
Unbelievable: Pixar’s Up Movie House Re-created in Real Life

This just in and it has knocked our socks off. If we are to use only one tag for this post, it would be #unbelievable. How else can you describe this stunning re-creation of the house Pixar Up Movie House? It was a project undertaken by the National Geographic Channel along with a team of scientists, engineers and experts(the kind of people who can can launch a 16′ X 16′ X 18′ house to an altitude of 10,000 feet). The effort is considered as as the largest balloon cluster fight ever attempted. Kudos for your audacity, team!

unbelievable-floating-house pixar-up-movie-home pixar-house pixar-baloon-house beautiful-balloon-house pixar-balloon-house floating-house-up-movie-pixar pixar-balloon-house-picture pixar-up-movie-house floating-house-up-movie

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