
Android design chief praises Facebook Home, calls it incredibly polished [feedly]

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Android design chief praises Facebook Home, calls it incredibly polished
Facebook Home Praise Android Design Chief
Facebook unveiled Facebook Home, an application that replaces your Android phone's homescreen with Facebook photos and status updates, earlier this month for select Android smartphones. Google chairman Eric Schmidt previously called the software "fantastic" and said it was a creative tweaking of the operating system that fits in well with Google's conception of Android as an open source platform. He isn't the only Google executive who finds Facebook Home intriguing, however: Android design chief Matias Durate told ABC News that Facebook's homescreen replacement "shows an incredible amount of polish and attention to design detail," which is impressive especially because it "didn't come from a hardware manufacturer."

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Canon EOS 100D 迷你數位單眼正式在台登場!含 18-55mm STM IS 鏡售價 NT$24,900(更新:圖集) [feedly]

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Canon EOS 100D 迷你數位單眼正式在台登場!含 18-55mm STM IS 鏡售價 NT$24,900(更新:圖集)

從 Canon EOS 300D 入門機開始後,該公司幾乎沒有太多機身外觀上有做過什麼太大的更動(當然,移除第二資訊窗、LiveView、錄影、翻轉螢幕與 Hybrid AF 等,都算是一系列產品在規格上的重點變更項目),這次 Canon 選擇在 700DEOS M 之間,推出一個最新的百位數入門款 DSLR 產品:EOS 100D,並且將數位單眼機身再次「微型化」,達到接近無反光鏡式數位相機的小巧與輕量級水平,整個吸引了愛好反光鏡機型所提供的高速反應,也十分重視輕量表現的攝影同好。

既然 Canon EOS 100D 介於兩個等級的產品之間,自然是擷取了兩個系統的優勢於一身,不會因為小巧而犧牲快速對焦的機能,也不會因為有了反光鏡的規格而比自家無反相機體積與重量增加多少。規格上,它擁有全新設計的 1,800 萬畫素 APS-C 尺寸的 CMOS 感光元件,擁有 1080/30p 的高畫質錄影規格(擁有 64 級音量調整),帶來新一代大範圍面積的 Hybrid AF 混合式對焦系統,亦採用了 Digic 5 影像處理器,提供 ISO100 - 25,600 的感度範圍與 4fps 的連拍表現。

100D 的 407g 輕量表現,比起 700D 單機身含電池的重量要輕了 173g(作為參考,Panasonic DMC-G6 為 390g),所以在規格上還是有些取捨,像是觀景窗雖然保持著入門機的 95% 範圍,但倍率則為 0.87x,螢幕採「固定式」的 3 吋 104 萬點 LCD,不過還是具備觸控螢幕的規格 -- 這部分基本上與 EOS M 很接近,而還有一個沿用他們無反相機的規格是電池,100D 採用的是 LP-E12 的充電電池,在 CIPA 的續航力表現上則是也稍微遜色 700D 一些,達到 380 張的表現,對焦點則是只有中央具備十字對焦的能力,某方面而言,也算是維持了 EOS 入門機的傳統啦!

售價方面,今天在台灣發佈的 Canon EOS 100D,其含 18-55mm STM 的這顆在 700D 評測中表現十分亮眼的鏡頭的單 KIT 鏡組定價為 NT$24,900,並將於即日起開賣 -- 目前暫無單機銷售計畫,套組也是以輕量為最高考量,所以 40mm 的鏡組銷售未來也有可能出現喔!想知道這部新機的動手玩心得嗎?在更進一步報導更新之前,大家可以先搭配之前發表時主站編輯對照 700D 的拍攝圖集比較一下兩機的體積差異。

更新:Canon 公佈了 18-55mm STM IS KIT 鏡在台灣的訂價為 NT$7,990。我門也將台灣動手玩的圖集放上囉。

[消息] 跳安卓後會懷念的iPhone功能調查 [feedly]

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[消息] 跳安卓後會懷念的iPhone功能調查
根據調查,用過 iPhone 之後,跳槽使用安卓手機,會懷念的 iPhone 的功能依序為:

2.應用程式App(雖然安卓免費的App聽說很多,但是優質的App還是差 iOS 太多了,而且 iOS 光是限時免費的 App 就可以讓你用到翻掉了,而有些App就算你想花錢也不見得能在安卓上找到)
4.音樂播放器(除了內建播放器的流暢,若你有用 iTunes 才能覺得它的方便,所以某些換了安卓手機的人,後來又買了 iPod)
7.靜音開關(很簡單、很直覺、很方便的設計,但似乎只有 iPhone 有)

以上,要跳槽的請三思… 若是只有為了螢幕大,而捨棄 iPhone 帶來的不方便也要考慮,其實對我來說,我應該會想念的是那超級方便的 iCloud 。

傳iOS 7採用扁平化設計:顛覆擬物理念 - 數碼 - 新浪網 [feedly]



Google的未來 - 數碼 - 新浪網 [feedly]


Apple WWDC被指偏離使命:對開發者扶持不夠 [feedly]

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Apple WWDC被指偏離使命:對開發者扶持不夠
新浪科技訊 香港時間4月30日凌晨消息,據美國科技博客BusinessInsider報導,2013年 Apple 公司全球開發者大會WWDC(以下簡稱WWDC大會)一票難求,但美國軟件創業公司Red Sweater Software創始人丹尼爾‧雅庫特(Daniel Jalkut)認為,WWDC大會已經偏離其使命。 Apple 公司即將在舊金山舉辦的WWDC大會是該...

HTC 608t 現身大陸工信部網站:神似 One SV、備有 TD-SCDMA 及雙喇叭 [feedly]

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HTC 608t 現身大陸工信部網站:神似 One SV、備有 TD-SCDMA 及雙喇叭

HTC 今年似乎準備在手機的喇叭方面做不少文章呢,繼此前的 606w 之後,日前一款採用了雙前置喇叭設計的產品 608t 又出現在了大陸工信部的網站之上。從機身來看 608t 頗有點 One SV(或者說之前的中國移動訂製機 One ST)的味道,至於喇叭、按鍵的設計又很像新 HTC One。根據網站上公佈的資訊來看,這款手機支援 TD-SCDMA、GSM 雙卡雙待雙通,從這一點推測它有可能會是中國移動的訂製機種。有傳言稱 608t 將配有四核心處理器和 800 萬畫素相機,運行的系統也將升級為 Jelly Bean,至於是否如此就只有等 HTC 來為我們揭曉囉。

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NEC Terrain 堅固型智慧型手機悄然現身,擁有 QWERTY 鍵盤 [feedly]

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NEC Terrain 堅固型智慧型手機悄然現身,擁有 QWERTY 鍵盤
NEC Terrain for AT&T spied in leaked press photos, packs a  QWERTY keyboard

算是一個手機行業的老將,不過現在沒有以前那麼風光了,要想看到一款新的 NEC 手機還比較難。不過這次,@evleaks 大神又發佈了一款名為 NEC Terrain 的智能手機,是為美國運營商 AT&T 打造的。這款手機現在的硬體規格還沒有透露,可以看到後置主相機附帶一個 LED 補光燈,前面上方是螢幕(下方有三個電容觸控按鍵),還附帶了 QWERTY 鍵盤。仔細辨別圖片,你會看到有著堅固的外殼設計,可能會是部三防手機。具體是怎樣要等官方發佈,如果規格不高的話,吸引人的恐怕是其三防特性了,但市場上不是已經有了嗎

iOS 7 again said to feature UI redesign, may be ‘unsettling’ to longtime users [feedly]

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iOS 7 again said to feature UI redesign, may be 'unsettling' to longtime users
iOS 7 Redesign
After more than six years, it definitely feels like time for Apple to freshen up the look of iOS. Unfortunately, a new report suggests the revamped look iOS 7 is said to be getting may be "unsettling" to longtime iOS device users. 9to5Mac cites multiple unnamed sources in claiming that iOS 7 will indeed feature the "flat" user interface redesign that had been rumored in earlier reports. According to the site's sources, however, the new look isn't just flat — it's "very, very flat" to the point that it is reminiscent of Microsoft's Windows Phone user interface and current iOS users who enjoy the look of the software might not like it. "The interface loses all signs of gloss, shine, and skeumorphism seen across current and past versions of iOS," one source told the site. While the look may be surprising, 9to5Mac says the new version of iOS will be just as easy to use as earlier versions of the platform.

Jony Ive paints a fresh, yet familiar, look for iOS 7 [feedly]

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Jony Ive paints a fresh, yet familiar, look for iOS 7
Ive at iPhone 5 event (Getty Images)

Ive at iPhone 5 event (Getty Images)

According to multiple people who have either seen or have been briefed on the upcoming iOS 7, the operating system sports a redesigned user-interface that will be attractive to new iOS users, but potentially unsettling for those who are long-accustomed to the platform…

The new interface is said to be "very, very flat," according to one source. Another person said that the interface loses all signs of gloss, shine, and skeuomorphism seen across current and past versions of iOS. Another source framed the new OS as having a level of "flatness" approaching recent releases of Microsoft's Windows Phone "Metro" UI.

"Flat" design is based on simplicity and pushes aside heavy textures and digital metaphors of real-life objects found in skeumorphic interfaces. "Flatness" could also point to a more streamlined interface across the entire system that can stand the test of time.

iPad's Calendar, Reminders, and Contacts apps

iPad's Calendar, Reminders, and Contacts apps

For example, younger generations of iOS users may not resonate well with a yellow notepad (as found in the current iOS Notes app) or the leather-bound calendar app.

iOS has typically been regarded as an easy-to-use, intuitive operating system. The Company even seems to say as much on its iOS webpage (shown directly below). With its large user-base and market attraction, Apple obviously does not want to make any design changes that make the software more difficult to use.

Apple's iOS site

Apple's iOS site

While the look of the updated system may be surprising to some, iOS 7 is reportedly not more difficult to use than earlier versions of software platform. There is apparently no new learning curve in the same way there was no learning curve when the iPods went color. While iOS 7 does look different, its core apps and system fundamentals (like the Lock and Home screens) mostly operate in a similar fashion to how they do today.

iOS 7 is codenamed "Innsbruck," according to three people familiar with the OS. The interface changes include an all-new icon set for Apple's native apps in addition to newly designed tool bars, tab bars, and other fundamental interface features across the system. iOS devices running the next-generation software reportedly have polarizing filters to decrease viewing angles of on-lookers.

OS X Notifications panel

OS X Notifications panel

In addition to losing the complex interface design characteristics from earlier versions of iOS, Apple has been discussing and testing ways to add more 'glance-able' information and system options panels, like Notification Center, to the software. While it is still uncertain if Apple will end up including such new functionality in iOS 7, or how the Company will implement the potential addition, one of the early ideas was to implement the new panels via swipes from the left and right side of an iOS device's display. This would be similar to the gesture on Apple's Mac trackpads for accessing Notification Center in Mountain Lion, but what, specifically, the iOS gesture could access is uncertain.

Test version of iOS 4 multitasking from 2010

Prior to announcing and launching new versions of iOS, Apple tests many various implementations for features. For example, Apple had toyed with the idea of having an Expose-like Multitasking interface for iOS 4, but ended up choosing the linen-backed bottom drawer that we are now accustomed to.

Apple's redesigned iOS experience stems from Apple Senior Vice President of Industrial Design Jony Ive now spearheading interface design. With former Senior Vice President of iOS Scott Forstall leaving Apple late last year, influence on software design was handed over to Ive. Ive is long-known as the king behind Apple's many hardware successes like the iPad, iPhone, iPod, and Mac computers.

In an interview early last year, Ive shared his lack of connection to the software that runs on his hardware.

When I mention the fake stitching, Ive offers a wince but it's a gesture of sympathy rather than a suggestion that he dislikes such things. At least, that's how I read it. He refuses to be drawn on the matter, offering a diplomatic reply: "My focus is very much working with the other teams on the product ideas and then developing the hardware and so that's our focus and that's our responsibility. In terms of those elements you're talking about, I'm not really connected to that."

Matching the information about iOS 7 gaining a "flatter" interface design, a profile of Apple's internal software design work paints Ive as against flashy, skeumorphic interfaces:

Inside Apple, tension has brewed for years over the issue. Apple iOS SVP Scott Forstall is said to push for skeuomorphic design, while industrial designer Jony Ive and other Apple higher-ups are said to oppose the direction. "You could tell who did the product based on how much glitz was in the UI," says one source intimately familiar with Apple's design process.

Apple's change in interface philosophy under Jony Ive and Tim Cook is also a radical departure from Apple under Steve Jobs.

Jobs and Forstall (Image via Getty)

Jobs and Forstall (Image via Getty)

Jobs, according to the same profile of Apple's design work, was, like Forstall, a proponent of life-like interfaces.

But before Forstall, it was Steve Jobs who encouraged the skeuomorphic approach, some say. "iCal's leather-stitching was literally based on a texture in his Gulfstream jet," says the former senior UI designer. "There was lots of internal email among UI designers at Apple saying this was just embarrassing, just terrible."

While one of our sources paints the iOS 7 design changes as changes that will gain the appreciation of some and the surprise of others, Apple CEO Tim Cook seems excited and confident about what the company has in store. During the question-and-answer session of the Q1 2013 earnings call, responding to a question regarding Apple's software updates for 2013, Cook said, "we feel great about what we have got in store."

Based on Cook's past comments and moves to further integrate both Apple's products and its internal culture, Cook's choice to put Ive in charge of software design also seems to stem from Cook's admiration of integrated experiences. In a wide-ranging interview with Bloomberg BusinessWeek earlier this year, Cook addressed Forstall's ousting from Apple and Ive's new work on software design as a way to further unify Apple's hardware and software:

Jony [Ive, senior vice president of industrial design], who I think has the best taste of anyone in the world and the best design skills, now has responsibility for the human interface. I mean, look at our products. (Cook reaches for his iPhone.) The face of this is the software, right? And the face of this iPad is the software. So it's saying, Jony has done a remarkable job leading our hardware design, so let's also have Jony responsible for the software and the look and feel of the software, not the underlying architecture and so forth, but the look and feel.

Over the past couple of months, Apple seems to have been hinting at an impending shift in its software design philosophy.

Before and after of Apple's Podcasts app (Comparison by Zach Kahn/@zkahn94)

Before (left) and after (right) look at Apple's Podcasts app (Comparison by Zach Kahn/@zkahn94)

Earlier this year, Apple released an updated version of its Podcasts app for iPhone and iPad in order to simplify some design elements (comparison shown above). Prior to that recent update, the application included a physical "tape deck" interface for the user to manipulate in order to move through a podcast.

WWDC 2013 logo

WWDC 2013 logo

Additionally, Apple's WWDC 2013 logo, the art for the conference in which iOS 7 will be announced, has sparked speculation about flat interface design with its modern, lightweight text and other elements. Indeed, one source claims that Apple's Game Center icon and interface materials will be somewhat akin to the colorful nature of the WWDC 2013 logo. Because of its casino-like, green-felt design, Apple's current Game Center app has been widely panned by proponents of flat software interface design.

Apple's homepage

Apple's homepage

Also, Apple highlights iPad and iPhone applications on its homepage that include flat-interface designs. For example, the home page touting the full-sized iPad and iPad mini highlights former Apple employee Loren Brichter's popular Letterpress game. Letterpress has been regarded by many as a simple to use, "easy-on-the-eyes" game for its flat textured interface.

With Apple's vibrant iOS application development community, the prospects of a redesign iOS go beyond Apple's apps and core interface functions. Internal to the third-party iOS app community, some fear that Apple's interface changes could deem App Store apps, that are currently built to look consistent with Apple's own interface, outdated.

AppHero's Jordan Satok, who has a comprehensive view of the App Store ecosystem, points out that iOS interface changes will likely not pose challenges for all developers.

"When we started building iOS apps almost 5 years ago, most apps looked the same. Apple did an amazing job designing UIKit to provide a really consistent user experience across apps," he said. "As the App Store has grown, and the types of apps being built have evolved, designers and developers have pioneered new interface styles and concepts."

Because many apps are picking up unique interface designs, Apple's changes to its core software will likely not make much of a difference to these developers. Nonetheless, it is likely that once iOS 7 is announced, developers that have followed Apple's own past iOS design trends will quickly move to enhance their App Store apps to follow some of Apple's changes.

Apple's next version of OS X will include some design changes, but the changes will not be as notable as the aforementioned enhancements to iOS.

Original iPhone Will Soon Be 'Obsolete' In Apple Retail Stores [feedly]

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Original iPhone Will Soon Be 'Obsolete' In Apple Retail Stores
The original iPhone will soon be considered obsolete in Apple Retail Stores according to an internal Apple document shared by 9to5Mac. Products considered 'obsolete' are ineligible for service parts and documentation at retail stores and cannot be repaired at mail-in AppleCare Repair Centers.

Apple typically makes products 'obsolete' or 'vintage' five years after they are discontinued, though there are some exceptions where required by law. The original iPhone went on sale in June 2007 and was discontinued in July 2008 when the iPhone 3G was released.

Other Apple products that will be considered 'vintage' as of June 11, 2013 include the mid-2007 models of the iMac, the late 2006 model Xserve, and the original Mac Pro. 9to5Mac has the list of newly minted vintage and obsolete products, while Apple maintains a list of all products named vintage or obsolete going back to the Apple II.

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The iPhone -- Not iPad -- Will Be Apple's Big Growth Driver (AAPL)

The iPhone -- Not iPad -- Will Be Apple's Big Growth Driver

Farhad Manjoo of Slate wrote a very interesting piece after Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL  ) reported earnings last week, arguing that the iPad is poised to lead Apple's next wave of growth. Manjoo compares the iPad to the iPod, where Apple has been able to retain a dominant market share for over a decade. He claims that the iPad will perform similarly for Apple, while the iPhone has already lost its dominant position and will remain a niche product, albeit a highly profitable one.

However, while the iPad has solid growth prospects, the iPhone will still be the primary driver of future revenue and profit growth for Apple. The need to partner with wireless carriers to drive iPhone sales has resulted in lumpy growth, but it also means that there is a significant unaddressed market for the iPhone. Moreover, the iPad Mini was recently released as an entry-level tablet, and Apple is likely to introduce a similarly cheap iPhone in the next year or so. In fact, iPad growth may already be close to its peak; by contrast, iPhone unit growth is likely to reaccelerate when Apple adds new carrier partners and/or creates a cheaper phone. This ensures that the iPhone will remain the top dog for Apple.

The argument
Manjoo's argument is fairly simple. First, he states that the iPad has already hit an affordable price point with the $329 iPad Mini. While Google's Nexus 7 and Amazon.com's (NASDAQ: AMZN  ) Kindle Fire are significantly cheaper, Manjoo points out that Apple has 350,000 apps customized for the iPad, leaving Android tablets in the dust. Manjoo argues that this large app ecosystem locks in customers and developers; customers will want to keep buying iPads so they can keep their apps, and the large base of app-hungry users will encourage developers to focus primarily on iOS.

The iPad Mini. Source: Apple.

Manjoo also notes that Apple's iPad sales grew 65% last quarter, while iPhone sales grew just 7%. He notes that if that pace continues, iPad could overtake iPhone as Apple's best-selling product by 2015. Manjoo also points to IDC's five-year outlook, which shows the iPad having 46% of the market in 2013, and 43.5% in 2017. All in all, Manjoo believes that the iPad's strong positioning in the tablet market provides a long runway for growth.

iPhone is still king
The first apparent flaw in this analysis stems from the fact that, despite the iPad's recent growth, Apple sells many more iPhones than iPads at present. Even after iPad unit sales grew 65% last quarter, it was still outsold nearly two-to-one by the iPhone. iPad's growth in 2013 is coming off of a base of 58 million units sold in the most recent fiscal year; however, it is important to remember that the iPhone generated 73% unit growth just last year, growing from a little more than 72 million unit sales in FY11 to 125 million in FY12.

In other words, it is relatively easy to generate impressive percentage growth up to a point. Eventually the market becomes saturated, though, and growth tends to hit a wall. This trajectory is reflected in the IDC numbers Manjoo cites, insofar as IDC projects a compound annual growth rate of just 15% for the iPad over the next five years. At that pace, the iPad would not even hit today's iPhone sales rate at the end of the forecast period.

iPhone will remain king
While the iPad's growth is probably peaking, the iPhone appears to have already exited its high-growth phase. However, as I have written previously, I expect Apple to introduce a cheaper iPhone priced at $329 or $349 (unsubsidized) within the next year or so. This could have the same effect on iPhone sales that the iPad Mini had on iPad sales. There are many people who would pay a premium for an iPhone but cannot afford $450 or more for a phone, and therefore turn to cheap Android phones instead. Narrowing the price gap would allow Apple to compete for these customers. For example, a recent "trade-in" promotion in India that lowered the cost of an iPhone 4 from approximately $485 to $360 tripled the sales rate in one week.

Lastly, there are still a few major wireless carriers that have not yet begun offering the iPhone, most notably China Mobile. Even T-Mobile USA just introduced the iPhone this month. The iPhone's slowing growth rate is partially attributable to the lack of major carrier partner additions in the last year. However, it is virtually inevitable that Apple will eventually partner with China Mobile and other major carriers that do not have the iPhone yet. The combination of a cheaper iPhone and broader distribution will reenergize iPhone sales. In fact, IDC projects a 19% compound annual growth rate through 2016 for the iPhone, meaning that it will actually gain ground on the iPad in the next few years.

Foolish conclusion
The iPhone and iPad are both wonderful products for consumers and for Apple shareholders. However, the iPhone is already the dominant product in terms of revenue and profit, and this is unlikely to change anytime soon. While the iPad is not likely to get much cheaper, the iPhone is ripe for a price drop today, which could stimulate significant demand in developing countries. The addition of new iPhone carrier partners will put even more distance between the iPhone and the iPad. In short, the iPhone is the product most likely to lead Apple's next wave of growth.

Got Apple? Get smart.
There's no doubt that Apple is at the center of technology's largest revolution ever, and that longtime shareholders have been handsomely rewarded with over 1,000% gains. However, there is a debate raging as to whether Apple remains a buy. The Motley Fool's senior technology analyst and managing bureau chief, Eric Bleeker, is prepared to fill you in on both reasons to buy and reasons to sell Apple, and what opportunities are left for the company (and your portfolio) going forward. To get instant access to his latest thinking on Apple, simply click here now.

Sigma DP3 Merrill Review [feedly]

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Sigma DP3 Merrill Review


Some see the arrival of cameras such as these as indicative of camera companies responding to the market by taking on smart phones as a camera to take everywhere.

While phone cameras are damned useful and most of them take pretty decent images, they fall down in many respects.

Some, but not all, fall down in low light, with little access to high IOS settings; many disallow precise control of the lens aperture, enabling low light photography and/or control of depth of field; a similar story can be told of shutter speed control, preventing sharp images of fast moving objects; extended zooms are rare in smart phone cameras; battery life may be foreshortened due to excessive phone use.

But we're not here to bash smart phones … god love 'em!

Back to the review.

As usual, I started firing off with not a peek in the manual. OK for a few shots, then the screen blacked out!

Messing about with the buttons I found I had encountered one that accidentally canned the display. Dumb!

The DP3 Merrill looks like a bread-and-butter digicam in its all black livery with very few external controls, each id'd by clear white text. And little else.


Top deck: flash hot shoe, button for mode selection and shutter plus a command dial that allows alteration to diaphragm, shutter speed and menu.

Rear: a button for AEL (exposure lock), doubling for trash; a QuickSet button that accesses commonly used functions like ISO, flash mode, metering and drive modes; the menu button which takes you into the not over-loaded menu options; the four way controller selects picture settings (contrast, sharpness, saturation) and focus pattern; replay; display on/off and other options.

If you want to select Program or shutter or aperture priority you tap the mode button. Simple!


Sigma DP3 Merrill Features

The big headline with this camera is its Foveon X3 sensor that captures 46 million pixel still images. See below for an explanation.

The maximum image size is 4704×3136 pixels or 40x27cm as a printed image.

Video: A tiny 640×480 MPEG movie clip at 30fps. This camera is surely not for making movies.

Beach window 5.JPG

Brick wall 2.JPG

Car light.JPG

The fast f2.8/500 lens has a 35 SLR equivalent of 75mm, so it's an ideal beast for shooting portraits, not general scenery. Macro? Ideal!

A large buffer memory enables the camera to capture up to seven RAW images per sequence in continuous shooting mode.

Auto focus has a multi point select mode that selects the desired focusing point from nine different frames and a free move mode that can move the desired point to any spot. Manual focus is also available by using the focus ring for focusing — just like an SLR!

Startup Time

It was three seconds after power was applied that I could take the first shot; follow-ons came in at a little over a second apart. Not fast!


No problems.

Sigma DP3 Merrill ISO Tests

Now here is where the walls fall down!

Sigma DP3 ISO 100.JPG

Sigma DP3 ISO 400.JPG

Sigma DP3 ISO 800.JPG

Sigma DP3 ISO 1600.JPG

Sigma DP3 ISO 3200.JPG

Sigma DP3 ISO 6400.JPG

My tests ran from ISO 100 to ISO 6400. On running the images on screen it was apparent that images in the range ISO 100 to 800 had no problems but when ISO 1600 was reached, a blue cast appeared.

Worse still, the ISO 3200 shot displayed even more problems, which became more severe at ISO 6400: these were noise, desaturation of the image and the appearance of horizontal 'tracking lines.'

The camera's selling agent was asked about this oddity and replied: 'I have attached a few photos taken with the DP2 Merrill. You will note a similar pattern appearing on the photos as the ISO increases. This is seemingly a limitation of the Foveon sensor.

'The most effective range of the camera that we have been able to ascertain is between 100 and 800.

'I hope this sheds some light on the situation.'

'The latest version of Sigma's Photo Pro 5.5.1 software can correct some of the colour noise and further processing can help too." Download at http://www.sigma-sd.com/download/photopro.html

'When using the Sigma Photo Pro software you will notice that the initial image (in the RAW .X3F format) gets a lot crisper and the colour will correct to some extent when the software has rendered the image.

'Further processing with Lightroom/Photoshop etc can reduce some of the noise.

'But again, the camera's effective ISO range is generally between 100-800 and this works across the current range [of cameras] and a lot of the older range of Foveon sensors.

'One other thing about this camera is that you will get the best performance when shooting RAW images.'

I did not take the opportunity of using the software fix; it seemed to me that the high ISO problem is something that should have been attended to in the original camera design.

I have searched the Internet and found there is some limited comment about the problem.

Not a good look!

Sigma DP3 Merrill Review Verdict

Quality: I found the colour depth to be quite outstanding; sharpness was also excellent.

Why you'd buy the Sigma DP3 Merrill: compact, good quality lens, big sensor.

Why you wouldn't: fixed, longish focal length too restricting; slow and hesitant AF.

Without doubt, a high level camera but the ISO problem is a serious deterrent for me.

Sigma DP3 Merrill Specifications

Image Sensor: 46 million effective pixels.
Sensor: 23.5×15.7mm Foveon X3 CMOS.
Lens: f2.8/24.2mm (75mm as 35 SLR equivalent).
Metering: Evaluative, centre-weighted, spot.
Exposure Modes: Auto, Program AE, shutter and aperture priority, manual.
Shutter Speed: 30 to 1/2000 second.
Image Sizes (pixels): Stills: 4704×3136 to 2336×1568.
Movies: 640×480.
Viewfinder: 6.35cm LCD screen (920,000).
File Formats: RAW, JPEG, RAW+JPEG, MPEG4.
ISO Sensitivity: Auto, 100 to 6400.
Continuous Shooting: 3 fps (4 JPEGs or 3 RAW).
Interface: USB 2.0, AV, audio out, DC input.
Power: Rechargeable lithium ion battery, DC.
Dimensions: 121.5×66.7×80.6 WHDmm.
Weight: 400 (body only).
Price: Get a price on the Sigma D3 Merrill Digital Camera at Amazon.


Foveon X sensor. How it differs:
To capture the color that other image sensors miss, Foveon X3® direct image sensors use three layers of pixels embedded in silicon. The layers are positioned to take advantage of the fact that silicon absorbs different wavelengths of light to different depths. The bottom layer records red, the middle layer records green, and the top layer records blue. Each stack of pixels directly records all of the light at each point in the image.
More info at www.foveon.com

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Sigma DP3 Merrill Review

适马发布世界第一支f/1.8恒定光圈变焦镜头 [feedly]

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适马发布art系列新款aps-c单反相机镜头18-35mm f1.8 dc hsm——世界第一支恒定光圈达到f/1.8的变焦镜头。12组17片结构,含5片sld镜片和4片非球面镜片,等效焦距27-52.5mm,最近拍摄距离28cm,最高拍摄倍率1:4.3,9片光圈叶片,内对焦、内变焦结构,可灵活适用于各种拍摄场景,为摄影师提供更多便利。

适马在设计12-24mm f/4.5-5.6 ii dg hsm和8-16mm f/4.5-5.6 dc hsm镜头时积累了大量广角变焦镜头设计经验,位于日本汇津的研究开发部门也为镜头做足了技术准备。内置sld、玻璃铸模非球面镜可有效矫正各类像差、像场弯曲,再结合超级多层镀膜技术,可提供锐利、高对比度的成像效果。

适马自去年开始重新规划产品线,接着推出了第一支art系列镜头35mm f/1.4 dg hsm,由于做工、光学表现出色,给消费者带来不小惊喜,18-35mm f/1.8 dc hsm的出现则再次让人惊叹适马的研发实力。
继续阅读全文 适马发布世界第一支f/1.8恒定光圈变焦镜头

135mm f/1.8 DG OS ART Next from Sigma? [CR1] [feedly]

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135mm f/1.8 DG OS ART Next from Sigma? [CR1]

More from Sigma in 2013
We're told Sigma will announce a 135mm f/1.8 DG OS Art lens sometime in 2013. There could be up to 3 more Art lenses announced this year. We've previously heard they would be releasing a 24mm f/1.4 DG Art sometime in 2013.

There has been no mention of an f/2 or faster zoom for full frame cameras.

An update to the 50mm f/1.4 could also be on the horizon.


『传闻』富士将推出2/3"传感器无反相机 [feedly]

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在本届china p&e的采访中,有媒体提出x系列无反相机的价格相对来说仍然偏高,富士方面则表示有考虑推出满足不同阶层用户需求的更多机身。换句话说,富士正在考虑推出定位和价格都更低的无反机身。

dci报道,富士可能将于今年夏季推出一款低端x系列无反相机。新相机可能将搭载2/3" x-trans cmos ii传感器,竞争目标是尼康1系列和宾得q10。具体发布时间为今年夏季,秋季上市。

继续阅读全文 『传闻』富士将推出2/3"传感器无反相机

佳能可换能镜头相机连续10年蝉联全球市场占有率第一 [feedly]

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使拓宽高水平业余摄影爱 好者市场的"eos 6d



继续阅读全文 佳能可换能镜头相机连续10年蝉联全球市场占有率第一

松下发布14-140mm f/3.5-5.6 M4/3镜头 [feedly]

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松下发布14-140mm f/3.5-5.6 M4/3镜头

松下发布第二代10倍变焦m4/3镜头lumix g vario 14-140mm f/3.5-5.6 asph power ois。新镜头比前代的14-140mm f/4-5.8更小,更轻,更便宜且光圈更大。

14-140mm f/3.5-5.6镜头采用12组14片结构,拥有3枚非球面镜片和2枚ed镜片,最近对焦距离0.3米,最大摄影倍率0.25倍,采用步进式马达,拥有更好的视频对焦体验,滤镜尺寸58mm,重约265克。
继续阅读全文 松下发布14-140mm f/3.5-5.6 M4/3镜头

『传闻』蔡司即将发布32/1.8、12/2.8和50/2.8 NEX镜头 [feedly]

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『传闻』蔡司即将发布32/1.8、12/2.8和50/2.8 NEX镜头

据sar报道,有可靠消息称蔡司将于5月7日发布三支nex镜头,包括planar 32mm f/1.8、distagon 12mm f/2.8和macro planar 50mm f/2.8。这三支镜头都是aps-c格式的,成像圈无法覆盖全画幅传感器(不过可以用于全画幅相机的截副模式)。

其中32mm f/1.8和12mm f/2.8将于6月上市,50mm f/2.8将于年底上市。三支镜头售价未知,但据估计应该在1,000美元出头。

The Future of EOS M [CR1] [feedly]

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The Future of EOS M [CR1]
Canon EOS M Top

Sputtered out of the gate
The Canon EOS M system hasn't been the sales success Canon had hoped. Bad press about the autofocus and lack of lenses are probably big reasons why. There's also a feeling Canon isn't totally committed to the mirrorless market, as the segment hasn't really been a dominant player in the United States, like it has in parts of Asia.

We're told Canon plans to "relaunch" the system in the coming months with 2 new cameras. A direct replacement of the EOS M we have now, and a higher end model. The higher end model would get the viewfinder and other accessories. It's also mentioned that the system could see as many as 3 new lenses launched in 2013 to give the system a better chance against the likes of M4/3 and NEX.

A new autofocus system will come with the new cameras and promises to be "class leading".


『装饰主义』富士X-E1+Mitakon 35mm f/0.95镜头 [feedly]

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『装饰主义』富士X-E1+Mitakon 35mm f/0.95镜头

说到无反相机用大光圈镜头,一般都会先想到福伦达nocton 25mm f/0.95,f/0.95的最大光圈能制造令人憧憬的浪漫氛围。然而,该镜头仅适用m4/3系统,让aps-c无反相机用户只能在一旁干瞪眼。不过沈阳中一很快跟进,推出了aps-c格式无反大光圈镜头mitakon 35mm f/0.95。该镜头已覆盖索尼e、富士x卡口,共有银、黑色两款。


目前,国内可更换镜头相机市场正在急速增长,大光圈镜头需求量也随之提高,mitakon 35mm f/0.95只是里面的佼佼者。在今年的cp+展会上,kipon展示了一支ibelux 40mm f/0.85镜头,无反镜头市场竞争激烈程度由此可见一斑。
继续阅读全文 『装饰主义』富士X-E1+Mitakon 35mm f/0.95镜头

2013韩国小姐选美比赛引发争议 [feedly]

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继续阅读全文 2013韩国小姐选美比赛引发争议

尼康发布P7700 1.1版固件升级 [feedly]

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尼康发布P7700 1.1版固件升级


  • 根据相机的指向显示虚拟水平的精确度得到提高。
  • 当"自动包围"设为"曝光包围"时,拍摄与连拍之间的间隔消除。
  • 当"自动包围"设为"曝光包围"进行拍摄时,拍摄第二张以及以后照片的快门速度无法低于一秒。此问题已得到解决。

下载尼康p7700 1.1版固件

富士发布X100s 1.02版固件升级 [feedly]

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富士发布X100s 1.02版固件升级


  • 在感光度iso 1600以上(含iso 1600)时,光学取景器内部线框亮度无法随之改变。这一问题目前已得到解决。

点此前往下载富士x100s 1.02版固件升级

奥林巴斯E-P5是改良版E-M5? [feedly]

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徕卡M系列快门音量成美庭审摄影设备标准 [feedly]

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继续阅读全文 徕卡M系列快门音量成美庭审摄影设备标准

Nikon Coolpix P330 Review [feedly]

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Nikon Coolpix P330 Review

Nikon Coolpix P330 Review.jpg

Nikon has again upped the ante in its compact digicam lineup and the Nikon Coolpix p330 is an excellent example of the movement.

A biggish 15mm CMOS sensor, moderate pixel count plus a fast f1.8 lens leads to a surprisingly high performance in such a moderately-priced camera.

Coupled with this is the camera's small size, easy pocketability and light weight.

Nikon Coolpix P330 Review-back.jpg

Nikon Coolpix P330 Review top.jpg

Nikon Coolpix P330 Features

After months of wading through high end DSLRs, MILCs and other complex babies it was a relief to handle this easy to use camera from the well known house of Nikon!

It was indeed a surprise and confirmation in one sense that, in the pursuit of taking images, flashier is not always finer! And, as I've often said, it's the driver not the car!

In many respects this camera is a top buy.
Backlit sea 2.JPG

Beach full wide.JPG

Beach full tele.JPG

For one thing its maximum still image size is 4000×3000 pixels or 34x25cm as a print is notable.

Video can be shot in MPEG4 as Full HD 1920×1080 pixels. And yes, you can stills during a video shoot without interrupting the latter.

Rarely seen on a camera at this price level, you can capture in JPEG and RAW formats.

The camera has lens-shift VR (Vibration Reduction) which worked well in my time with the camera.


There is built in GPS which logs where shots are taken and this data can be stored for later reference. An onboard database of approximately 1.86 million POI (Points of Interest) lets you confirm and record the name of the location.


At the front is a Function button which gives quick access to such matters as ISO, single/continuous shooting, AWB etc.

Top deck: at left is the pop up flash cell; at mid position is the mode dial to access PASM settings plus auto, as well as 20 scene modes (sports, fireworks, panorama etc) and a custom user setting; power button; zoom and shutter button; command dial.

Scene menu.jpg

Rear: replay; rotary selector to select flash options, exposure compensation, single/continuous shooting and macro; menu; trash.

And tass all. To my mind the external control layout is exemplary. And the menu selections are sufficient.

Nikon Coolpix P330 ISO Tests

Nikon P330 ISO 80.JPG

Nikon P330 ISO 400.JPG

Nikon P330 ISO 800.JPG

Nikon P330 ISO 1600.JPG

Nikon P330 ISO 3200.JPG

In my tests, the camera handled all ISO settings up to 3200 very well …a good performance for such a low priced camera.

Startup Time

Two seconds from startup to first shot; follow on shots about two seconds apart. Not the fastest kid on the block!


No problems at the wide or tele ends of the zoom.


Nikon Coolpix P330 Review Verdict

Quality: above average image quality.

Why you would buy it: pocketable; zoom range for average shooting; easy to use.

Why you wouldn't: you may want a longer zoom.

Impressive camera. If you're on a tight budget and still want above average quality, go for it!

Available in black or white.

Nikon Coolpix P330 Specifications

Image Sensor: 12.2 million effective pixels.
Metering: Multi, centre-weighted and spot.
Sensor: 15mm CMOS.
Lens: Nikkor f1.8-5.6/5.1-25.5mm (24-120mm as 35 SLR equivalent).
Exposure Modes: Program AE, shutter and aperture priority, manual.
Shutter Speed: 60 to 1/4000 second.
Continuous Speed: 10fps.
Memory: SD/SDHC/SDXC cards plus 15MB internal memory.
Image Sizes (pixels): 4000×3000 to 640×480. Movies: 1920×1080, 1280×720, 960×540, 640×480 at 25 or 30fps.
Viewfinder: 7.5cm LCD (921,000 pixels).
File Formats: JPEG, NRW (RAW), MPO (3D), WAV, MPEG4
ISO Sensitivity: Auto, 100 to 12800.
Interface: USB 2.0, AV, HDMI mini, WiFi, DC input.
Power: Rechargeable lithium ion battery, AC adaptor.
Dimensions: 103x58x32 WHDmm.
Weight: 200 g (inc battery and SD card).
Price: Get a price on the Nikon COOLPIX P330 at Amazon.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Nikon Coolpix P330 Review