Sony has announced a camera-mounted CLM-V55 LCD screen for videographers. The WVGA-resolution monitor clips into the hot-shoe and hooks into the camera via an HDMI port. While it is designed to complement Sony's Alpha SLRs, it will work with HDMI-capable bodies from any manufacturer.
WVGA is 800 x 480 pixels, and these make up a 5-inch screen. On-screen markers show both 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratios, and there are lots of aids for manual focussing. A "color peaking" function highlights the edges of any area that is in sharp focus, and you can also zoom in on the full HD image to check focus. You can also adjust pretty much anything, from color temperature to brightness.
The CLM-V55 also swivels, and can be mounted off-camera, making it handy for stills-shooter, too.
The monitor will be on sale in March, although a price has yet to be announced.
Clip-on LCD monitor from Sony for HD video shooting with Interchangeable Lens Digital cameras [Sony]
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