
=?cp932?Q?The_2011_Cadillac_CTS-V_Coupe:_First_Look_At_Motown?= =?cp932?Q?=81fs_High-tech_Rocket?=

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The 2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe: First Look At Motown's High-tech Rocket

This is the car Batman drives just for kicks. Forget the Tumbler, the Cadillac CTS-V Coupe is where the real fun can be had. 556HP and 551 lb-ft of torque from a supercharged V8 and a robust navigation, hard drive-based media system complete with a pounding Bose system? Yessir, Mr. Wayne. Your ride is ready.

This not-so-modest coupe is in our very capable and awaiting hands for the next week. Winter might be setting in here in mid-Michigan and the CTS-V might have performance rubber wrapping the V-spoke 19-inch wheels, but that's going to do little to settle my teenage boyish tendencies that might include burnouts. It's not everyday that a car touted as a BMW M-series killer rests mere feet from my front door.

Now, a coupe might not be your thing. It certainly doesn't fit my lifestyle as a father of two young kids. No, the CTS-V wagon is more my thing, but the wagon, sedan, and coupe all come with the same electronic and mechanical equipment for the same starting price of $63,495. Either way, there's still a 6.2 liter LSA V8 based on the powerplant from the Nürburgring-killing Corvette ZR1 powerplant at the heart of them all.

Our tester is fitted (regrettable) with a wet 6-speed automatic gearbox that includes "steering wheel-mounted shift controls" that aren't quite paddle shifters. Think more along the lines of large buttons mounted on the backside of the steering wheel. A traditional three-pedal six-speed manual is actually the standard build equipment, but chances are most buyers will opt for the family-friendly slushbox that's available for no additional charge — besides the cost of extra weight of course.

I've only been around town a few times so far and the CTS-V coupe feels confident, tame and almost pedestrian, besides the low rumble from the massive engine. But, the one time I mashed the pedal to the floor while exiting a parking lot, the CTS-V quickly warned that such actions will result in losing control of the rear wheels and cause enough tire spin to warrant a noise violation ticket if heard by a passing policeman. So yeah, save any intervention by the ol' bitter hag Mother Winter herself, this should be a good week for myself and the local gas station.

Expect a video look at the interior electronic systems shortly followed by a comprehensive review after a few days.

Base package — $62,195

  • Supercharged 6.2L V8 556 HP

  • Performance Brembo Brakes

  • 19-inch wheels

  • Bose 5.1 Surround System

  • 40GB Hard Drive Media Jukebox

  • XM Radio


  • Automatic Transmis...

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Publisher: Apple Banned My Android Mag App

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Publisher: Apple Banned My Android Mag App

Apple banned an iPhone magazine app because it contained content related to using Android phones, according to the app's creator.

Apple refused to approve the magazine Android Magasinet, a publication about Google's Android OS, according to Brian Dixen, managing editor of Danish magazine publisher Mediaprovider.

Dixen said when he asked why, an Apple executive replied, "You know… your magazine… it's just about Android…. we can't have that in our App Store."

Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

File this under "trivial" for now, because it's questionable why an iPhone owner would want to read an Android magazine in the first place. However, Dixen said he's concerned about the implications that this incident poses about editorial independence in the App Store. I'd agree the implications are more concerning than the end result: As I've argued before, the issue of Apple's editorial control is poised to grow as the iPad matures into a major publishing platform.

From Fortune

Photo: laihiu/Flickr

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How to Activate Find My iPhone for iOS 4

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How to Activate Find My iPhone for iOS 4

Apple last week rolled out a major update for its mobile operating system iOS 4, and among the new features is a nifty free tool: Find My iPhone.

As its name suggests, Find My iPhone is a tracking feature to locate a missing iPhone 4, iPad or fourth-generation iPod Touch. (Only the latest models get the free feature.) If you've dropped your iDevice in a cab, or if someone's stolen it, you can hop on a computer to follow the GPS coordinates of the iPhone on a Google map (see above).

Or, if you're just absent-minded like me and you misplace your iPhone as often as you lose your keys, you can use your computer to trigger a beeping sound to help you find it. It should be loud enough to hear from under a couch cushion. (You'll never have to bug a friend to call your phone again.)

If you do indeed think your iPhone is in the hands of a thief, you can use Find My iPhone to remotely lock the device or wipe the data. Do note, however, that if you wipe the device, you won't be able to track it anymore (hap tip to @shacker for catching that). Also,  a clever thief could just remove the SIM card, and you wouldn't be able to track or wipe the phone.

Of the many new features in iOS 4.2.1, I found this one to be one of the sweetest bonuses. Find My iPhone originally was only available as part of a MobileMe subscription, which costs $100 per year. Making it free was a nice move on Apple's part: An iPhone can potentially contain a treasure trove of personal information, so losing one is a big deal.

You need to activate Find My iPhone before you lose your phone, so do it now. Since the steps to turn this useful feature on aren't immediately obvious, here's how to do it:

1. Make sure you have the latest iOS update (iOS 4.2.1) installed. Plug in your iPhone and click "Check for updates" in iTunes to get the software.

2. With iOS 4.2.1 installed, tap the Settings app on your iPhone. Then tap "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" and "Add Account." Then choose MobileMe.

3. In the MobileMe account menu, enter your iTunes or Apple ID and password (i.e., the login you use to buy iTunes media on the iPhone).

4. The "Find My iPhone" option should appear. Slide it to "ON" to activate it."

And ...

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熱血賽車手必備!Tokyoflash RPM LED錶

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熱血賽車手必備!Tokyoflash RPM LED錶

如果你喜愛汽車,那肯定會喜歡看到令人熱血沸騰的轉速表,而這家擅長推出個性手錶的Toktoflash,把他們自2月份提出的概念變為現實。這一款發想自賽車轉速錶的Kisai RPM雖然乍看之下很複雜,不過原理跟多年前Alba的算盤錶其實很相似,最內圈的是12小時,外圍的大圈的一格是5分鐘,上面的小格子一格是一分鐘,圖上照片的時間推算起來是5點32分。這款酷炫的Kisai RPM手錶要價201.50美金,除了要喜歡賽車以外,看來還要有點耐性算數學吧。


%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 熱血賽車手必備!Tokyoflash RPM LED錶

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iPad vs Galaxy Tab

果熱賣的iPad當了七個月的天之驕子﹐沒有遭遇任何實質性的挑戰。現在﹐在大眾消費型觸摸屏平板計算機這個新生市場﹐iPad迎來了第一個像樣的競爭對手﹕三星公司(Samsung)的Galaxy Tab。

三星公司(Samsung)的Galaxy Tab。
2010年11月中旬﹐美國三大無線運營商將開始發售Galaxy Tab﹐帶蜂窩數據協議的價格為400美元﹐裸機價為600美元。iPad的價格則是:Wi-Fi版裸機價格為499美元﹐沒有蜂窩數據功能和協議﹔3G版最便宜那款的裸機價為629美元﹐帶蜂窩數據功能﹐不過沒有協議。

和iPad一樣﹐使用谷歌安卓(Android)操作系統的Galaxy Tab外觀時尚﹐屏幕色彩逼真﹐能處理很多一般在筆記本計算機上運行的任務﹐包括電子郵件、社交網絡、上網、看照片、聽音樂、看視頻等﹐還能運行各種第三方開發的應用程序。不過﹐Galaxy Tab也有不同之處﹐最顯而易見的就是它的尺寸。

Galaxy Tab使用7英寸的屏幕﹐而非iPad的9.7英寸屏。這兩個數字看起來差不太多﹐其實差別很大﹐因為它們指的是屏幕對角線的長度。事實上﹐Galaxy Tab的屏幕面積要比iPad小一半還多。這是Galaxy Tab的一個劣勢﹐但也讓整個設備更小巧﹐更易於單手使用﹐因此會受到一些用戶的青睞。

這款新的平板計算機將由Sprint、T-Mobile和Verizon三大無線運營商推向市場﹐配備多種數據套餐供選擇。AT&T計劃在聖誕節期間銷售這款平板計算機﹐但還沒有公佈具體的時間和套餐價格。雖然是通過手機運營商發售﹐但Galaxy Tab和iPad一樣﹐都不能進行手機通話。iPad通過AT&T公司提供每月的蜂窩數據套餐。

我測試了Galaxy Tab幾個星期﹐覺得挺不錯﹐確實是個能夠替代iPad的產品﹐會得到一些人的喜愛。它有三個iPad沒有但有些用戶很渴望的功能﹕攝像頭(而且是雙向的)、播放網絡視頻和運行用Adobe Flash編寫的應用程序的功能﹐以及多任務處理功能。當然﹐iPad也即將通過軟件升級來增加多任務功能。另一賣點是﹐三星和蘋果公司一樣﹐重新編寫了一些常見的應用程序﹐如電子郵件和日曆等﹐使其看上去更像計算機軟件﹐而非智能手機程序。

不過﹐相比之下﹐我還是更喜歡iPad。原因很簡單﹐我只要多花29美元﹐就能買到3G版的iPad裸機﹐但屏幕要比Galaxy Tab大一倍。iPad上專門為平板計算機而非智能手機開發的軟件要多得多﹔而且即使算上為智能手機開發的軟件﹐iPad應用程序的總數也是Galaxy Tab的三倍左右。

此外﹐在我的測試中﹐iPad的電池續航時間要比Galaxy Tab多五個小時左右﹐存儲容量更大﹐鋁金屬外殼也比Galaxy Tab的塑料外殼更結實。最後還有一點﹐iPad有純Wi-Fi版﹐你用不著跟無線運營商有什麼糾葛。雖然Galaxy Tab也有Wi-Fi功能﹐但純Wi-Fi版明年才計劃推出。

即便如此﹐Galaxy Tab依然是一款很有吸引力的產品﹐我也很喜歡用它。如果你不介意多花一點錢﹐不介意屏幕小一點﹐更喜歡便攜的尺寸和單手使用的感覺﹐看重攝像頭以及Flash播放功能﹐Galaxy Tab將是一個更佳的選擇。


Galaxy Tab的機身為長方形﹐比iPad在長度方面小了4厘米多﹐寬度更是小了接近7厘米﹐厚度也更薄一些﹐重量只有380克﹐比iPad的680克輕得多。Galaxy Tab的屏幕更小﹐但分辨率跟iPad幾乎一樣﹐因此在內容顯示方面相差無幾。

Galaxy Tab的屏幕很敏銳﹐對觸摸的反應照理來說應該很快﹐但我在測試中感覺它要比iPad的觸摸屏反應慢一點點。根據運營商不同﹐有些Galaxy Tab的硬盤是內置的﹐有些則是通過外置記憶卡進行存儲。每一款Galaxy Tab都配有記憶卡槽﹐最大能容納32G的卡﹐但得另外購買。iPad也可以選擇加錢﹐升級到最大的64G內置閃存。

由於重量更輕﹐尺寸更小﹐我發現站著或走路的時候玩Galaxy Tab更輕鬆﹐一手就可掌控。當然﹐在運行不少應用程序時﹐你還是得用雙手來操作。


三星及其合作伙伴對Galaxy Tab電池續航時間的描述大相徑庭。三星說充電一次能持續13小時﹐而T-Mobile說只有8小時。我用測試iPad的相同方法測試Galaxy Tab﹕把屏幕調到最亮﹐打開Wi-Fi收發電子郵件﹐循環播放視頻﹐直到設備耗盡電量。在我的測試中﹐Galaxy Tab堅持了6小時50分鐘﹐但到6小時10分鐘的時候﹐屏幕自動變暗﹐而且無法再調亮﹐導致設備基本上無法使用。在去年春天我做的同樣測試中﹐iPad堅持了11小時28分鐘。


Galaxy Tab有一個300萬像素的後置攝像頭﹐帶閃光燈﹐還有一個130萬像素的前置攝像頭﹐主要用於視頻聊天。我覺得後置攝像頭拍的靜態照片和視頻達到了平均水準﹐但用前置攝像頭拍的視頻有些模糊。

我用一個Galaxy Tab上預裝的Qik軟件進行視頻通話﹐這款預先發佈的軟件專門針對平板計算機進行過優化。視頻通話能通過蜂窩信號或Wi-Fi進行﹐但我測試的那個版本還不能使用蜂窩信號﹐所以只能用Wi-Fi。效果可謂好壞參半﹐我與Qik公司的一名高管進行視頻通話﹐第一次沒有連接成功﹔連接成功後﹐有一段時間用得不錯﹐但我想嘗試一個把個人形象照片隱藏起來的功能時﹐視頻就斷掉了﹐後來連聲音都沒有了。Qik公司表示正在解決這些問題。


Galaxy Tab使用最新的安卓系統。雖然谷歌說安卓系統對平板計算機的兼容性還不夠好﹐但總的來說運行起來很順暢。三星公司重新編寫過的日曆、電子郵件和聯繫人應用程序很有吸引力﹐使用方便﹐令我印象深刻。這些軟件和iPad上的應用程序一樣﹐都使用多面板設計來增加計算機軟件的感覺﹐同時保留了觸摸功能的友好界面。

我覺得Galaxy Tab的上網瀏覽有點不太順暢﹐要放大字體﹐頻繁翻頁。我測試了Adobe Flash視頻和用Flash程序編寫的網站﹐有時候能播放﹐有時候不行﹐但每次都會讓瀏覽功能變慢起來。在瀏覽一個Flash網站時﹐屏幕上跳出一個警告﹐建議我中止任務﹐以免計算機變得沒有反應。還有一次﹐Galaxy Tab直接崩潰了。因此我得出一個結論﹐Galaxy Tab確實能播放Flash﹐但還有不少改進工作要做。

我下載了一些第三方應用程序﹐但都不是為平板計算機重新編寫並新增功能的軟件﹐在安卓市場(Android Market)也沒辦法找到。我下載的一些程序能調整到平板計算機的尺寸﹐其它幾個程序則被很大的黑色邊框包圍著。


在iPad上﹐如果你想要蜂窩數據服務﹐沒有合約﹐只有兩個包月套餐──14.99美元包250M流量﹐25美元包2G流量。Galaxy Tab的資費更多樣。只銷售600美元非簽約版的Verizon表示﹐其蜂窩數據定價為每月20美元包1G流量起。Sprint每月29.99美元包2G流量﹐59.99美元包5G流量。T-Mobile的非簽約版和簽約版Galaxy Tab售價不一樣﹐對新客戶和老客戶的資費也不一樣﹔舉兩個例子﹐簽約新客戶每月付30美元包200M流量﹐或50美元包5G流量。

因此﹐我建議Galaxy Tab的購買者仔細計算選用不同運營商和資費計劃的整體使用成本。


Galaxy Tab的外型吸引人﹐功能豐富﹐價格具有競爭力﹐不過每月的資費不低。它與iPad的區別足夠大﹐而且質量不凡﹐給消費者提供了一個真正意義上的新選擇。

Walter S. Mossberg

(編者按:本文作者Walter S. Mossberg是《華爾街日報》科技欄目Personal Technology﹐Mossberg's Mailbox等欄目的專欄作家。這些欄目主要介紹一些最新的消費類科技產品和解決方案﹐並解答讀者提出的問題。)

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Digital Storm's liquid-chilled gaming PC includes 4.6GHz Core i7-980X, equally chilling price

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Digital Storm's liquid-chilled gaming PC includes 4.6GHz Core i7-980X, equally chilling price

Mmm, overclocking. If you've been looking to treat yourself this holiday season, there's hardly a better way than with a shiny new gaming PC. Better still, a shiny new gaming PC with a liquid-chilled processor... one that just so happens to be warrantied with a 4.6GHz clock speed. Digital Storm's Hailstorm desktop is now available with a so-called Sub-Zero cooling system, which is described as a series of TEC peltier coolers that work in conjunction with other high-end liquid cooling components to keep Intel's Core i7-980X from boiling over. On the high-end rig, you'll also get 6GB of DDR3 memory, a trio of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 (1.5GB) GPUs, a 1200-watt power supply and a bank-breaking $6,903 price tag. Cost-conscious consumers can opt for two lesser systems, with a $4,390 build being equipped with a Core i7-950 and the $3,899 unit creeping by with only a single GTX 460 GPU. But hey, what's a few grand among friends? Promo vid is after the break.

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Acer reveals 4.8-inch Android smartphone with 1024x480 screen resolution

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Acer reveals 4.8-inch Android smartphone with 1024x480 screen resolution

Acer may be calling this "100 percent smartphone. 100 percent tablet," but something just doesn't add up there. That being said, we have to agree that a 1024x480 screen resolution on a 4.8-inch smartphone is downright drool-worthy. Clocking in at just a smidgen smaller than Dell's Streak, this here phone (no finalized name has been bestowed quite yet) was just revealed at Acer's Global press event in New York City. It was only shown briefly, demonstrating an unknown version of Android and the "evolution of Acer UI." Specs wise, there's a two megapixel front-facing camera, eight megapixel rear camera (with LED flash), 720p video recording, a six-axis Gyroscope + accelerometer package and LED edge lighting. Per usual, Acer's keeping a lid on any pricing estimates, but it'll be shipping out to gape-jawed customers everywhere in April 2011.

Update: We've got the full PR after the break, which informs us of the atypical 21:9 aspect ratio in use here as well as its "full metal body." Curiously enough, it's also rocking a curved back (is that a trend we spot?), Bluetooth 3.0, 802.11n WiFi, HSDPA support, a 1GHz Snapdragon processor and an HDMI output. Delicious, all the way around.

Update 2: Does that elongated form factor seem a wee bit familiar? It should.

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Hasselblad's Ferrari-branded H4D camera: now available for just €21,499

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Hasselblad's Ferrari-branded H4D camera: now available for just €21,499

Now that you've wasted precious moments of your life saving $10 here, $8 there and $6.23 in your local Target, how's about a Black Friday deal that you'll never forget. Hasselblad's Ferrari-branded H4D medium format camera, which we saw unveiled earlier this year at Photokina, is now shipping to the affluent, the zany, and the select few that happen to be both. So far as we can tell, this is just an H4D with a Ferrari-approved design scheme, and neither point helps to make this thing anywhere near affordable. A grand total of 499 are being made available today, with each one to run €21,499 ($28,425) + tax. Who knew you'd be buying something today that's only purchasable via your Centurion card -- puts a whole new spin on Black Friday, huh?

Continue reading Hasselblad's Ferrari-branded H4D camera: now available for just €21,499

Hasselblad's Ferrari-branded H4D camera: now available for just €21,499 originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 26 Nov 2010 11:57:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Editorial: My next iPad won't be a 7-incher, but I wish it could be

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Editorial: My next iPad won't be a 7-incher, but I wish it could be

It took me a while, but I'm starting to fall in love with my iPad in a way I haven't loved a gadget for a long while. There's something about the form factor, the apps, the OS that feels just right and makes me want to do as much of my daily computing on it as possible. Of course, that's still a pretty small sliver of my overall day, and the iPad isn't even close to replacing my laptop for the large majority of my work, but I'm finding myself increasingly doing casual browsing, casual gaming, serious writing, and, yes, even some reading on Apple's 10-inch tablet.

But I have one "big" problem with the tablet that doesn't look like it'll be solved anytime soon: it's not 7 inches. Will Apple ever eat its words and build a smaller iPad, or will the 7-inch form factor be left to the rest of the emerging tablet market to fight over?

Continue reading Editorial: My next iPad won't be a 7-incher, but I wish it could be

Editorial: My next iPad won't be a 7-incher, but I wish it could be originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 26 Nov 2010 17:30:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Now You Can Drag and Drop Files to Google Docs

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Now You Can Drag and Drop Files to Google Docs

A while back, Google thrilled users of their popular Google Docs suite of cloud-based productivity services by introducing the ability to drag and drop images into documents. The dropped images would immediately be uploaded to Google's servers, saving them as part of the active document and making it possible for any collaborators to see the image almost instantly. While this was a great addition to Google's already impressive functionality of their cloud-based office productivity suite, they've nonetheless opted to up the technological ante once again. This time around, Google has announced that they're bringing the same drag-and-drop functionality to other file types as well.

Thanks to the company's new drag-and-drop file functionality, its never been easier to move your digital life off your computer and onto the interwebz to work on later. With the growing popularity of the iPad and other productivity devices with limited drive space, such as Apple's new MacBook Air laptops, this could be the easiest way to stay productive no matter where you happen to be.


Follow this article's author, Seamus Bellamy on Twitter

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iPhone photographers, get your Glif on with new tripod mount

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iPhone photographers, get your Glif on with new tripod mount

It's a local-boys-make-good story for the Internet age: two New Yorkers brainstorm an idea for the kind of iPhone 4 tripod mount/stand they'd want to buy. They put their design on Kickstarter with the intention of raising US$10,000 in ramp-up funding. With a snazzy prototype video and the attention of some traditional and not-so-traditional media outlets, they missed their funding estimate by more than 10x -- in the positive direction.

Having collected almost $140,000 in preproduction pledges, the gobsmacked inventors have now moved on to full-scale production and are accepting orders for the final product on their website.

You can pick one up for $20, and although they aren't promising holiday delivery they say they're doing everything possible to get the Glifs out the door in time to slide under the tree (with priority to their 5,000+ Kickstarter contributors, of course).

[via Silicon Alley Insider]

iPhone photographers, get your Glif on with new tripod mount originally appeared on

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Audio tool WireTap Anywhere hits v2.0

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Audio tool WireTap Anywhere hits v2.0

WireTap Anywhere 2.0

Ambrosia Software has released WireTap Anywhere 2.0, an upgrade to the company's professional audio routing and mixing software. Following up on the 2008 release of version 1.0, this upgrade claims that "hardwired is out; softwired is in" and allows users to capture, map, and independently adjust audio channels from any combo of applications or input devices and route it to the audio processor application of your choice.

Interested in recording your Skype conversations or sending some real-time QuickTime audio to a friend in iChat? WireTap Anywhere 2.0 can do that, allowing users the ability to mix and match any combinations into a single recording application. I have been a user of Audio Hijack Pro from Rogue Amoeba for years, and this looks like a solid competitor in the audio capture niche.

While you can try it out free for 30 days, WireTap Anywhere 2.0 for Mac OS X 10.5 or later is available to new users for US $129 or as a $69 upgrade for registered users of WireTap Anywhere 1.x.

Audio tool WireTap Anywhere hits v2.0 originally appeared on TUAW on Sat, 27 Nov 2010 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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iOS 4.2 makes iPad a productivity rival for MacBook Air, says CNET

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iOS 4.2 makes iPad a productivity rival for MacBook Air, says CNET

CNET's Brook Crothers claims that with the launch of iOS 4.2, he is pretty much ready to abandon his MacBook Air in favor of full-time use of his iPad. Even before the upgrade to the mobile OS, Crothers found that he was almost exclusively using the 3G tablet in the airport, hotel and plane for his various tasks.

With the new functionality in 4.2 including multitasking, folders and printing he expects that trend to be amplified. The key to Crothers' argument is what he calls the iPad's "grab-and-go" capability. For content consumption and browsing as well as light editing/document creation, the iPad already wins easily; Crothers believes that future upgrades like twin cameras and perhaps even larger screens will only make the choice easier for him.

Unfortunately, Crothers does not mention whether he is comparing the iPad to an original MacBook Air or the new slimmer models that were recently introduced. For writers who don't need to integrate images or multimedia content into their web work (like Crothers) the iPad is a spot-on solution. For those with longer writing tasks, photo research or video editing, a proper laptop may be a more productive approach. Hopefully we'll continue to have both form factors for some time to come.

iOS 4.2 makes iPad a productivity rival for MacBook Air, says CNET originally appeared on

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先前看了不少人拿 Mac 當作 Kinect 改機用平台,不過實際玩出來的東西實用性卻沒這麼大,難得看到 Windows 7 PC 加入戰局,就立刻丟出些頗有趣的應用;第一組是由麻省理工媒體實驗室底下 Fluid Interfaces Group 所開發出來的小東東 DepthJS,主要是利用 Javascript 來建立 Kinect 跟網頁內容間的互動,目前則能進行一些簡單的瀏覽操作,未來也可以說是潛力無限。

除了 MIT 之外,一家叫 Evoluce 更是丟出了一整組的人機操作介面,以他們家先前開發的 Multitouch Input Management(MIM)為基礎,這套 Kinect 驅動套件則可以讓 Kinect 讓大家跟關鍵報告裡頭的那一套更接近,也提供同時、多人操作,目前看上去操作的精確度、靈敏度都頗不錯,而甚至可以用來 Flash、Java 物件互動,而 Evoluce 也表示將在不久後推出該套軟體,各位就可以提前享受即將來臨的未來科技。


%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Kinect:『小七!我才是你的寶貝!』;W7:『嗯?』

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下一代的 iPad 將有新螢幕、內建視訊攝影機?

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下一代的 iPad 將有新螢幕、內建視訊攝影機?

咱們的 iPad 上市日期遙遙,不過下一代 iPad 的消息倒是已經開始流傳了。

首先是來自 Economic Daily News 的消息,他們說下一代 iPad 問世的時間,據說會在明年的第一季,同時將會有雙攝影鏡頭(一個負責視訊),螢幕也會有不太一樣的觸控輸入技術,甚至還會有 USB 連接埠;另外咱們主站那頭目前也掌握到一些消息,基本上螢幕一定會換好一點的,至於會不會是大尺寸的 Retina Display 咱們就不太肯定了,不過關於 USB 埠的部分,主站編輯的情報來源則表示相當不可能,至於觸控輸入技術的部分,目前也沒有掌握到啥驚人的進展。


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Holiday Tech & Gadget Deals

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Holiday Tech & Gadget Deals

The holiday shopping season is upon us again. And on the consumer electronics front it is a merry time of year, not only for getting gadget gifts for other people but perhaps treating yourself to something nicely techy too. Here's a list of a few hot items and particular bargains.

(No camera or photography deals were included in this post. Those are coming separately.)

bargains Holiday Tech & Gadget Deals

bargains Holiday Tech & Gadget Deals

bargains Holiday Tech & Gadget Deals

bargains Holiday Tech & Gadget Deals

The New Macbook Air — The latest ultra-thin and ultra-cool laptop (13″) and netbook (11″) computers from Apple. Save over the Apple Store price

bargains Holiday Tech & Gadget Deals

HP Pavilion p6670t series Customizable Desktop PC — Plus free shipping, plus a free double 750GB hard drive upgrade ($100 savings) and 35% off a widescreen monitor. Save up to $270 instantly.

Logitech Revue With Google TV & TV Cam — Make and receive high-def video calls right on your HDTV set. Deal expires Nov 30. MSRP: $449. Deal price: $399

JBuds J2 Premium Hi-FI Noise Isolating Earbuds — Save 85% on high-end headphones. A rainbow of cool color choices to choose from. MSRP: $79. Deal price: $14

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IOS-Ready Pico-Projector Turns Your Phone into a Theater

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IOS-Ready Pico-Projector Turns Your Phone into a Theater

The SHOWWX+ pico-projector from MicroVision could be the ultimate movie-accessory for your iPad. The laser-projector hooks straight into the dock-connector of your iPad (or other iOS device) and throws an image onto the wall, giving a picture of up to 100-inches. The plus-sign in the name designates that the new projector is 50-percent brighter than its predecessor, so you might be able to get that 100-inch image without closing all the curtains and killing the lights.

The dream is that you can turn an iPhone or iPad into the center of a home-theater setup: a big-screen picture courtesy of the pocket-sized projector, and external, wireless sound thanks to the new AirPlay feature of iOS 4.2 (AirPlay will beam sound that is synced to a movie, something which even the Mac won't do without third-party software).

The specs: The SHOWWX+ puts out 15 lumens with a 5,000:1 contrast ratio (depending on ambient light, of course) in a 16:9 aspect-ratio. While that wide-screen format is wasted on the iPad, you can hook the projector up to any device that will feed it a composite video signal. Cables for both this and the iPad come in the box, and a VGA adapter for your computer can be bought separately. Resolution is 848 x 480, not high-def but then, neither is your iPad (the iPad outputs its native native 1024×768 resolution via the VGA-adapter). One big advantage of the laser projector is that it has "infinite focus", which means it will work on curved walls, or even give a sharp picture if you haven't got it perfectly perpendicular to the screen.

Is the SHOWWX+ worth its $450 price-tag? We'll find out soon enough: There's already a test unit winging its way from MicroVision to Gadget Lab Spain.

SHOWWX+ product page [MicroVision. Thanks, Gretchen!]

See Also:

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Samsung Shifts 600,000 Galaxy Tabs in One Month

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Samsung Shifts 600,000 Galaxy Tabs in One Month

Despite being hamstrung by an operating system designed for the smaller screen of a smartphone, Samsung's Galaxy Tab has sold an impressive 600,000 units in less than a month. That's pretty close to the iPad's initial sales, which reached one million in 28 days.

It's important to remember that the iPad's first month was largely confined to the domestic U.S market, whereas the 7-inch Tab has been available all over the world since launch. In fact, according to the Korea Herald, Samsung has shifted just 30,000 Tabs in its own home market of Korea.

Remember, too, that a large proportion of these sales will have been subsidized by telcos, lowering the ~$600 price-tag in exchange for a data-contract.

But these numbers are impressive by any standards, and show that there is a huge demand out there for super-portable computers with the battery life and connectivity of a cellphone. It seems that the Galaxy Tab really is a real rival to the iPad, just like we thought.

Galaxy Tab global sales top 600,000 units [Korea Herald]

Photo: Jon "Michelangelo's David" Snyder

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The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade route November 25, 2010 in New York City.

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The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade route November 25, 2010 in New York City.

NEW YORK - NOVEMBER 25: A float depicting the cartoon character Shrek moves down the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade route November 25, 2010 in New York City. The 84th annual celebration featured approximately 8,000 participants including more 1,600 cheerleaders and dancers, twelve marching bands, and an assortment of celebrities in addition to 15 giant character balloons.

Jessica Simpson rides down 7th Ave in Times Square during the 84th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York November 25, 2010.

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Topaz Labs InFOCUS First Look [Updated]

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Topaz Labs InFOCUS First Look [Updated]

Updated: this post has been updated by the author with an example of the software in action.

Topaz labs has just released a brand new product in their line up of powerful software programs called InFocus. In Focus is a program that can actually take a blurry image and make it sharp. It doesn't really make sense and it's quite hard to believe honestly. There are plenty of sharpening tools out there, but they simply do so by adding edge contrast to the image.

This program is the first ever to use a blur estimation feature and complex deconvolution technology to help detect and enhance blurry images. Topaz Labs states, "This new sharpening approach completely changes the way detail refinement is done, by recovering true details, restoring image clarity and offering natural sharp-looking enhancements."

This program is sure to be a helpful tool in any photographers arsenal. We all get blurry images here and there that we simply have to disregard. Now, we don't necessarily have to. There's no substitute for taking the time to get your images tack sharp in camera, but when all else fails, InFOCUS seems to save the day.

Topaz InFOCUS retails for $69.99, but through December 3rd you can pick up a copy for $29.99 with the coupon code "SuperSharp."

Here are some results from Topaz Labs..


I was asked by some readers to include an example of some of my own work instead of just showing results from the software developers own site. Makes sense and I'm more than happy to do it. Unfortunately, I never take blurry images!

Ok ok, that's not true. I have plenty.

Now, I want to stress again that this isn't some magical piece of soft...

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走復古風的 iOS 4.2.1 JB 軟體釋出

根據 Dev-Team Blog 約莫傍晚發出的文章,他們已經將 iOS 4.2(4.2.1)給攻陷了,不過目前看上去有點復古的味道,因為這次的 redsn0w 0.9.6b4,並不能讓安裝 iOS 4.2.1 的 iDevices 一次 JB 到位,而是跟最早一樣,每重開機一次,就得重新連上電腦來讓 JB 狀況回復(也就是傳說中的 tethered JB,並非重新 JB)。

也由於目前的 JB 狀況尚不完美,因此建議各位想要玩 JB 的朋友可以先忍一忍,等一切通通搞定以後,再來下載、越獄;已經等不及的朋友,可以先到 Redmond Pie 參考一下完整的越獄步驟。

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Making Disposable Dynamic Displays With Electronic Ink on Real Paper

Engineers at the University of Cincinnati have shown that under the right conditions, ordinary paper can be as dynamic as any screen.

"Nothing looks better than paper for reading," says research leader Andrew Steckl. "We hope to have something that would actually look like paper but behave like a computer monitor in terms of its ability to store information. We would have something that is very cheap, very fast, full-color and at the end of the day or the end of the week, you could pitch it into the trash."

Steckl's e-paper uses electrowetting — moving colored pigments from pixel to pixel with electronic charges — on a paper substrate. Electrowetting offers color, fast response times and video capability that current E Ink electrophoretic screens can't match, but with similarly low power consumption.

Companies like Liquavista and Plastic Logic have prototype color e-readers that use this technology, but apply the electrowetting chemicals to a sheet of glass. The Cincinati team says its electrowetted paper offers the same performance as glass, but with greater flexibility and at a lower cost.

Steckl and grad student Duk Young Kim of U of C's Nanoelectronics Laboratory presented their findings in the October issue of the American Chemical Society's ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces journal. It was then reviewed in the November issue of Nature Photonics. The research was part of Kim's doctoral dissertation.

"One of the main goals of e-paper is to replicate the look and feel of actual ink on paper," write Steckl and Kim in the ACS article. "We have, therefore, investigated the use of paper as the perfect substrate for EW devices to accomplish e-paper on paper."

"In general, this is an elegant method for reducing device complexity and cost, resulting in one-time-use devices that can be totally disposed after use," the researchers note.

The ACS paper on electrowetting illustrates technical details of the process.

It's still not easy, and industrializing the process will likely take some time. For maximum performance, the process involves a specific grade of paper with a particular surface coating, roughness, thickness and water uptake and a carefully controlled contact angle at which the electrowetted material is applied to the paper support. Electrowetted glass e-readers may appear sometime next year, but you're unlikely to see disposable paper screens in newspapers or posters for at least three to five years.

Meanwhile, the Nanoelectronics team will continue experimenting with electrowetting on various flexible surfaces, with different fluids and electronic components, trying to maximize performance.

There's a historical irony here. In the 19th century, "wet plate" photography involved applying a silver nitrate collodion solution to a glass plate. Eventually, George Eastman was able to take a dry collodion emulsion and apply it to ordinary paper, creating the first camera that ordinary people could use. After Eastman substituted celluloid film, which was stronger but just as flexible as paper, the rest was history.

UC Breakthrough May Lead to Disposable E-Readers [University of Cincinatti Press Release]

Image (top): Electrowetted E-Paper Display Mockup from Liquavista.

See Also:

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繼Toshiba Libretto W105後,acer也跟進Windows 7雙顯示器筆電了!在紐約的全球發表會上,這款Iconia成為眾所注目的焦點。不因為它的外型設計,也不是由於具備雙顯示器,重點在於,它是acer阿!

這款14.1吋的雙鏡面顯示器產品將採用Core i5-560M處理器,4GB的DDR3,Intel HD整合顯示卡,最高750GB硬碟內建3G、Wi-Fi加上藍牙3.0,搭配64位元的Windows 7,重量約莫2.5公斤,Iconia不具備實體鍵盤,一切都靠下方的觸控顯示器替代。另外這款產品也搭載Clear Fi媒體共享系統,這是一款雲端的系統,透過無線網路方式,在不同的平台設備共享網路資源。不過目前Iconia價格與上市時間都還是未定。


%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 acer的雙顯示器筆電Iconia!外加動手玩

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