
Incredible sky event looks like alien spaceships coming to Earth [feedly]

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Incredible sky event looks like alien spaceships coming to Earth

Incredible sky event looks like alien spaceships coming to Earth

It looks like an scene from Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but it's real—an awesome view of one of the weirdest sky phenomena you can watch from Earth, witnessed in the Finnish lapland, near the town of Sirkka.

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The inner workings of Touch ID: Each fingerprint sensor is paired to a specific A7 chip [feedly]

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The inner workings of Touch ID: Each fingerprint sensor is paired to a specific A7 chip


When Apple introduced Touch ID on the new iPhone 5s, the company provided some basic information about the kinds of security used to protect users' fingerprints and data. A new discovery by iMore reveals that Apple has even more security in place than they discussed with the public.

According to iMore, each individual Touch ID sensor is paired with its corresponding A7 processor. To confirm the pairing theory, iMore switched the Touch ID sensors from two brand new iPhones and attempted to setup each device. Each phone failed to recognize the sensors and returned an error until the sensors were swapped back to their original phones.

iMore's Nick Arnott and Allyson Kazmucha speculate that this is to prevent man-in-the-middle style attacks in which fingerprint data is intercepted between the A7 processor and Touch ID sensor by nefarious third-parties. This explanation makes a lot of sense and seems like a logical security feature for such sensitive data.

You can think of the Touch ID sensor as a key and the A7 processor as a door lock. If every key worked in every lock, it would be easy to simply copy any key and let yourself into someone else's house. Because each sensor and A7 chip are unique to each other, copying one key (cracking the security on one Touch ID sensor) does not let you into every house on the block. In the event that someone does find a way to intercept fingerprint data on one iPhone 5s, pairing the hardware components helps prevent this hack from working on every other device.

iMore's entire post is quite interesting and includes a bit more detail about the process of discovering this security mechanism and its potential impact on iPhone security. I recommend giving it a read.

Visit 9to5Mac to find more special coverage of iOS Devices, iPhone 5S, and Security.

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蘋果iPad Air中港今日上市:國內預約自取無人排隊 [feedly]

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蘋果iPad Air中港今日上市:國內預約自取無人排隊
新浪手機訊 11月1日上午消息,蘋果新一代平板電腦iPad Air今日正式上市,中國和香港內地作為首批上市國家今早八點在零售店正式開賣,由于採用預約自取的方式,此次現場並沒有出現排隊情況,而香港的排隊情況也不比以往熱烈。 蘋果零售店預約自取 無人排隊 此次iPad Air一如iPhone 5s採用預約自取的購買方式,在...

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iPad Airs start arriving at Apple Stores and resellers as supply expected to be plentiful [feedly]

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iPad Airs start arriving at Apple Stores and resellers as supply expected to be plentiful


iPad Air units have begun arriving at Apple Stores and resellers across the world ahead of this Friday's official launch, according to several sources. Additionally, a reader has spotted that iPad Airs have begun arriving at Walmart locations (see image above and below) and the device seems to have already been placed inside of one-store's glass casing for iPads. The special $479 price point can be seen on the sticker on the iPad Air's packaging.

At Apple Stores, we've heard that multiple large stores across the United States have already received upwards of 500-1000 units of the iPad Air, indicating that the supply of the new tablet will likely be plentiful at launch. We've heard similar from resellers of iPads internationally with some chains indicating that they will have a solid number of iPad Airs on tap for Friday. These stores say even more supply is promised for the next couple of weeks…

The iPhone 5s notably launched in a constrained fashion with many potential customers unable to secure the storage capacity and/or color of their choice on the September 20th launch day (or even several days afterward). It seems likely that problem will not occur on November 1st. Apple is said to be allowing customers to order their iPad Air online and pick it up in-store after 12PM beginning on the 1st.


We also understand that the iPad Air will be available for business discounts on day one, which reportedly has not been offered on launch day for any previous iPad.

The iPad Air is a substantial update over the preceding fourth-generation iPad, and it includes a thinner and lighter design, stronger A7 processor, and comes bundled with iOS 7. Apple is launching the iPad mini with Retina display later this month, and that device is said to be seeing constraints due to manufacturing issues with displays. 

Continue reading more about iOS Devices, iPhone, and iPad at 9to5Mac.

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第三季度 Apple 平板電腦市場份額大跌10% [feedly]

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第三季度 Apple 平板電腦市場份額大跌10%
第三季度, Apple 仍是全球最大平板電腦廠商,但份額從40%下跌至30% 新浪科技訊 香港時間10月31日消息,美國市場研究公司IDC週三發佈研究報告稱,2013年第三季度, Apple 占據全球平板電腦市場29.6%的份額,低於去年同期的40.2%,但仍然超過 Samsung 的20.4%,保住了全球第一的位置。 第三季度,全球平板電腦出貨量...

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[進階] 吉米教你連結WiFi設備又可以同時3G上網 [feedly]

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[進階] 吉米教你連結WiFi設備又可以同時3G上網




所以不管你是用Wi-Fi direct link的 Libratone 喇叭





甚至錄影、zoom in 、zoom out,都比超方便的



















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Google 五太子360度3D全身照曝光 [feedly]

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Google 五太子360度3D全身照曝光
今天是10月31日, Google Nexus 5能否發佈依然是個謎。不過在目前,國外已經流出了一個Nexus 5的3D展示圖。 通過以下動態圖,我們可以從360度全方位觀察這款白色Nexus 5手機,當然,這又是一款黑白配的熊貓機。此外,該網站還曝出了黑色零售版的Nexus 5真機照。 按照之前消息,Nexus 5 採用4.96寸1080p屏,搭...

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iPad Air reviews are in and are overwhelmingly positive [feedly]

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iPad Air reviews are in and are overwhelmingly positive

With the iPad Air set to hit stores on Friday, initial reviews of Apple's latest flagship iPad began rolling in Tuesday evening and, suffice it to say, they're overwhelmingly positive.

Here's a sampling of iPad Air reviews from around the web.

First up we have David Pogue who, now a Yahoo employee, posted an iPad Air review on his Tumblr:

That big public yawn must drive Apple's engineers crazy. The thing is, making the iPad smaller, lighter, and faster without sacrificing battery life or beauty is a tremendous achievement.

This isn't a device that sits or hangs in one place its whole life. It's not a microwave or a TV. You have to hold this thing while you're using it, and carry it around when you're not. So size and weight matter a lot.

As one would expect for a product called the iPad Air, a number of reviews focused on how shockingly lightweight Apple's latest iPad is.

Damon Darlin of The New York Times writes:

What you may not know is this: Those 6.4 ounces make all the difference when, as you recline while reading or watching a movie, you conk out and the iPad falls forward to bonk you on the nose. The Air won't hurt you the way the old iPad did.

The weight reduction and a 20 percent slimmer profile provide other benefits, too. My messenger bag strap didn't dig into my shoulder as deeply when my iPad was in it. My hand didn't cramp up while grasping the iPad Air for an hour while watching movies or playing games.

Jim Dalrymple of The Loop:

It's very hard to describe how good the iPad Air feels in your hand without actually picking one up. It's kind of like the first time you saw a Retina display for the first time-shock.

If you're looking for a Siracusa-esque monster review of the iPad Air, then look no further than Anand Lal Shimpi of AnandTech. Shimpi covers anything you could possibly want to know about the Air, from both a usability and technical perspective.

Two weeks ago I had all but written off the bigger iPad. It was too bulky and just no where near as portable as the iPad mini. Once the latter gets a Retina Display and equal hardware across the board, why would anyone consider the bigger model? The iPad Air changed my perspective on all of that. It really does modernize the big iPad.

One particular tidbit worth noting from Shimpi's epic review is that charging time on the iPad Air checks in at 4.11 hours compared to 5.69 hours on the iPad 4.

Also delivering a substantive and extensive review is Engadget who also came away impressed with Apple's latest offering:

Surprise: the iPad Air is the best iPad we've reviewed. In addition, though, it's also the most comfortable 10-inch tablet we've ever tested. Not every manufacturer can produce a thin and light device without also making it feel cheap or flimsy, but Apple nailed it. Factor in a sizable boost in performance and battery life, and the Air is even more compelling. The last two iPads served up relatively few improvements, but the Air provides people with more of a reason to upgrade or even buy a tablet for the first time.

Walt Mossberg is also on board the iPad Air bandwagon, calling it the tablet he'd recommend. He also indicated that he was able to get a whopping 12 hours and 13 minutes of battery life out of the device, exceeding Apple's own battery life estimates by 20%.

Believe it or not, but the number of outlets Apple provided review units to is much much longer. I can't remember Apple ever handing out so many review units for previous product releases. That said, some other sites with iPad Air reviews you might want to check out include TechCrunch, Mashable, CNET, TIME, and the USA Today,

iPad Air reviews are in and are overwhelmingly positive originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 29 Oct 2013 22:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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[分享] Eye-Fi Mobi 32GB 來了~~ [feedly]

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[分享] Eye-Fi Mobi 32GB 來了~~
接著先前推出的Mobi 16GB,Eye-Fi 在幾個月之後,又推出了 32GB 版本。32GB 版本似乎更適合較長時間旅行使用。







PC上接USB 3.0 讀卡機的讀寫速度:

Mac mini 2011版自體的SD插槽上:

32GB版本比起16GB 讀寫速度稍有提升。

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Apple 承認部分 iPhone 5s 存在電池問題,將為受影響用戶更換新機 [feedly]

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Apple 承認部分 iPhone 5s 存在電池問題,將為受影響用戶更換新機

在 iPhone 5s 上市後有用戶發現手中的產品電池似乎不太給力,而在 Apple 最新發給紐約時報的聲明中,他們也的確承認了這一問題。「我們最近發現有一小部分 iPhone 5s 存在製造缺陷,會發生電池充電時間較長、續航力較短等問題。」Apple 發言人 Teresa Brewer 這樣說道,「我們已經在聯繫那些受到影響的用戶,並且會為它們更換新的手機。」

這個「一小部分」具體有多少目前還是個未知數,但我們覺得要是數字不大的話應該不至於讓 Apple 專門跳出來發佈聲明吧。在我們的評測中 iPhone 5s 的續航力可謂非常之不錯,如果你不幸中標的話,那就快去找 Apple 換一台新機吧。

引用來源:New York Times

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iPad Air Benchmarks reveal tweaked 1.4GHz A7 processor, 80% faster than iPad 4′s A6X chip [feedly]

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iPad Air Benchmarks reveal tweaked 1.4GHz A7 processor, 80% faster than iPad 4′s A6X chip

iPad Air Benchmarks reveal tweaked 1.4GHz A7 processor, 80% faster than iPad 4′s A6X chip
iPad Air is powered by the A7 chip, the same chip that powers iPhone 5s, so I wasn't expecting too many surprises. However, John Poole of Primate Labs reports that the Geekbench 3 benchmarks suggest that Apple has tweaked the A7 chip used in the iPad Air. Continue reading

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Samsung Galaxy Golden 動手玩(影片) [feedly]

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Samsung Galaxy Golden 動手玩(影片)

說到使用 Android 系統的翻蓋式手機,我們對上一次玩到的已經是兩年前日系的 Sharp 007sh 了。之後其實 Samsung 都有在大陸推出雙螢幕的 Android 翻蓋手機,但基本上每部都是天價,所以香港這邊也鮮有引入。今天我們終於在先達的豆腐屋還多了早前在韓國推出的 Samsung Galaxy Golden,和之前的手機一樣,它並沒有使用和日系翻蓋手機相似的雙轉軸設計,而是用了前後兩片 3.7 吋 480 x 800 Super AMOLED 螢幕。到底使用上和日系的 Android 翻蓋手機有多少分別,就要等跳轉後說明了。

繼續閱讀全文Samsung Galaxy Golden 動手玩(影片)

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傳 Apple 明年9月推5英吋iPhone 6:可單手使用 [feedly]

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傳 Apple 明年9月推5英吋iPhone 6:可單手使用
新浪科技訊 香港時間10月30日早間消息,據日本雜誌Mac Fan報導, Apple 公司計劃在明年9月推出iPhone 6,這將是首款可僅用一隻手進行操作的大顯示屏手機。 報導稱, Apple 公司下一代iPhone將配備1920x1080像素的5英吋顯示屏,每英吋像素密度為440ppi。據稱, Apple 公司計劃將該款手機的顯示屏兩端都做得儘...

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Tesla Model S gets 'recommended' rating from Consumer Reports; Prius V, Ford hybrids not so much [feedly]

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Tesla Model S gets 'recommended' rating from Consumer Reports; Prius V, Ford hybrids not so much

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How can Consumer Reports give a car a 99 out of 100 rating, call it "the most practical electric car we've ever tested" and still not give it a "Recommended" rating? Because of how that rating gets decided. Basically, when CR tests a vehicle, it also needs more reliability data over time to assign that famous "Recommended" rating. That time has now passed, and the Tesla Model S is, indeed, recommended.

The update comes in the new Consumer Reports Annual Auto Reliability rankings, where the Model S has been added to the "Models that now have sufficient data" list. The data combines CR's in-house tests with subscriber survey data with, CR says, 1.1 million vehicles. There were only 600 Model S EVs in that data pool, and CR says the 2012 models were holding up better than the 2013 models. The problems that drivers reported included "wind noise, squeaks and rattles, and body hardware (including the sunroof, doors, and locks)."

One well-known green car has dropped off the "recommended" list due to getting a "poor" rating in some crash tests. The Toyota Prius V (along with the Camry and RAV4) lost its "recommended" rating, part of a year where "Japanese dominance in car reliability is showing cracks." The standard Prius liftback, Prius C, Lexus ES 300h, Honda CR-Z and Nissan Leaf all were considered "top models," while the Ford C-Max and Fusion hybrids were not. In fact, CR's press release (available below), says the "Ford C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid got the worst [predicted-reliability] score, and the regular C-Max Hybrid wasn't much better."

Continue reading Tesla Model S gets 'recommended' rating from Consumer Reports; Prius V, Ford hybrids not so much

Tesla Model S gets 'recommended' rating from Consumer Reports; Prius V, Ford hybrids not so much originally appeared on Autoblog Green on Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:56:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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新Mac Pro電腦或支援用戶自行升級顯卡 [feedly]

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新Mac Pro電腦或支援用戶自行升級顯卡
Mac Pro全顛覆了傳統的電腦設計 新浪科技訊 10月28日上午消息,來自國外數碼網站macrumors的消息稱,今日一些國外媒體已經拿到了 Apple 公司最新的Mac Pro工作站,部分媒體發現 Apple 給電腦留下了升級空間,它或許支援用戶自行升級顯卡。 Mac Pro在今年6月的 Apple 公司全球開發者大會(WWDC)發佈,定位是用於處理影...

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Apple 週二發佈季度業績:iPhone銷量或增長24% [feedly]

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Apple 週二發佈季度業績:iPhone銷量或增長24%
新浪科技訊 香港時間10月28日早間消息, Apple 公司將於本週一美股收盤後(香港時間週二凌晨)發佈2013財年第四財季業績,而iPhone將成為本季度財報的關注焦點。 iPhone一直都是 Apple 公司最重要的產品,對其財務狀況至關重要。此外,該季度 Apple 公司發佈了兩款新iPhone,包括iPhone 5c和iPhone 5s。這兩款手機於上...

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Tesla eyes annual sales of 10,000 cars in Germany: CEO in paper - Yahoo Finance

Tesla eyes annual sales of 10,000 cars in Germany: CEO in paper

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Electric car maker Tesla Motors (TSLA) is aiming to sell around 10,000 cars a year in Germany by 2015 as it builds out its networks of charging stations, its chief executive told a German paper.

"I have confidence in the German consumer," Tesla Chief executive Elon Musk was quoted as saying in an interview with Welt am Sonntag.

"Our fast charging stations should cover around half of Germany by the end of March 2014 and the entire country by the end of 2014," he said, adding he expected there to be 25 Tesla dealerships in Germany by the end of next year.

Tesla's high performance, all-electric Model S went on sale in Europe in August, and even overtook Volkswagen's Golf as the bestselling car in Norway in September.

Even vehicle sales of 10,000 would be only a small fraction of the German car market. Main industry association VDA expects sales to reach between 2.9-3.0 million cars this year from 3.08 million in 2012, and keep hovering at around 3 million vehicles in coming years.

The Model S costs from 71,400 euros ($98,500) in Germany, according to the group's website.

Tesla is currently working on developing a third-generation electric car by 2017 that will cost between $30,000 and $35,000.

($1 = 0.7250 euros)

(Reporting by Victoria Bryan; Editing by Catherine Evans)

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Apple 公司力推軟件免費微軟現金奶牛遭衝擊 [feedly]

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Apple 公司力推軟件免費微軟現金奶牛遭衝擊
導語:美國科技博客TechCrunch週六刊登題為《 Apple 、微軟和免費軟件》(Apple, Microsoft And Free Software)的文章稱, Apple 公司近期宣佈了一系列軟件產品的免費。考慮到這些產品目前仍是微軟的現金奶牛,因此這將對微軟產生明顯衝擊。而微軟已開始著手解決這一問題。 以下為文章主要內容: ...

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紐約時報:新iPad將推動平板電腦銷量趕超PC [feedly]

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Apple 公司發佈iPad Air 導語:美國《紐約時報》網絡版刊登題為《新iPad發佈,平板電腦銷量即將超過PC》(With New Apple iPads, Tablets Move Closer to Passing PCs in Sales)的評論文章稱, Apple 公司對iPad進行升級後,將進一步增強這類產品的吸引力,從而推動其盡快超越PC。 以下為文章全文: 大幅升級 ...

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八個美國州份聯手推動零排放汽車的普及化,目標是 2025 年達 330 萬輛 [feedly]

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八個美國州份聯手推動零排放汽車的普及化,目標是 2025 年達 330 萬輛

一間公司去獨力推動電動車等零排放汽車的普及可能是很吃力的事,但如果是美國的八個州份要出手的話,那故事可能就會不一樣了。加利福尼亞州、康涅狄格州、馬里蘭州、馬薩諸塞州、紐約州、俄勒岡州、羅得島州和佛蒙特州的州長剛剛一同宣佈,他們的州份將會聯手推動零排放汽車(包括電動車和燃料電池車)的普及化,目標是銷售量在 2025 年達到 330 萬輛。不過他們不是要做神級的汽車推銷員,而是以較間接的手法來鼓勵人們買這類車,例如建立更多充電設施、定出電動車適用的建築標準、調整充電費及道路費、政府採購和做更多教育推廣等。根據紐約時報指出,現在美國每年的電動車銷量才有 45,000 輛左右,Hybrid 的銷量也是差不多,看來這八個州份要把握這些年好好努力了。

經由:EngadgetThe New York Times

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Alcatel One Touch Pop 7 吋平板電腦效果圖流出 [feedly]

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Alcatel One Touch Pop 7 吋平板電腦效果圖流出

@evleaks 在 Twitter 上跟我們分享了上圖這張名為「Alcatel onetouch Pop 7-inch tablet」的照片,當中的平板相信就是他們 One Touch Pop 系列裡的首款平板。其尺寸如無如外就是 7 吋,有趣的就是有消息指出它的背蓋是可以自行更換,就像 Toshiba Thrive,而且還會有圖中沒有的黑色版。再細心觀察一下,會發現紅色後蓋頂部 3.5mm 耳機開口旁還有一個像 micro-USB 的開口,但其他後蓋則沒有,很奇怪的。最後,我們不清楚它的詳細規格、價格和上市日期,唯有等 Alcatel 公佈更多了。


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Internet Archive 將老遊戲老程式都帶到你的瀏覽器上! [feedly]

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Internet Archive 將老遊戲老程式都帶到你的瀏覽器上!
將老程式和老遊戲保存在櫃裡,倒不如將它們活化吧。Internet Archive 在官方部落格上公佈了一個名為 Historical Software Archive (歷史軟體存檔)的資料庫,他們已經成功透過可被 Firefox、Chrome、Safari 和 Internet Explorer 等現代瀏覽器支援的 Javascript MESS 模擬器,運行大量老程式和老遊戲,例如 1979 年的 Apple Lemonade Stand、1980 年的 Atari Dealer Demo 和 1982 年的 The Hobbit 等。如果你對經典的東西有興趣的話一定不能錯過,說不定到訪引用來源之後會有回到過去的感覺。

引用來源:Internet Archive Blog

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虛幻神秘 沉迷自我的孤獨影像作品 [feedly]

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虛幻神秘 沉迷自我的孤獨影像作品
芬蘭攝影師Mikko Lagerstedt極力營造一種虛幻神秘的氛圍,希望能對觀看者有所啟發,他的目標是希望暫停每一天神秘的時刻。 圖片來源︰其他

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