像 Sqaure 這種透過 iPhone 解決各種小商家想要解決的金流問題所推出的巧妙裝置,其實正是台灣這樣的小型廠商,最能輸出全球最棒的產品。Mobilogics 推出以 iOS 為基礎的無線條碼掃描機(Wi-Fi Barcode Scanner),正是符合 Sqaure 精神超優質產品,這家只能藏於世貿一館二樓還借牌展覽的廠商,很幸運地被我們發現出來。
Mobilogics 應用的功能包括商家銷售、醫療服務、產品物流、POS系統和教育。推出的 Wi-Fi Barcode Scanner 是世界上除了 Apple 專賣店以外,唯一推出該解決方案的產品。公司提到這款無線掃瞄器為了取得 Apple 的認證(Made for iPod、iPhone、iPad),當中要申請的過程實在相當辛苦,其中無線訊號干擾的測試是非常難以跨過的門檻。目前兩款掃瞄器價格都是 149 美元,並有 SDK 好和其他廠商的軟體作結合的優點。
Computex 2011: Mobilogic iOS WiFi Barcode Scanner
Small companies We were quite lucky to found out ingenious small companies such as Mobilogic,
Hidden away inside another company's show booth on the second floor of TWTC Exhibition Hall 1, Moblilogic is a small company with a big idea for helping small business doing their inventory and POS. Their solution, WiFi Barcode Scanner, is the only one of its kind besides those used by Apple Stores. According to the company, in order to obtain Apple certification (Made for iPod, iPhone, iPad) for these wireless scanners, relentless and hard efforts were made just to get through it. Wireless signal interference test in particular, was a very difficult hurdle to overcome with. At the moment there are two models of their WiFi barcode scanner, both retail for 149 USD with SDK for software developers.
Continue after the break for more detailed product descriptions.
繼續閱讀全文 Computex 2011:Mobilogics 推出的 iOS 無線條碼掃描機(Wi-Fi Barcode Scanner)
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