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福士(Volkswagen)的品牌有著廣氾和普及化的代表性。每個人的品味和生活方式雖不同,見解和觀點也不一樣,但人都可藉著分享互相連結,就像福士象徵"The People's Car"。每個人都可以擁有,每個人都可以因而受惠。希望能與你分享@點點滴滴....
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Phablet fans, rejoice! The Galaxy Note 5 finally arrived on Thursday, and as we noted in our hands-on preview, it's easily the best Android phablet on the market. That said, plenty of Android fans were tempted by the iPhone 6 Plus last year, and with the iPhone 6s Plus presumably a month away from release, some fans might be waiting to see what Apple has to offer.
剛剛 Samsung 就舉行了 Unpacked Event,正式發佈了 Samsung Galaxy Note 5。究竟呢部第 5 代 Note 系列機款有咩特點?而家就同大家 recap 一下啦!
以前要用 S Pen 記事,點都要開著芒先可以用到 S Pen 記事。係 Galaxy Note 5,佢就加入了新功能,大家唔洗開芒、亦唔洗幫手機解鎖都可以一樣記到事,超級方便。
除了唔開芒及唔解鎖都可以記事外,S Pen 亦加入了不少新功能,當中最特別的就是 Scroll Capture 擷圖功能,可以一次過將一頁內容全擷取,無須像以往般分開幾個擷圖儲存,分享重要資訊自然更方便。
至於 S Pen 係設計上都有所改進,由於採用一體化機身,所以新 S Pen 將會採用一按彈出設計,從此大家就算無長手指甲,都唔驚拿唔到 S Pen 出來了。
至於設計方面,Note 5 基本上繼續沿用 S6 edge 的設計,不過 S6 edge 是機面熒幕採用雙曲面玻璃,但 Note 5 就改為機底採用雙曲面設計,不過是否強化玻璃官方就未有明言(理論上應該係……)。
為了令單手操控手感更佳,Samsung 在 Galaxy Note 5 上採用了以往已在 S6 / S6 edge 上採用過的一體化機身,此舉能有效令手機更薄,不過以往有的可換電功能就肯定沒有了,至於能否插卡?相信會視乎雙卡版是否會係香港推出,以及是否真如傳聞所說,採用其中一個 SIM 卡槽可放 microSD 卡的設計。
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 採用了全新的 VDIS + OIS 防震技術,可令拍攝更穩定,令用家係低光情況下都可以手持手機拍攝出清晰相片。此外,前置鏡頭雖然都係 500 萬像素,但就加入了數碼防震技術及採用 F/1.9 光圈,令自拍時更易影到清晰靚 selfie。
此外,Samsung Galaxy Note 5 亦是 Samsung 旗下首款內建 4GB RAM 記憶體的手機,可預期更多可用 RAM 的情況下,手機運作上會更為暢順。
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 亦加入全新的無線充電技術,據官方表示由 0% 充電至全滿,只需要 120 分鐘,真係好快!
Note 5 亦加入了 SideSync 同步功能,可以讓用戶回家後,將手機接駁身處同一網絡的電腦或電視,咁大家就可以係更大熒幕上用手機、寫訊息、打機、打電話等。此外,新版 SideSync 亦加入 AirDrop 功能,可以令大家無線係手機與電腦之間互傳相片或文件等檔案。
Samsung 跟 Youtube 合作,支援用 NOTE 5 或 S6 edge+ 經網絡連接到 Youtube 作即時直播,並支援 4K 的解像度。
預計 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 將會係 8 月 21 日起於加拿大及美國開售,至於香港暫時就未有消息,但今日就是香港發佈會,屆時應有相關消息及售價吧。
The post 3 分鐘睇盡 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 十大重點功能 appeared first on UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活.
Apple has come a long, long way in its attitude toward NFC. The company seemingly went out of its way to avoid the short-range wireless tech for years after others embraced it, but it quickly became one of the biggest users last year thanks to Apple Pay. And now, it's ready to guide the standard's future -- the company has joined the top ranks of the NFC Forum, giving it the same level of influence as the likes of Google, Intel and Samsung, among others. Clearly, Apple isn't having regrets about welcoming NFC with open arms.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Apple
Via: AppleInsider
Tags: apple, iphone, mobilepayments, mobilepostcross, nfc, nfcforum, payment, smartphone
A new breed of live video apps like Meerkat and Periscope means just about anyone can become a streaming star overnight, but what about poor little YouTube? Well, it's sure got an ally in Samsung: The new Galaxy Note 5 and S6 Edge+ can both broadcast live video to Google's cat-video-sharing platform, no extra apps required. The beauty of the formula lies in its simplicity: All you have to do is fire up the stock camera app, hit the "Live Broadcast" button and sign into YouTube.
Tags: android, camera, livestream, livestreaming, mobilepostcross, samsung, samsungunpacked2015, streaming, unpacked, video, youtube
Apple has released an official iOS update for all users with iOS 8.4.1 now available. The update follows the major iOS 8.4 release which included an all-new Music app with Apple Music, the new subscription music service, plus Beats 1, Apple's Internet-based radio station with live DJs. Apple initially started testing the changes in iOS 8.4.1 with developers in mid-July. The maintenance update includes several issue fixes for Apple Music and Beats 1.
Specifically, Apple names fixes for enabling iCloud Music Library which keeps music and playlists collections up-to-date across devices, a hidden music issue due to offline music preferences, album artwork problems, and favoriting tracks from Beats 1. Additionally, Apple says the update includes a better method for adding songs to a playlist when none are available and several fixes for artists posting to Apple Music's Connect feature.
The update is available for all iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches capable of running iOS 8. It can be found from the Settings app under General and Software Update for updating over-the-air, or through iTunes on the Mac or PC for updating without much free storage available.
Visit 9to5Mac to find more special coverage of iOS and Apple Music.
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Today is operating system update day for Apple users. The company has released updates for both iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite. There's also an update for iTunes.
iOS 8.4.1 is now available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This update is chock full of "improvements and fixes to Apple Music." According to Apple's technical notes, the update resolves issues with turning on iCloud Music Library, fixes a problem that hides added music when Apple Music is set to show offline music only, fixes an album artwork issue, and several other fixes. iOS 8.4.1 also includes security updates.
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