
Why iOS Apps Look Better Than Android Apps

Why iOS Apps Look Better Than Android Apps

iOS apps like Snapguide, above, are rich with design detail and finesse. Photo: Ariel Zambelich/Wired

You might think app design is app design, whether the software is being developed for iOS or Android. But, in fact, creating highly polished, elegant-looking apps is simply easier to do when developing for iOS. That's the prevailing conventional wisdom among developers who code for both platforms.

Hipmunk UI/UX designer and iOS developer Danilo Campos explains it succinctly: "The very simple short answer is it's easier to make a good-looking, attractive iOS app compared to making an Android app."

Design is built into Apple's DNA. Google's legacy, on the other hand, is search. So it's not too difficult to guess which platform places a higher premium on app U.I. and aesthetics — and which platform makes it easier to create beautiful software.

Now settle down, Android loyalists. Before you get your trousers in a wad, take a look at the factors that contribute to Google's second-class status.

In Hipmunk's iOS app, left, pop-overs have rounded corners, something that's more challenging on Android.

First, there's fragmentation: When coding for iOS, developers deal with a very limited number of screen resolutions and hardware profiles. But when coding for Android, developers have to resolve a virtually limitless set of device parameters.

"Android devices come in different shapes and sizes, different screen resolutions, different device speeds — and that's actually a huge hurdle," Karma app co-founder Lee Linden told Wired. "You need to be testing out something like 20 different phones with different resolutions and different processors, and that definitely makes development slower."

Campos said an accent like a simple one-pixel stroke may look terrific on Android devices with a high resolution, "then we pull out a handful of older devices and it just looks bad." In these situations, the developer has to rethink the design element and account for different cases in the app's code.

Another example: For images, Hipmunk generates its Android assets at three resolutions: 1x for older devices, 2x for high-resolution devices, and an awkward 1.5x resolution for other devices — a necessity to avoid "weird artifacting" as Campos puts it. But some developers may skip this high level of support for outlier devices, leading to blurry, jaggy visuals for an unlucky few.

Indeed, mobile development must move at lightning speed by necessity, and app teams are often small and strapped for cash. If excessive time is spent perfecting a simple design element, it means less time will be devoted to innovating in other ways. As a result, Android app developers often settle on a less detailed aesthetic.

Developer tools and documentation are also less robust in the Android space. While Apple has had 20 years to perfect the art of developer support — refining its approach to SDKs and building well-defined human interface guidelines — Google is essentially starting from scratch with Android.

The upshot is that iOS developers simply have more tools to implement intriguing, unique design. "It feels like you've got more documentation, both officially sanctioned and third-party, so that makes things smoother," Campos said of iOS development. And this isn't the case with Android.

Trulia's iOS app, left, employs tabs to move between Details, Photos and Map -- a feature missing from the Android version on the right.

"One of the hangups [with Android] is so much of the stuff doesn't feel fully documented," Campos said. "Ryan, our Android guy, has to go digging around in the source code to figure out some XML formatting piece that isn't made clear. That's been painful for him."

And some detailed design features are easier to implement in iOS because of the wide variety of APIs and libraries available. "It's harder on Android to do nice design touches such as transitions or rounded corners," Steven Yarger, mobile product manager at Trulia said.

Linden echoed that sentiment: "iOS definitely makes transitions a lot easier. Whether it's U.I. elements fading in and out, or sliding, those things can be used and you have a good sense that it'll consistently look good across iOS devices. On Android, there are different frameworks, but the problem is you dont know what's consistently going to work across devices."

Despite all these Android hurdles, Google seems to be turning the tide in Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich). Google now offers an Android developer Google+ page and Android training classes. And now there's a solid set of design guidelines, which makes it easier to implement platform-consistent design. That said, the fragmentation issue continues to rear its ugly head: Less than 3 percent of Android devices currently run Ice Cream Sandwich.

Karma's iOS app, left, and Android app, right, look very similar, but that's very time consuming to accomplish.

But not everything's rosy in the iOS camp, either. Although iOS makes it easier to implement highly detailed app design, Android offers more freedom with what you can do.

"On Android, you can do whatever you want, if you really want to dig in there to minute details," Yarger said. "With Apple, you're more constrained. But the tradeoff is because you're constrained, you're given tools that make the apps look nicer."

Yarger summed up the general sentiment of the platform app design wars: "If you just want a good-looking app with a single pass, it's easier to design on iOS. Apple just set up their ecosystem to do that."

Original Page: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/04/easier-design-apps-ios/

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15-inch Samsung Series 7 laptops follow big brother across Intel's Ivy Bridge

15-inch Samsung Series 7 laptops follow big brother across Intel's Ivy Bridge

Image15-inch Samsung Series 7 laptops follow big brother across Intel's Ivy Bridge

Intel's bridge is a popular one and, while we don't know just what the toll to cross is, today the gatekeeper has a little extra change jingling in his pocket. Samsung is announcing that its 15-inch Series 7 Chronos laptops now offer Ivy Bridge processors, joining the 17-inch models that have already have made their way across. Thanks to a Samsung Canada leak last week, we knew the slightly more portable flavor wouldn't be far behind. NVIDIA graphics are onboard, joining the Core i7 processors and 1TB hard drives plus other pleasantries like backlit keyboards. No word on when these machines and their "uncompromised performance" will arrive at retail, but we hear getting over that bridge is the tricky part, so it shouldn't be long now.

15-inch Samsung Series 7 laptops follow big brother across Intel's Ivy Bridge originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 30 Apr 2012 07:41:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Article: The Heralder 28 messenger bag by Vanguard – Review

The Heralder 28 messenger bag by Vanguard – Review

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Article: Canon EOS 5D Mark III Review


Derik Chan

[消息] 整合Google搜尋引擎與各種功能的網路硬碟服務「Google Drive」

[消息] 整合Google搜尋引擎與各種功能的網路硬碟服務「Google Drive」

 白蘋果急救室 同文刊登...

最近一兩天似乎是網路硬碟服務的大爆炸期,從Dropbox追加新功能、Microsoft SkyDrive發表Mac/Windows端軟體,到了今天,傳說中的Google版Dropbox──Google Drive終於正式登場了。
Google Drive的基本用法也是與Dropbox相似,只要安裝Mac或是Windows端的軟體,就可以讓電腦硬碟中的Google Drive資料夾與Google的雲端伺服器自動同步。而除了單純儲存、同步檔案之外,Google Drive中也整合了許多Google自家的服務,包含……

  • 與Google Docs連動,可以直接在網頁介面上編輯文書檔,也可以與其他使用者共同編輯。
  • 網頁介面可以預覽各種檔案格式,包含影片檔案、Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator等超過30種以上的檔案格式。(支援Illustrator預覽還蠻少見的)
  • Google Drive中的檔案可以直接插入Gmail,或是共享到Google+。
  • 可經由Chrome瀏覽器的外掛,將網路上的檔案直接保存到Google Drive中。
  • 在Google Drive網頁介面上可以搜尋檔案。檔案搜尋功能與Google搜尋引擎相同,可以使用布林條件搜尋、使用Google Docs的OCR技術搜尋圖片中的文字,以及Google Goggles圖片搜尋技術等等。
Google Drive支援的平台包含Mac、Windows與Android,iOS平台的軟體據說開發完成度以達98%。至於容量方面,Google Drive的免費容量為5GB,至於付費追加容量的價格如下:
  • 25GB / US$2.49
  • 100GB / US$4.99
  • 200GB / US$9.99
  • 400GB / US$19.99
  • 1TB / US$49.99
  • 2TB / US$99.99
  • 4TB / US$199.99
  • 8TB / US$399.99
  • 16TB / US$799.99
與其他網路硬碟的價格相比,Google Drive應該算是蠻便宜的,追加的容量也可以與Picasa網路相簿共用。另外,在Google Drive發表的同時,Gmail的免費容量也順便從7.5GB提高到10GB。
目前Google Drive正陸續開放給所有的使用者使用,就起步來說,Google這次似乎做的很不錯(至少比起Google一票死路邊的社交服務要好)。雖然免費容量只有5GB,不過附加的檔案搜尋功能也許才是Google Drive最大的賣點。至於付費容量方面,價格說實在也不貴,大家不妨可以考慮一下,拿來當成超大的檔案備份服務?
via Google Drive

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OPPO 將推出全球最薄 6.65mm 手機 ?

OPPO 將推出全球最薄 6.65mm 手機 ?

智慧型手機廠家都在爭奪最薄的桂冠,就如同跑車廠商追求百公里加速所用的秒數一樣。根據我們的線人消息,OPPO 正在悄然打造一款厚度只有 6.65mm 的智慧手機,曝光的圖片顯示了這個機型的側邊線條。從圖上可以看到其金屬嵌邊、一個具備防塵蓋的卡槽、有三個金屬接點;這應該是為了降低機身厚度所做的取巧設計,還可以隱約看到螢幕下方的三個電容觸控鍵。目前 OPPO 官方還沒有任何消息回應,包括這款手機的型號,採用的處理器晶片組,所運行的系統版本都是個謎,我們會為大家繼續關注這款機型;因為從 6.65mm 的數字上來看,這算是目前最薄的一款智慧型手機了。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/04/25/oppo-6-65mm-smartphone/

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Apple iOS 設備銷量達 3.65 億,iPad 在教育、政府市場刮起旋風

Apple iOS 設備銷量達 3.65 億,iPad 在教育、政府市場刮起旋風

又到一季財報時,在今天 Apple 的第二季度財報分析會議上,CFO Peter Oppenheimer 驕傲的宣佈目前 iOS 設備的銷量已經達到了 3.65 億,而其中有超過 5,000 萬台是在第二季度中售出的。如今在 100 個國家的 230 家電信商處都可以買到 iPhone,新 iPad 也已經在超過 40 個國家發售。在 iOS 設備銷量猛漲的同時,與之對應的 App Store 也不甘落後,其 app 數量在第二季度超過了 60 萬(包括超過 20 萬款專為 iPad 設計的 app)。在 iOS 設備銷量飆升的過程中,iPad 起到了至關重要的作用。CEO Tim Cook 稱自首款 iPad 產品發表以來所有 iPad 的銷量總額已經達到了 6,700 萬,而 Mac 設備用了 24 個年頭才達到這個數字。另外 Oppenheimer 還表示,iPad 現在越來越受到教育市場的青睞,在這個市場中 iPad 的銷量差不多是 Mac 設備的兩倍。比如說美國聖地牙哥學區在本季度就購入了 10,000 台 iPad,而且他們還計劃在下個季度追加 15,000 台。除了教育市場外,政府市場也開始更多的採用 iPad 來作為工作設備,例如美國空軍已經在使用 iPad 作為飛行嚮導了。想瞭解更多細節的話,這裡有更多 Apple 第二季度財報的相關資訊。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/04/25/365-million-ios-devices-in-play-ipad-taking-off-in-education/

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Derik Chan

[消息] Apple將在總部園區外開設21,500平方英呎的新餐廳,以避免員工

[消息] Apple將在總部園區外開設21,500平方英呎的新餐廳,以避免員工

 白蘋果急救室 同文刊登...

根據The San Jose Mercury News的報導,目前Apple已經被核准在Cupertino市建立一間21,500平方英呎(精確來說其實是21,468平方英呎)的新餐廳。
"We like to provide a level of security so that people and employees can feel comfortable talking about their business, their research and whatever project they're engineering without fear of competition sort of overhearing their conversations. That is a real issue today in Cupertino because we've got other companies here in our same business."
Dan Whisenhunt
Apple's director of real estate facilities
目前在Apple總部園區內已附設了員工餐廳「Caffe Macs」,不過Caffe Macs只要有Apple員工帶領,一般訪客也可以進入用餐。而新的餐廳將僅開放給Apple員工使用,所以大家在未來可能永遠不會看到餐廳內部的半張照片。

View Planned restaurant in a larger map
via Apple gets green light for new 21,468-square-foot cafeteria in Cupertino – San Jose Mercury News

Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=178043

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Canon 2012 年 Q1 純利較去年同期上升 11%,將推出更多高畫質隨身機

Canon 2012 年 Q1 純利較去年同期上升 11%,將推出更多高畫質隨身機

輪到 Canon 公布 2012 年第一季財報了。數據顯示,雖然他們的營收稍微下降,不過純利仍達到 615.4 億日元,約 7.66 億美金,比去年同期的 555 億日元上升了 11%。Canon 的副執行長兼首席財務官 Toshizo Tanaka 表示,隨著 EOS 5D Mark IIIEOS 600DMark II 等型號熱賣,單反相機的銷售量上升了約 30%;而以普通消費者為市場、具有 Wi-Fi 連接能力的初階相機的需求也不錯,讓 Canon 在相機領域的總體銷售量上升了 7%。至於接下來的市場策略方面,他們表示將會推出「照片畫質接近單反」的隨身相機,同時會改進它們的設計和資料傳輸能力。對數據有興趣的話,可以在引用來源找到更多~

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/04/28/canon-q1-2012-earnings/

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Derik Chan

Google Cube -- 一款有關 Google Maps 的遊戲,轉∼轉∼轉∼轉∼轉∼

Google Cube -- 一款有關 Google Maps 的遊戲,轉~轉~轉~轉~轉~

Google 真的常常為我們帶來一些小玩意,繼早兩天在搜尋頁裡注入蟲族之後,今天又帶來一個名為「Cube」的遊戲。這個遊戲其實早在今年一月時已經公佈了,走進頁面之後,第一句話就是說「A game about Google maps」,所以遊戲的圖像自然是取自 Google Maps 的啦~至於玩法方面,其實是非常簡單的,每一關都會轉到 Cube 的另一面,每次都有不同的任務,簡單來就是透過滑鼠移動這個 Cube 來將藍色的球反地心吸力地帶到指定的地方。不過要留意的是似乎這個遊戲頗吃資源的,剛剛用了最基本配置的 2011 年版 13 吋 MacBook Air 來玩了兩關(用 Chrome 玩),之後聽到一點怪聲 -- 原來是散熱風扇全速開動!對散熱風扇全開沒有恐懼的各位,現在就可以到第一個引用來源動手玩了。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/04/28/google-maps-cube-game-rolls-out/

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Steve Wozniak:WP7 很好用,Android 界面不能「相提並論」

Steve Wozniak:WP7 很好用,Android 界面不能「相提並論」

Apple 的其中一位創辦人 Steve Wozniak 早陣子在 Twitter 上表示正在 AT&T 外排隊買 Nokia 最新的 Lumia 900。A New Domain 的主持近來就在一間餐廳中找到他作了一個有關使用 Windows Phone 經驗的訪問。Wozniak 近來隨身帶著四部電話:分別在用 AT&T 和 Verizon 的 iPhone 4S(在一部沒有電時轉用另一部)、Motorola Droid RAZR 和 Lumia 900。他在訪問的初段已經表示「相對於 Android,他絕對較喜歡 Windows Phone 7」(他說錯 Windows 7 phone...)。

在 UI 上,他認為在同一個第三方程式上,WP7 的版本界面其實比 iOS 和 Android 版還要直觀一點,因為 Microsoft 能讓到開發者為平台開發自家一套的界面,在這個領域上 Android 是不能「相提並論」的。他以「比較像一個朋友多過像一件工具」來形容使用 WP7 的經驗。不過他目前的主要手機還是 iPhone 來的,因為始終是 iOS 的生態系統比較大,在這方面 WP7 還是要急起直追一下;仍然帶著 Lumia 900 的原因就是喜歡它的使用者經驗呢。想聽聽完整的訪問的話,可以到引用來源,只是背景大多雜音了,要多加專注去聽。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/04/29/woz-windows-phone-is-beautiful/

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Derik Chan

Rocketfish 推出 Sound Prism 藍牙喇叭,為 Smart Cover 的天作之合

Rocketfish 推出 Sound Prism 藍牙喇叭,為 Smart Cover 的天作之合

Rocketfish 剛剛推出了這款專為 iPad 而設的 Sound Prism 藍牙喇叭。這個由 CRE8 Design Studio 設計的三角柱體喇叭靈感如無意外就是取自捲起了的 Smart Cover,將喇叭放進 Cover 中間的位置就可以帶著它跟 iPad 四處走了。不過可惜的就是它只有一面是能夠發聲的,所以用戶將 iPad 拿起來,Smart Cover 的位置在下面的時候,喇叭的方向也要轉一下。最後,它除了能支援 iPad 之外,也當然能夠跟其他具藍牙的裝置溝通啦。官方價格為 US$79.99(約 HK$620 / NT$2,300)。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/04/29/rocketfish-sound-prism/

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Derik Chan

Fujifilm X-Pro1 mirrorless camera review

Fujifilm X-Pro1 mirrorless camera review

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 mirrorless camera review

Hear any mention of retro-styled cameras with exorbitant price tags and it's hard not to get suspicious. That kind of talk brings to mind Leica's incessant re-branding of Panasonic Lumix models, or those unicorn limited editions out of Japan that just leave us baffled. But it's okay, you can relax with the Fujifilm X-Pro1. At $1,700 for the body only it's crazily expensive, sure, but not when you compare to an $8,000 Leica M9-P. Besides, it's a legitimate heir to a strong line of Fuji shooters that includes the much-loved X100 and the more accessible X10. That's a strong pedigree, and no matter how deeply you peer into its mirrorless aperture, the X-Pro1 should offer up enough technology to stop you being cynical.

Like what, you ask? Well, a genuinely surprising bespoke 16-megapixel APS-C sensor, for starters, plus a hybrid viewfinder designed to keep everyone happy all of the time, and a Fuji X lens mount that already has a Leica M9 adapter available (plus others, like Nikon, if you scan eBay). It all adds up to something special, but before you go tweeting this article to whimsical rich uncles, there are also some complicating factors you ought to be aware of. Even in a utopian paradise where everyone could afford this sip of photographic luxury, it's far from certain whether everyone would choose it over other interchangeable lens cameras. Read on past the break and we'll explain why.

Continue reading Fujifilm X-Pro1 mirrorless camera review

Fujifilm X-Pro1 mirrorless camera review originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Apr 2012 12:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Original Page: http://www.engadget.com/2012/04/27/fujifilm-x-pro1-mirrorless-camera-review/

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Google MapsGL updates 3D buildings, improves virtual tourism

Google MapsGL updates 3D buildings, improves virtual tourism

Google MapsGL update adds parallax perspective, improves virtual tourism

Google's been spending some quality time with its Maps offering of late. Most recently, it overhauled the 3D buildings and landmarks to make them, well, better. This time, its Maps' juiced up sibling MapsGL that's been feeling the paternal love. The WebGL-based 3D renderings have been the same treatment, making your virtual aerial tours all the more realistic. Now, as you glide over the landscape, your view of the buildings is much more like real life. Or you could just take the lazy tourism one step further. Hit the source for examples.

Google MapsGL updates 3D buildings, improves virtual tourism originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 27 Apr 2012 15:51:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Original Page: http://www.engadget.com/2012/04/27/google-mapsgl-update-adds-parallax-perspective/

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Apple’s inevitable path to a post-PC era

Apple's inevitable path to a post-PC era

There is definitely some sort of Zen that makes Apple, well, Apple. Taking something obvious, and making it somehow better, somehow cooler, somehow new. How do they do it? By observing how consumers interact with technology and experimenting ad nauseum internally, until they get it exactly the way they want it. This includes abandoning the past if it no longer makes any sense. So when Apple's own Tim Cook declares that merging a refrigerator and a toaster is not good for the consumer, he may just have a point.

But as forward-thinking as the company is, perhaps Apple hasn't created a new path at all. Through a technique of observe, perfect and discard, Apple has been heading for some time now in one direction — along the pre-defined path into the era of ubiquitous computing.

Ubiquitous computing defined

In some ways, this path is as logical as Moore's Law. Look at the history of computing — from the mainframe era where there was one computer for many consumers, to the personal computing era where there was one computer for each consumer, to this new era where there are many computers for each consumer – and compare of the number of computer chips to the number of consumers using those chips. At its foundation, ubiquitous computing could be summed up by this simple principle of ratios.

The modern concept of ubiquitous computing originally came from Mark Weiser in 1988 from the Computer Science Lab at Xerox PARC (sound familiar?). The theory proposed a seamless, almost invisible connection between consumers and computers that would help drive a change in ratios from one computer to many people, to many computers to one person.

Three Human to Computer Ratios

Apple's tabs, pads and boards

Even considering the most radical interpretation of ubiquitous computing dust, the main point has remained the same. We will soon be overrun by computer chips. There are, however, three very distinct platforms in this well-defined post-PC era that we have all become accustomed to. Not unlike the three platforms we see evolving within the iOS platform today:

Gesturing tabs: Mobile technology already had small chips, powerful batteries, geolocation services and wireless networking. But that was not enough to win over the masses and drive us all to purchase multiple computing devices. It was the way consumers interacted with these smaller devices that needed to change. For a long time, it was thought that voice recognition was going to propel us into the next era of computing, but that never happened.

Leveraging the fact that there were approximately 100 million iPod users, Apple was able to use convergence to its advantage as it introduced these iPod users to a series of simple touch-based gestures on a nearly buttonless device. In the early years of the iPod, we all were trained on the scroll wheel. With touch-based gestures on a wide open screen, this paradigm was taken one step further. Just as the mouse accompanied the transition from the terminal-based Mainframe Era to PC era, the post-PC era was ushered in by a new way of interacting with other computer chips, touch.

Multi Touch Gestures

Revolutionary pads: As soon as people became familiar with this new way of interacting with computers, it was time to challenge the personal computer paradigm directly. Netbooks attempted to continue the personal relationship with consumers by maintaining the 1:1 ratio. Tablets such as the iPad are more specialized and were never meant to be a total replacement for a traditional and general purpose personal computer.

The rapid rise and immediate success of the iPad was proof positive that consumers were ready for a third major computing device in their lives. With "pads" being used by pilots, students and doctors and in restaurants, kitchens and at work, the iPad was proving to be a specialized place-based appliance rather than a personal computer with a more general purpose. As powerful as the third generation iPad is, it will never replace the personal computer, just as the personal computer never really replaced the mainframe.

Patent Number 8018579

Experimental boards: The current AppleTV may be a stretch to accept as a computing platform as it has no keyboard, no mouse, no touch display, and just a very simple IR remote. That is unless you happen to be near one with a Mac or iOS device. Then the AppleTV becomes an extension of that device on a much larger screen. Although it is marketed along side the iPod, it is just as closely related to the Airport Express. Perhaps Apple needs to look towards Nintendo's Wii or Microsoft's Kinect, otherwise the AppleTV will be doomed as just an accessory to their Tabs and Pads.

Take a look at what HBO has done with the XBox Kinect as an example. If Apple's recently awarded gesture based patents are any indicator, this may be where it is headed as well. The interaction between consumer and computer chip has not been ironed out enough to fully see this final platform — the boards of ubiquitous computing — take hold of our day-to-day life.

One human relation-chip

Making each device "aware" of how consumers use all of the other devices they own is the key to accelerating the adoption of more than one computing device. While Apple may in fact be the only company in the world to have constructed a homogeneous synergy between its personal and its ubiquitous computing platform, it is certainly not the only company trying to forge the relationship between the user and the computer chip. For the relationship between consumers and computing devices to become truly invisible, these new smart devices will need to know more and more about the consumers who own them.  For instance, the devices will need to know everything consumers have done in the past, what they are doing now and even what they plan on doing later.

iCloud and Siri

Perhaps this is the reason Tim Cook stated that Apple's "best years lie ahead of us."  With technologies like iCloud and Siri, Apple will likely play a larger and larger role in forging the relationship between consumers and the growing number of computing devices in our daily lives. It is not about selling more of these individual devices, it is all about enabling the relationship between an individual and a collection of specialized devices.  And Apple knows this.

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Original Page: http://gigaom.com/apple/apples-inevitable-path-to-a-post-pc-era/

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Derik Chan

Rocketfish's Sound Prism is triangu-lovely

Rocketfish's Sound Prism is triangu-lovely

Rocketfish's Sound Prism is triangu-lovely

Cunning design is a wonderful thing, and this triangular bundle of smarts is almost meta! Rocketfish's Sound Prism is exactly what it says it is, a three-sided speaker bar with a twist (metaphorically speaking.) Inventors, CRE8 Design studio, cooked up the clever idea of using the empty space created by a folded Apple Smart Cover. This fella neatly slips into the cubby-hole of the folded case, and attaches itself magnetically. It's Bluetooth, so can pair up with any compatible device, but won't look quite so snug as when used as nature -- or rather its creators -- intended. How much for a slice of the Pythagorean action? That'll be 80 rectangular dollars, sir.

Rocketfish's Sound Prism is triangu-lovely originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 29 Apr 2012 02:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Original Page: http://www.engadget.com/2012/04/29/rocketfish-sound-prism/

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Derik Chan


Audi R8 Drifting Video Celebrates 500,000 Facebook Fans

Audi R8 Drifting Video Celebrates 500,000 Facebook Fans

The importance of social media these days in an automakers marketing department is stronger than ever, and Audi went so far as to prepare a little thank you video for all of its fans on Facebook.

 The German company accrued 500,000 fans on Facebook, and for this they recruited professional racer Dindo Capello to take out an R8 and do something special to commemorate the achievement.

Although we aren't used to watching an R8 go in circles, it is a treat when it happens.

Watch the video below of Dindo and the R8 sending out their thanks.

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Original Page: http://www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2012/04/audi-r8-drifting-video-celebrates-500000-facebook-fans.html

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Derik Chan

Volkswagen Adds R-Line Editions to UK Market Polo Hatchback

Volkswagen Adds R-Line Editions to UK Market Polo Hatchback

Volkswagen is bringing some sportiness to its Polo hatchback with the introduction of a new R-Line model in the UK that is available for order now with first deliveries expected in July.

The R-Line is based on the specification of the Polo Match and is available in Britain in both three- and five-door body styles but only one engine, the 1.2-litre 105 PS TSI petrol unit linked to a six-speed manual gearbox.

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Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Carscoop/~3/qALgLzYwb8Q/volkswagen-adds-r-line-editions-to-uk.html

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Derik Chan

Morgan Three Wheeler: The Sound of a Three

Morgan Three Wheeler: The Sound of a Three

Morgan Three Wheeler

The Morgan Three Wheeler is an odd little beast of a car. It's powered by a Harley-1Davidson engine, has no roof, and is missing one wheel. So why is it then that it looks and sounds so glorious heading down a random back country lane. My guess is because this thing was made for one purpose and one purpose only; to enjoy everything that driving a great car has to offer. Click through and prepare to listen to one minute of magic.

Source: chromjuwelen.com

Original Page: http://www.ridelust.com/morgan-three-wheeler-the-sound-of-a-three/

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Derik Chan

Aston Martin Reportedly to End Production of DBS with 100 Ultimate Editions

Aston Martin Reportedly to End Production of DBS with 100 Ultimate Editions

With the debut of the new V12-powered DBS sports car scheduled for the end of the year, Aston Martin reportedly wants to bid farewell to the current model that has been in production since 2007 with a special edition version.

An inside source from the British company told Car&Driver magazine that the final version of the current DBS will be called the Ultimate Edition and that production will be limited to 100 units, with about 30 of those cars to be sold in the United States.

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Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Carscoop/~3/lOQkbaDx9xs/aston-martin-reportedly-to-end.html

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Derik Chan

Hydrogen Cars and Who is Making Them

Hydrogen Cars and Who is Making Them

Electric cars may have arrived, but the search for the perfect alternative fuel is still in progress. There are still a few major issues that keep battery powered vehicles from replacing the internal combustion engine.

Range, recharge times and infrastructure are a few of the main problems with electric vehicles. That's why automakers continue to innovate with many people believing the hydrogen fuel-cell is the solution.

"Electric vehicles and hybrid cars are the avenue to getting to hydrogen powered cars," Said Devin Lindsay, IHS Automotive's Senior Analyst. " [Hybrids and EVs] fill in the gap until we have an infrastructure ready for Hydrogen fuel" Lindsay added.

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have the potential to reduce our dependence on imported oil and are also environmentally friendly. In theory, electric vehicles eliminate the need for fossil fuels, but in reality more than 40 percent of electricity in the U.S. is produced by coal plants. Hydrogen, however, produces no pollutants and is a renewable resource.

Additionally, a hydrogen-powered car can be refilled in about five minutes which is close to a gasoline tank. This is a huge advantage over electric cars which take hours to fully charge. Finally, the range of an electric vehicle changes based on temperature, so people in snowy climates get a different range than people passing palm trees during their morning commute. Besting EVs again, hydrogen cars are consistant in every market.

While hydrogen powered cars might sound like a complicated technology, its not that far from what we already have. Imagine an extended range electric vehicle, like the Chevrolet Volt, but instead of a gas powered generator, you have a hydrogen powerplant which converts hydrogen fuel into electric energy. Also, instead of emitting greenhouse gases, the only by-product of a hydrogen vehicle is water. While these water-emitting cars aren't at the forefront of most media coverage, companies are quietly developing the technology.


As the same company that brought gas-electric hybrid cars to the masses, Toyota is investing time and money in hydrogen vehicle development.

"We like hydrogen for a lot of reasons, most importantly because we try to be a customer focused company and give people products they want," Craig Scott of Toyota's Advanced Technology Group said. Scott explained that current alternate fuels ask for too many compromises, like range. "Hydrogen doesn't have those compromises. It's the most gasoline-like competitor."

Toyota has had a hydrogen test vehicle around for almost 10 years. It looks a lot like the Highlander SUV, but has a hydrogen power train propelling it.

The company's FCV-R  concept (seen above), which appeared at recent auto shows, is a better representation of what Toyota will release as a hydrogen vehicle. According to the company, we can look forward to a production model by 2015. Scott also said the hydrogen technology is essentially finalized and that Toyota is now spending a lot less time on the vehicle itself, and more time on helping establish a hydrogen fueling infrastructure.


Hydrogen powered cars are actually available in limited areas: Honda offers one for lease in southern California.

"For now, the FCX Clarity is only available for lease in southern California due to the relatively undeveloped hydrogen refueling infrastructure in other parts of the country," Honda public relations representative Chris Martin said.

The FCX Clarity (seen above) doesn't look particularly futuristic, with its Civic-like lines and shape. It's just four inches shorter than an Accord. But in it is a hydrogen powered electric motor, which helps the FCX Clarity get around 74 mpge. The driving range is 240 miles, about double that of most of electric vehicles and about on par with extended range electric vehicles like the Chevrolet Volt, or Fisker Karma.

For now though, the FCX Clarity lives exclusively in California.  Martin did say that because hydrogen can be made from a variety of sources, there is no reason that stations can't be developed anywhere without the need for an extensive infrastructure.


Martin's message echoes the sentiments of other car companies. Hyundai has been working on a hydrogen powered version of its Tucson SUV for a while now.

"From Hyundai's perspective, the company currently believes in FCEVs as the ultimate zero-environmental-impact approach for transportation in a vehicle. The company is currently testing its fourth-generation fuel cell system that was developed entirely by Hyundai." said Chad Heard, public relations manager from Hyundai Canada.

Heard also said Hyundai plans to lease more than 1,000 Tucson FCEVs this year and, like Toyota, is planning for mass production in 2015.

At a press event, Hyundai said "Hydrogen proposes a completely new energy economy in the U.S." Their Tucson FCEV  (seen above) apparently gets about 70 mpge and can travel more than 400 miles on a tank.


Mercedes-Benz has been toying with alternate fuels as well. The German automaker has several diesel powered vehicles in its line-up, and is steadily introducing hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles.

It comes as no surprise then that they also have a hydrogen powered car up their sleeve. Last year, Mercedes-Benz showed a working version of its B-Class subcompact using hydrogen fuel.

"The B-Class F-CELL combines a generous, emission-free range of approximately 248 miles with short refilling times of just 3 minutes, making it highly suitable for everyday use in urban areas as well as longer journeys." said Michael Minielly, a public relations representative from Mercedes-Benz Canada.

These companies seem to agree that hydrogen fuel is a valid path to pursue when it comes to finding an environmentally friendly and renewable energy source. However, just like electric vehicles there is a lack of infrastructure. Automakers are working together to promote hydrogen infrastructure, but how fast it will happen, and how successful they will be has yet to be seen. For companies like Toyota and Hyundai that have made commitments to 2015, the clock is ticking.

Original Page: http://www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2012/04/hydrogen-cars-and-who-is-making-them.html

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Derik Chan