Canon's Next Full Frame Camera [CR2]
Fall 2012
Once again, we hear about a new "entry level" full frame camera being added to the Canon lineup in the fall. The specs for the camera have been quite broad, which is normal when there are various prototypes out and about. Below are the most talked about specifications, and probably the closest to the actual camera.
- 22mp (Same sensor as 5D3)
- 19 AF Points
- 4fps
- ISO 100-51200
- 3″ LCD
- Smaller than the 5D Mark II
- More Plastic than metal in the construction
- Pop-Up Flash (On at least one prototype)
- $1999 USD at launch
- Launched with a new non-L full frame kit lens (Undisclosed what the lens is)
- Compatible with full frame STM lenses
Lots more to come on this topic.
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