AND-RÉ Wins Iberian Urban Equipment Design Prize
After winning the award in 2011, with "Verso" lighting system in the lighting design category, the office now wins, for the second consecutive year, the Iberian Urban Equipment Prize – Larus /Architectures, this year in the category of urban furniture with "PACMAN", a pioneering design that is changing the mindset of citizens in their relation with recycling.
The Award, that aims to publicly recognize the best projects and pieces of urban infrastructure developed over the past five years, is organized by the Journal Architectures in partnership with Larus – Urban Design, with institutional support from the Portuguese Design Centre and DIMAD – Designers Association of Madrid.
The jury was composed of:
- Francisco Providência – Designer.
- Guta Moura Guedes – Director, Experimenta Design.
- Gloria Escribano – General Coordinator, Ibero American Biennial of Design (BID).
- Henry Cayatte – President, Portuguese Center of Design (CPD).
- Peter Feduchi – Vice – President, Asociación Diseñadores Madrid (Dimad).
- Leonor Cheis – Landscape Architect, NPK.
- Victor Vajão – President of the Board, Center for Portuguese Illumination (CIE).
PACMAN is a pioneering project of recycling bins design, which after three years of research and development saw the beginning of a large-scale implementation in Vilamoura / Portugal in 2011.
The design is changing the mindset of citizens in their relation with recycling, with increasing success since the start of installation.
The concept comes out from intense research, that nurtured the development strategy of the design. For the object to be fully successful we needed to go beyond the standard achievement of objective, functional, formal or plastic aspects. We needed an identity of immaterial civic dimension, fulfilling a role of social intervention.
It became therefore necessary to create non-anonymous objects, admittedly present in the urban context, characterized by a positive identity, calling for a plural and democratic use.
The attitude is educational, directing the user's mindset, touching him in the sense of ecological esponsibility. This was achieved through a characteristic seductive language, through the use of color and form. The objective was fully achieved and proven by the massive use of the object. The negative common perception of garbage bins was forgotten by the change of the status of the object itself. We observed children asking parents to put the garbage in the right place or funny scenes with families and tourists taking pictures next to bins, like an attraction. The objects are now characteristic elements, part of an urban identity conscience.
It was possible to achieve an approach that considers design as an essential mean of interaction before the contemporary context of urban anonymity. The result are objects that cause reactions, emotions and sensations, provocative pieces that explore the limits of sensory use, as an escape from monotony.
The developed line of objects, assumes an external similar identity, differentiated by the color – distinguishing the type of waste – and by the mechanism inside. The various types of the internal mechanism, made of high resistance stainless steel, meet the objective of avoiding actual contact with dirty surfaces and limit the visual and olfactory contact with the waste. The systems for organic waste and metal use a container (a drum with rotary counterweight axis) associated with the movement of the lid. Glass and paper systems use a fixed conduit, regardless of movement of the lid. It was predicted, in addition to the manual opening of the access cover waste disposal, a pedal that free the hands and avoids contact with the object.
The outer material is made of composite fiber, giving the object ideal resistance for harsh conditions, also providing an excellent response to acid waste liquids. The design is an innovative response to the ecological waste separation problematic, not only by the mechanical, functional and plastic aspects, but by the provoked mental perception and reinterpretation, resulting in mindset chance of users directly translated in social awareness.
He woke up in a bland day, apparently just the same as others, with the morning sun slowly following the awakening. He came to the street, still slightly disoriented, and there was something different. He felt peculiar presences around Him, but strangely He did not felt threatened.
Already awake, he realized that they had invaded the city. Perfectly round white skin creatures, distinguished from each other by the color of their mouths, were multiplying, rolling down the hills, scattered in groups and joining at strategic points. Then, they opened their blue, yellow, green and black mouths, and began eating all the garbage, in a careful manner, with amazing criteria.
Now he was certain that these little funny soldiers had come in peace. He knew that they wouldn't attack and that they came with the purpose to protect him and his habitat. At this point, one of them came up to him smiling and said "one can resist an invading army, but one cannot resist the invasion of ideas".
Victor Hugo
Scope: urban furniture / recycle bins / commissioned.
Prize: Iberian Urban Equipment Prize – Larus/Arquitecturas 2012.
Status: Implemented.
Location: Vilamoura / Portugal.
Date: 2008/11.
Promoter: Inframoura, em.
Material: Stainless steel structure and composite skin.
Design team: Bruno André, Francisco Salgado Ré.
Mechanical development: Alto.
AND-RÉ is multidisciplinary young Portuguese based office, dedicated to the study, research and practice of architecture, design and art. We approach main issues with fresh spirit, innovative methods and open minded personality. The office has been strengthening its position in the emergent architecture panorama, adopting an active critic posture before established contexts.
Our goal is to pursue and maintain positive differentiated responses, in a time of fast paradigm changes.
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