
Toyota Trademarks Names for New In-Car Tech

Toyota Trademarks Names for New In-Car Tech

To keep up with the upswing of technology coming into modern cars, Toyota has trademarked the names 'Intellitouch' and 'EBIN,' which will adorn upcoming components in the Japanese automakers cars.

Intellitouch, according to the trademark filing, refers to, "electronic touch sensitive controllers, sold as an integral part of motor vehicles; electronic touch sensitive panels, sold as an integral of motor vehicles." This could possibly refer to a touchscreen system, but is more likely to be talking about touch sensitive material that can be used on the steering wheel or dashboard. Much like Ford did with MyFordTouch, Toyota is likely looking to get away from the classic knobs and replace them with materials that can control media or climate parameters with the slide of a finger.

EBIN is the second name trademarked by Toyota, and is described as, "storage containers for handheld electronic devices, sold as an integral part of motor vehicles; storage containers with built in inductive battery charges for handheld electronic devices, sold as an integral part of motor vehicles." Much like the system in the Dodge Dart, the Toyota EBIN will allow you to place your cell phone in a specified area, where it will be charged by a wireless connection.

Original Page: http://www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2012/07/toyota-trademarks-names-for-new-in-car-tech.html

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Derik Chan
