incredibly strong growth for Apple's tablet business.

This is a slight decrease from last quarter, which included a holiday sales spike and being the first full quarter in which the iPhone 5 was available.

In terms of iPhones, this quarter's 37.4 million represents 7 percent YOY growth; however it's down 22 percent from last quarter. Where iPads are concerned, we're seeing an 18 percent decline from last quarter, yet the segment remains strong. It's grown 65 percent from last year's 11.8 million from the same quarter.

Moreover, this is the iPad's second-best quarter ever, losing out only to last quarter. It's also the best non-holiday quarter the iPad has ever seen.

The iPhone numbers here aren't all that surprising. Tim Cook has said before (and Steve Jobs before him) that expectations for the next-gen iPhone always tend to slow sales of the current model ahead of launch. Since we expect to see the next iPhone in June, it would make sense for sales to slow a bit.

Last quarter, Apple sold a whopping 47.8 million iPhones and 22.9 million iPads, both of which broke previous records. In other words, this latest report shows continued growth for the iDevice segment.

Apple doesn't break out specific device numbers, so it's hard to tell which models perform best. However, it seems that the introduction of the iPad mini has most certainly boosted sales for Apple's tablet division, as many have been holding out for a smaller tablet from Apple since the iPad first launched.
