Tomorrow is the new iPhone day and while the spotlight (and pressure) will be on Apple's new CEO Timothy Cook, the world will be definitely watching for any clue about Apple co-founder and chairman Steve Jobs. The world may as well be disappointed, if blogger Robert Scoble's sources are to be trusted (and often they are credible). According to his Google+ post, Steve won't be at tomorrow's event as he continues to attend to his fragile health:
I'm hearing that Steve Jobs won't be at tomorrow's press event. He's just not feeling well enough to come out in public, I hear.
Of course, we should be really careful about armchair analysts assessing anyone's health. In addition, usually all sorts of crazy rumors crop up ahead of Apple's major product launches. If it weren't for Robert Scoble, we'd dismiss this tidbit entirely. However, in our minds, this makes perfect sense…
Feeling great or otherwise, Steve Jobs' presence at the "Let's talk iPhone" event might inadvertently cloud this arguably the most important product announcement. Why? Because the press and the general public would turn their attention to Steve's weight, looks and the raspiness in his voice rather than the new iPhone. So, the right question should be whether Steve should attend the event, not if he could. Look, there would have already been a press release from Apple announcing a Stevenote. Some watchers are still keeping their fingers crossed for a Steve Jobs keynote treatment, arguing he should use the event to formally hand over the reins to Tim Cook. You know, shake hands, wish the new CEO good luck and all that jazz. There's just one tiny problem: Steve had resigned and Cook took over. The new CEO addressed the troops, promoted some people and already made his first anti-Jobsian move. Does anyone really need more proof that Cook is in charge now? That being said, Jobs' eventual impromptu appearance tomorrow is highly unlikely, but there's no doubt in anyone's mind it will be warmly welcomed by the media and the legions of Apple fans worldwide. Are you looking towards seeing Jobs and Cook at least shake hands on stage tomorrow? Anticipating the Steve Jobs-headlined iPhone 5 announcement, perhaps? Meet us in comments.