
9 smart and useful features of Apple’s iPhone ecosystem that make it hard to switch [feedly]

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9 smart and useful features of Apple's iPhone ecosystem that make it hard to switch

When shopping for a new smartphone, looking just at the features of one specific model compared to another, or even the capabilities of one release of Android to that of iOS doesn't show the full picture. While the online reviews may indicate that the Samsung Galaxy S 4 has better hardware components than the iPhone, or that notifications in the recently released Jelly Bean version of Android are better than iOS, that does not necessarily make all Android phones better than all iPhones.

Apple cares about more than just creating a consistent and unique experience for each of their devices individually. In my opinion, Apple has created a more complete and user-friendly ecosystem that encompasses much more than the features or abilities of a single phone. If your total investment in Apple is just a single iPhone, then switching between iOS and Android with each upgrade opportunity is not just possible; it is likely very probable.

However, if you have taken full advantage of everything Apple has to offer iPhone users, then switching platforms may be harder than you think. For many iPhone owners, the question is more than just upgrading a phone to the next great thing. It is also about how much one has totally invested in Apple as a whole. Here's a list of several aspects of Apple's complete ecosystem that I think makes the iPhone experience much better than it could possible be on its own.

Apple Ecosystem

Shared Photo Streams for iCloud members only

While your own personal Photo Stream may be a convenience when it comes to accessing your photos from multiple devices, sharing your best moments with other iCloud members is certainly more rewarding. Liking and commenting on each other's photo stream is an experience not unlike other photo sharing services. The problem is that you cannot access any of these shared Photo Streams from outside Apple's ecosystem. So switching means that you will have to leave your shared memories behind and convince your friends and family to share their precious life moments with you elsewhere.

iMessage and FaceTime friends and family

iMessage is Apple's messaging system that in many instances — at least when its working – can be used as a replacement to SMS messaging provided by cellular carriers. Like iMessage, FaceTime is the video extension that enables one to call someone they know and see them live and in person. Both products certainly have their competition online, but convincing your family and friends that you communicate with regularly to switch services may pose more of a challenge. Not everyone has accounts with multiple competing services.

GameCenter Friends, Saved Game Data and Top Scores

If you are a gamer, you may have quite a bit more invested in GameCenter than you think. If your an avid iOS gamer, all of your online friends that you challenge and play multiplayer games with are all GameCenter members. Your top scores, achievements, rankings and more are all in GameCenter as well. This includes the investment you made in purchasing the games as well as the ability to use your iCloud backup and restore your data to a new device. Yes, there use to be alternatives like OpenFeint, and more recently Google Play Games has added similar features, but you will need to start over with new friends and establish yourself once again on the leader boards.

Apple Ecosystem

iTunes Mix and Match media libraries

It use to be that digital-rights management (DRM) locked all of your music to one service, iTunes and your iPod. This has changed in recent years and your music library is more portable than ever. Moving your entire music library from one service to another can be a bit of a challenge, but you can do it. However, unlike some of the other multiplatform music storage services like those from Google or Amazon, your iTunes Match music library can only be accessed from your iOS device, not Android. And even though your music library may be liberated from DRM, the rest of your iTunes purchases are not. From movies to television series and even the books you purchased from iBooks, they are all part of your Apple ecosystem. This is why you must use your iTunes account authorize all of your devices. There is no legitimate way from Apple to transfer your media collection to another platform.

AppleTV, AirPlay and AirPrint enabled devices

From speakers to amplifiers, Airport Express and of course Apple TV, streaming your music, videos, and even your screen is certainly easier when you have an AirPlay capable device to stream it to. Even printer manufactures have been supporting Apple's AirPrint interface for a while now. And that makes printing from your iOS device simple and easy. And if you happen to have multiple iOS devices in your house, switching just one device over can make supporting all of these peripherals problematic to say the least.

iCloud synced data and backups

It's not just Apple's iWork apps — Pages, Numbers and Keynote — that can sync documents from your iPhone and iPad to your Mac. There are quite a few apps that cross over from the iOS app store to the Mac app store. Some of my favorites include mSecure, iDraw, ByWord, OmniGraffle, PDFPen and MindNode to name a few. Sure, you can set up a Dropbox account and sync a folder of documents, but that takes time to set up, and does not take advantage of OS X's Power Nap feature. Power Nap is a power saving feature where your Mac will continue to sync with iCloud, even when it is asleep.

Apple Ecosystem

Charging cables at work, home and in the car

Then there are the cables. So many cables. Travel cables, bedside cables, work cables and car cables. After you have lived in Apple's world for a while, you start seeing more and more charging cables appearing everywhere you live. First it was 30-pin cables and now it is Lightning cables (and even MagSafe for Macs). All such cables are exclusively Apple. Not to mention "Made for iPod" compliant docking stations that you may have at your bedside in the form of an alarm clock or a speaker stand in the living room. There is no "Made for Android" equivalent.

AppleCare+ protection plans

Cellular carriers are looking for ways to shorten the amount of time that you are 'stuck' with an outdated phone. Apple on the other hand has looked for ways to get customers used to updating every other release with their version of the "tick tock" strategy. Add to this the extended AppleCare+ plan and you have a solid two years that you will want to keep your iPhone close to you. And AppleCare does not end with your iPhone, you can track and manage all of your Apple devices that are protected under AppleCare., a convenient way to manage all of your Apple devices.

All those iOS exclusive apps

Lets not forget ones investment in apps. For paid apps this works both ways. For Android owners, having an investment in paid apps that you use each and every day would be the same deterrent for switching platforms as an iOS owner. There are however a number of apps that are exclusive to the iOS platform. And if it just so happens that one such app is an app that you use every day, then switching may not be an option you are willing to entertain.

After reading this, you can look back and see it in one of two different ways. Either you see it as a trap, locking you in to a life of limited choices, or you see it as Apple having thought of everything.

And no matter which way you see it, both viewpoints will admit that Apple makes taking advantage of each and every one of these features as simple and easy as possible from the very first the moment you take your new device out of the box. Some will say that is by design to lock you in, while others will counter that it is all about making the customer experience great. If you are one who has taken full advantage of all Apple has to offer, you'll find it hard to switch away, and you might not care.

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『傳聞』 Sony 將推出傳感器位移對焦E卡口無反相機 [feedly]

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『傳聞』 Sony 將推出傳感器位移對焦E卡口無反相機
康泰時AX 這是一條讓人略感驚訝的消息,SAR下午突然發佈消息稱, Sony 將在9月發佈大量E卡口無反相機、鏡頭新品,這其中包括一款採用傳感器位移對焦技術的APS-C格式E卡口無反相機,該技術可讓 Canon 、 Nikon 等非原廠卡口鏡頭,甚至是膠片時代的手動鏡頭實現自動對焦功能。 傳感器位移對焦是一種通過改變法蘭距達到自動對焦...

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HTC’s newest accessory is a phone for your smartphone [feedly]

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HTC's newest accessory is a phone for your smartphone
HTC Mini+ Release Date
Have you ever wished that you didn't have to use your smartphone to make phone calls? If so then HTC is hoping you'll throw down $50 for the HTC Mini+, a new accessory that connects with your HTC smartphone via Bluetooth and lets you make calls while you use your smartphone for surfing the web. HTC says that the new smartphone phone also features a "hands-free remote camera control lets you take pictures from your phone at a distance" and that it "even doubles as a TV remote control, and pairs with select HTC devices to operate multimedia streaming through your HTC Media Link HD." If accessories like this start to catch on, we might see Nokia release a separate camera to go with the Lumia 1020 so you won't have to waste your device's 41-megapixel camera taking pictures.

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Weekend Project: Build a False TV Wall [feedly]

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Weekend Project: Build a False TV Wall
Weekend Project: Build a False TV Wall
Just because you rent, that doesn't mean you can't own the living room.

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特斯拉汽車安全性或是空談:銷量才是硬道理 [feedly]

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特斯拉Model S轎車 導語:《今日美國》網絡版發表題為特斯拉Model S安全記錄完美,但銷量如何呢?(Tesla's Model S perfect for safety, but how about sales?)的評論文章稱,雖然特斯拉Model S電動車在多項安全測試中獲得最高分,但如果不受市場歡迎,理論上的安全性再高,到頭來也是空談,畢竟銷量才是...

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JR 東海 L0 系磁浮列車完成試行,時速破 500km/h(影片) [feedly]

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JR 東海 L0 系磁浮列車完成試行,時速破 500km/h(影片)

據朝日新聞的報導,由三菱重工研發的日本東海旅客鐵道株式會社(簡稱 JR 東海)L0 系磁浮新幹線列車,剛剛完成了一系列的試行。測試是在全長 42.8 公里的山梨磁懸浮試驗線上進行,目前共有 5 節的 L0 系列車暫時最高的可達速度為每小時 505 公里(平均是 500 公里左右),用了九分鐘就跨越試驗線了。這次的測試目的是量度列車穿越長隧道表現、行車時對地面的影響和找出方法去將其保固成本降低。

在車上體驗的日本國土交通大臣太田指出行車時,他的身體明顯地感覺到高速行駛,但沒有不適,行車的所產生的聲音沒有使到人們要提高聲線才能對話,震動也不明顯。據報 JR 東海的計劃是是在 2027 年開通東京品川至名古屋線路,行程需時 40 分鐘,2045 年開通品川至新大阪線,行程需時 67 分鐘。但短期而言,L0 會在 2015 年增加至 9 節車廂,最終則會有 12 節,車身全長 299 米。有興建可以去繼續閱讀看看朝日新聞的報導影片。

繼續閱讀全文JR 東海 L0 系磁浮列車完成試行,時速破 500km/h(影片)

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真正的智能手錶:沒有手機照樣打電話 [feedly]

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TrueSmart不僅可以用作手機配件,還能夠與穀歌眼鏡進行配對運算。更重要的是,該手錶還能脫離手機、單獨使用,它自身能夠實現通話、短信等功能。 TrueSmart智能手錶實質上就是一個縮小版的智能手機,它採用一塊1.54英寸的240 x 240彩色屏幕,搭載1.3GHz主頻Cortex-A7雙核處理器,配備512MB內存以及4GB存儲容量(支持最高32G...

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Canon EOS 70D 評測:觸控翻轉螢幕、LiveView 對焦大躍進 [feedly]

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Canon EOS 70D 評測:觸控翻轉螢幕、LiveView 對焦大躍進

Canon 自前年推出 EOS 60D 這部中階機種後,直至本月才在香港台灣發表後繼機 70D,除了可單購機身外,還可選購搭配 18-55mm STM 或 18-135mm STM 鏡頭的套裝。雖然 70D 有點姍姍來遲,但使用的感光元件終於躍升為 2,020 萬像素 CMOS,並加入創新研發的「雙像素 CMOS 自動對焦(Dual Pixel CMOS AF)」最新自動對焦系統,讓多使用 LiveView 實時取景拍攝的使用者帶來快捷的自動對焦速度,還首度於中階 DSLR 之上加入觸控的規格(把入門機 650D 的觸控規格帶進 70D ,也是個新嘗試吧!),可算是誠意之作。既然連感光元件也升級了,那麼照片和影片的品質也會提升吧?現在就跳轉去看看這推理是否正確。

繼續閱讀全文Canon EOS 70D 評測:觸控翻轉螢幕、LiveView 對焦大躍進

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Samsung Apple 帶動今年手機顯示屏產業成長55% [feedly]

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Samsung Apple 帶動今年手機顯示屏產業成長55%
根據根據DisplaySearch分析報告顯示,智能手機對更高解像度,更大觸摸功能顯示屏強勁需求,讓手機顯示屏市場在2013年收入強勁增長。 手機顯示屏產業收入預計將在今年年底達到333億美元,比去年增加55%,智能手機顯示器的平均銷售價格(ASP)增長帶動收入增長。另外,手機顯示屏出貨量在2013年預計將增長15%,達到19億片。...

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iblazr adds a powerful flash to your smartphone [feedly]

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iblazr adds a powerful flash to your smartphone


I have a pretty nice DSLR that I use when I want to get great shots of something. However, more often than not, most pictures I take are with my phone. The reason is because I always have the phone with me, and I can usually get a decent shot in just a few seconds. However, the biggest issue that I run into is poor lighting. Sure, there's an LED flash built into the phone, but half the time it does more harm than good. But what if there was a small, external flash that you could use with your smartphone?

The iblazr is a simple flash for any smartphone that will have a pretty decent impact on the quality of your photography. Using 4 special LEDs, and the companion app, you're able to get just the right amount of light for your shot. The app lets you adjust the brightness, and then syncs up the flash with your camera's shutter. If you're shooting video, you can just set it to continuously provide light.

The nice thing about this gadget is that it has more than just a single use. If you opt to pay a little extra for the cold shoe mount, it can work as a small flash your DSLR. You're also able to use it as a flashlight, reading light, or desk light, with the included charging cable, and the internal battery. You can pick yours up by backing the already-funded Kickstarter project, and have it sometime in December of this year. If you want just the light, it will only cost you $39, if you want the cold shoe mount, it will cost you an extra $8.

[ iblazr adds a powerful flash to your smartphone copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Flickr eyes Instagram with updated iOS app offering live filters and powerful editing [feedly]

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Flickr eyes Instagram with updated iOS app offering live filters and powerful editing


Flickr appears to be making a play for the Instagram market with the latest update to its free iOS app adding new filters with live previews and instant editing tools which include the ability to crop photos, adjust colors and add vignettes.

It's a little late to the party, with Instagram having already expanded into video in a big way after witnessing the popularity of Vine, and of course filters and square crops are built into the revamped Camera app in iOS 7 … 

  • The Flickr Mobile App has a brand new set of filters! With a new range of dynamic and stunning effects you'll be able to personalize your photos like never before.
  • Live filters! Now you can scroll through and preview the effects of each filter before you snap your shot. Choosing the right one is no longer a guessing game.
  • Tired of stock filters? With the Flickr Mobile App you can customize your filters to get the exact effects you're looking for.
  • We've also got new camera tools. Perfectly compose your shots with awesome grids, pinch to zoom, and the ability to lock your focus and exposure points.
  • Professional editing tools. The editing tools you usually pay for are now free with Flickr. Enhance, crop, sharpen, adjust color, use levels, add vignettes and more.
  • Now our camera and editing tools have beautifully animated transitions, giving users the best camera experience yet.

However, integration of Flickr into iOS7 will undoubtedly boost usage.

Version 2.2.1134 of the Flickr app is available on iTunes.

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海量圖賞:聯想一體機​三連發全線Haswell [feedly]

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體積輕巧、外觀時尚的一體機正在受到越來越多用戶的歡迎,PC廠商在這方面的投入也不斷加大,特別是聯想,已經佔據了全球一體機市場的30%,去年出貨量就有430萬部,年增25%。 今天,聯想又一口氣發佈了三款ThinkCentre系列一體機,以及一款迷你台式機,都配備了Intel Haswell處理器,可選多點觸摸屏、UltraFlex壁掛標準、獨...

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NFC 自拍小惡魔:Sony NEX-5T 試玩 [feedly]

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NFC 自拍小惡魔:Sony NEX-5T 試玩
Sony 新一代 NEX 5 系無反光鏡相機 NEX-5T,搭載 16MP 感光元件、180 度翻轉式自拍螢幕。同時 NEX-5T 除了內建 Wi-Fi,更新增 NFC 近場通訊功能,可以快捷地連接行動裝置。NEX-5T 予定九月中旬發售,單機身 NT$17,980 元。

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Volvo 發佈 Concept Coupe,一款雙座 400HP 插電式混合動力概念車 [feedly]

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Volvo 發佈 Concept Coupe,一款雙座 400HP 插電式混合動力概念車
DNP Volvo's Concept Coupe is a twoseater plugin hybrid

Volvo 剛剛發佈了 Concept Coupe 概念車的官方圖片和一些細節資訊,這款車將會在 9 月份開幕的法蘭克福車展上首發亮相。這是款插電式混合動力概念車,動力系統是由一款最大輸出為 302 HP的機械增壓與渦輪增壓版 2.0 升四缸汽油發動機及一台電動機組成的,總動力輸出達到了400 HP。別看它馬力不小,實際上也很環保,二氧化碳的排放量僅為 50 克/公里。它的中控臺上有一個觸控顯示幕,集成了自我調整汽車數字顯示系統和抬頭顯示器,整個座艙只有 5 個物理按鍵,同時汽車還能在必要的時候實現自動駕駛。這是第一款由 Volvo 公司負責產品設計的新任高級副總裁 Thomas Ingenlath 設計的概念車,有興趣的還可以點擊跳轉查看官方宣傳影片。


繼續閱讀全文Volvo 發佈 Concept Coupe,一款雙座 400HP 插電式混合動力概念車

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[教學] [中文影片] 教你清理 iPhone / iPad 垃圾,釋放新的儲存空間? [feedly]

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[教學] [中文影片] 教你清理 iPhone / iPad 垃圾,釋放新的儲存空間?
手機經常不夠空間?常常要刪除照片影片覺得好麻煩? 其實裝置裡面很常都會有些系統垃圾,長期佔有空間,令容量變少。 與其要刪掉自己的東西,不如刪除這些沒用的垃圾吧! 用iOS裝置的你可以試看看這個叫phone clean的軟體,幫你整理掉系統垃圾。

無論你是 iPhone / iPad 還是 Android 用家,我們都有最適合你的資訊。我們的 Facebook <iPhone iPad Fan Page>和<Android Fan Page>都會盡快為你解答疑難及給你送上最新最快的科技新聞和手機資訊。還有官方 YouTube Channel,包含大量教學及評測影片。

資料來源: appappapps.com

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Plastic iPhone dummy units show altered color palette including pink & yellowish-orange [feedly]

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Plastic iPhone dummy units show altered color palette including pink & yellowish-orange


As Apple's September 10th iPhone event approaches, speculation is rising in terms of what Apple will announce.

It seems clear that Apple will launch a new iPhone 5S with a fingerprint scanner, a gold casing option, and an improved processor. It also seems likely that Apple will finally take the wraps off of a lower-cost, plastic iPhone model that comes in multiple colors.

Even with the somewhat unbelievable amount of part leaks surrounding this so-called "iPhone 5C," speculation in the form of physical mockups and dummy units continues to mount. Tinhte has created a series of dummy units for the plastic iPhone. Notably, these models are built to represent a color palette that is different than the one that has leaked so far.

Tinhte seems to believe that the colors in the images below could represent the actual colors of the new iPhone model (save for the black version). Full gallery below:










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Apple to launch iPad 5 and iPad mini 2 at September 10 iPhone Event? [feedly]

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Apple to launch iPad 5 and iPad mini 2 at September 10 iPhone Event?

Apple to launch iPad 5 and iPad mini 2 at September 10 iPhone Event?
It is almost certain that Apple will unveil iPhone 5S and possibly even the rumored iPhone 5C at a media event on September 10. Bloomberg (via MacRumors) briefly reports that Apple may also launch the new iPads at the media event, and not just the new iPhones. Continue reading

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