
Photosmith Syncs iPad with Lightroom

Photosmith is like carrying the Lightroom Library Module on your iPad

Got an iPad? Use Adobe Lightroom to organize and mess with your Photos? Then prepare to get excited. Photosmith has launched today, and it's an iPad app which sits between your camera and Lightroom.

Photosmith lets you tag, rate and otherwise organize all of the photos which you have imported into your iPad, whether using the camera connection kit, an Eye-Fi card or just saved from an e-mail. This means that you really can leave your laptop at home when you go out shooting, or away on vacation.

The app comes in two parts. The iPad app itself, and a plugin for Lightroom. The plugin lets you sync the two, slurping in all photos and metadata over Wi-Fi. You can also import much faster via USB and then just sync the metadata over the air.

The iPad app is where the fun is had, though. Once the app has crunched the data from your photos, you can browse the thumbnails and also view any of the photos full-screen and even at 100% zoom. You can sort the photos into collections (Lightroom speak for folders) and also smart collections (Last Imported, Unmarked, Rejected and so on). You can view and edit metadata, rate images, add colored labels and assign keywords. In short, everything a neat-freak needs to do short of editing the pictures.

Then, when you get home, everything is synced back to Lightroom.

But what if you don't want to wait until you get to a computer before you share the pictures? Photosmith has you covered. You can export your photos direct to Facebook, Flickr, Dropbox, or via e-mail.

I have been trying to test Photosmith in pre-release form for a while, but my iPad doesn't like it and the app quits during import. This appears to be an exception, though, as pretty much everyone, everywhere else says that the app is both fast and stable.

Photosmith works with any JPEG, and any RAW file supported by the iPad. If you can import photos from your camera using the camera connection kit, then you're good to go. Photosmith is available now, for $18.

Photosmith product page [iTunes]

Photosmith – The Grand Tour [Photosmith]

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