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Date: 2011年4月13日GMT+08:00上午4時00分10秒
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Subject: 每日箴言靈修 - April 13 2011
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每日箴言網站 靈修分享園地 取消訂閱 John 13:1-5
April - 13
"Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love. " John 13:1
約翰福音 13:1-5
April - 13
「他既然愛世間屬自己的人,就愛他們到底。」 - 約13:1
Jesus had a lot to say to his disciples before his crucifixion (see John 14:1-16:33). But before saying those things, he offered his disciples a visual parable. Jesus put a towel around his waist and washed their feet. In doing so, he showed them "the full extent of his love."
I'm writing these words after spending about three hours in the hospital visiting a young man who was taken off life support after a drug overdose. We read from Scripture, we prayed prayers of blessing, we cried, and we hugged. The group included friends, some struggling with the same addictions, who needed to be loved. We figuratively washed each others' feet.
Here's a favorite saying that has guided much of my work in ministry: "I don't care how much you know until I know how much you care." Jesus' own ministry was saturated with the love and care that earned him a hearing from the crowds. And he invites us to follow his example as footwashers. Jesus is looking for people to transform this world and its culture. Just sharing his teachings isn't enough. People will be drawn to Christ and his church by those who show in compelling ways what it means to be a Christian. Michael Card sings in one of his songs, "Day after day we must take up the basin and towel."
Do you need to serve someone in some way today?
有一句我喜愛的話,是我多年事奉的箴言:「你是否學富五車與我無關,除非我知道你有多關心我」。耶穌本人的傳道事工貫注了愛與關懷,因而令群眾趨之若鶩,而祂邀請我們效法祂的榜樣,為人洗腳。耶穌尋找可以改變這個世界及其文化的人,單單傳講祂的教導並不足夠,只有能彰顯基督徒特質的人,才能吸引人認識基督和祂的教會。美國基督教創作歌手Michael Card在他的一首歌中說:「我們每天都要拿起水盆和毛巾」。
Remind us, Father, that we are servants first of all. Bring me to someone today whom I can serve rather than being concerned about being served. In your name I pray.
- 今天靈修後,若在主裏有任何得著,歡迎你在 靈修分享園地 留下幾句,激勵其它網友。在此園地中,同來營造一個慷慨分享交流的氣氛。你會意想不到,你的分享帶給別人何等的福氣呢!
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