
Verizon: CDMA iPad On its Way

Giddy on the announcement of the new CDMA iPhone 4, Verizon chief financial officer Francis Shammo let slip plans to bring Apple"s iPad to his company's network.

Speaking in an interview in New York yesterday, Shammo told Bloomberg that "Verizon will get an embedded chip in the iPad for use on its network." Customers who want to use the iPad on Verizon's network currently have to buy a MiFi device, which shares its 3G connection via Wi-Fi.

It's not surprising that Verizon will get a CDMA iPad, especially now Apple has proved itself happy to make a Verizon-specific model of the iPhone 4, complete with compatible radio. What is surprising is that somebody so high up at the telco would let this news slip.

There's one more thing to consider. The Verizon iPhone is Verizon-only – there's no SIM-card slot, and therefore you can't switch carriers when traveling. This is fine on a phone, which needs a contract, but what about then iPad? The tablet can be bought contract-free, and hooked up to whatever network the buyer fancies. A Verizon-tied iPad would be a limiting investment indeed.

Verizon Will Sell IPad That Connects to Its Network [Bloomberg]

Photo: Jonathan Snyder / Wired.com

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