
DORA CD-Player \ Jeong Yong

DORA CD-Player \ Jeong Yong

Designed by Jeong Yong, DORA is a CD player that rotates on 23.4 degree slanted axis like a globe. The front body has a speaker and the back side has a part to insert a CD. It can be used by a remote control. It has a composition of simple designs, such as a cylinder shape body, a triangular pyramid and a rectangular remote control.

+ Designer: Jeong Yong

DORA CD Player Jeong Yong1 600x654 DORA CD Player \ Jeong Yong

DORA CD-Player, image courtesy Jeong Yong

DORA CD Player Jeong Yong2 600x387 DORA CD Player \ Jeong Yong

DORA CD-Player, image courtesy Jeong Yong

DORA CD Player Jeong Yong3 600x400 DORA CD Player \ Jeong Yong

DORA CD-Player, image courtesy Jeong Yong

DORA CD Player Jeong Yong4 600x423 DORA CD Player \ Jeong Yong

DORA CD-Player, image courtesy Jeong Yong

DORA CD Player Jeong Yong5 600x423 DORA CD Player \ Jeong Yong

DORA CD-Player, image courtesy Jeong Yong

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Derik Chan
