Canon EF 24 f/2.8 IS & EF 28 f/2.8 IS Available for Preorder
June 17, 2012?
According to B&H, for the moment Canon is holding to the arrival of June 17, 2012 for the new Canon EF 24 f/2.8 IS & EF 28 f/2.8 IS lenses. They are both now available for preorder.
Canon EF 24 f/2.8 IS at B&H for $849.95
Canon EF 28 f/2.8 IS at B&H for $799.95
I played around with the 24 f/2.8 IS for a bit and liked it at first glance, I haven't touched the 28 f/2.8 IS as of yet.
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