
Minox DCC 14.0 digital classic camera [feedly]

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Minox DCC 14.0 digital classic camera

When it comes to digital cameras, most of us would think of the usual suspects, them established names such as Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Fujifilm, Sony, and perhaps even Samsung, but how many of you would figure out just where Minox would fit into the picture? Minox has come up with their latest model, the Minox DCC 14.0 digital classic camera that seemed to have gone through a shrink ray of sorts. This particularly small camera has been created to a scale of 1:3, allowing it to fit in the palm of your hand. As its name suggests, this bad boy will come with a 14-megapixel sensor, in addition to a fixed lens and an optical viewfinder.

However, if you decide to bring home the Minox DCC 14.0 digital classic camera for yourself, you should not have too high expectations of it, especially when it comes to its image quality. Forget about it being able to rival higher-end (and considerably larger) retro-shooters including the Fujifilm X100S. Checking out the Minox DCC 14.0 for the first time, it looks more than decent, where it comes complete with nice touches including a chrome-plated brass lens cap as well as a metal plug-on optical viewfinder. The Minox DCC 14.0, however, is more of a collector's toy compared to being a serious photographic tool for obvious reasons.

There will not be the 14-megapixel CMOS image sensor as stated, but the F2.4 7.4mm lens that comes with it will offer a focal length equivalent that is approximately 45mm in 35mm format. When one figures that out, it is somewhat akin to a 1/2.5-inch sensor (5.76 x 4.29 mm), which is similar to the one deployed in a budget compact point-and-shoot. Makes perfect sense after all, as this is basically what the Minox DCC 14.0 digital classic camera is all about, although it comes in an extremely fantastic looking package.

Capable of capturing photos in 640 x 480 resolution, storing them onto an SD memory card, and has a 4x digital zoom, a minimum focusing distance of 50 cm (20 inches) and a two-inch LCD right at the back, you will be able to bring home the Minox DCC 14.0 in a choice of either black or silver colors at $240 a pop.

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[ Minox DCC 14.0 digital classic camera copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

[教學] Apple TV 3 戰力再提升 海外觀看台灣電視的問題也一併解決! [feedly]

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[教學] Apple TV 3 戰力再提升 海外觀看台灣電視的問題也一併解決!
前些日子想說 Apple TV 3沒辦法jailbreak裝xbmc 但是人在海外又想要看台灣的電視看看新聞娛樂一下 (台灣新聞的娛樂效果真是有到位)

於是就在內地的網站發現了神帖, 竟然可以透過修改DNS的方式讓Apple TV 3 擁有許多方便的功能


進入Setting > 選擇你的Wifi > 看到你的wifi名稱後點下去 > 在最下面DNS的選項從auto改成manual 手動


跳回主畫面 > 點選Trailer 預告片

神奇的事情就發生摟, 原本的iTunes預告片就會被連到一個新天地 裡面有PPTV, YouKu, 搜狐等線上影音資源

連線品質就要看自家網路了, 由於是進入內地的伺服器 我在台灣時用100m/20m的光世代看片 有時是會很卡的

但是在美國只用16m/3m的傳輸確是順到不行... 這要我如何去相信台灣ip沒有被擋呢?


繼續把玩後, 發現更神奇的事情拉** 沒想到這小小的變動竟然可以讓Apple TV 3 觀看各國的live stream 這也圓了我起初的夙願

在被變更的trailer 中有一個選項為"個人" 在裡面有一個選項叫做 "網友分享" 裡面有兩位分享者 天草夜子 與 黑州非人, 點選他們

進入會你會發現內容有海量的線上live stream資源 從台灣的東x新聞到日本的NHK甚至美國的ESPN都有

這實在是在長年在海外工作的人的福音阿, 回家後可以在床上或沙發上用原本綁手綁腳的Apple TV 3, 不用AirPlay 就可以即時觀賞台灣的電視節目


這樣不但省下了每個月與cable業者簽海外頻道的錢(光一台中天每個月就要多$12美金) 而且再也不用犧牲一台i device 或是一台mac來AirPlay




如果可以將自己想要看的頻道全部歸類起來不是很好嗎? 不用依靠這兩位對岸的網友分享資源 免得要是這兩位哪天手一收, 我的即時節目不都沒了?

進入被更改的trailer 預告片中 > 菜單 > 登入/註冊 帳戶

設置一下個人的log in ID 與 密碼後不要覺得霧煞煞 這到底有什麼用

這時候我們移師到我們的電腦上 在這裡 http://www.atvttvv.net 登入你剛剛註冊的帳號

沒錯, 這裡就是設定你在Apple TV 3 的 "個人" 裡面的客制化頻道的地方

至於頻道源在這有很多人會分享 http://bbs.weiphone.com/read-htm-tid-6193400.html

自己將喜愛的頻道複製貼上到你的聯結列表中然後按下更新, 接下來你在Apple TV 3 的 "個人" 裡面就有屬於你自己的頻道列表摟


东森新闻1 台湾 http://photo2.bababian.com/upload6/2...C6E648_240.jpg

*評道名稱* 來源 *地區* 圖示


要注意的一點, 在對岸論壇中發現的頻道源並不是每一個都非常的穩定 有些時候同一個頻道會有不同的頻道源, 一台不能看的時候可以選擇另外一個頻道源試試看. 這個現象算是頻繁, 但是有免費的電視看 就不要太挑剃了


呼, 第一次發分享文 由於操作非常簡單, 也礙於手邊也沒有資源可以做圖文並茂的分享文 要是有什麼問題的話可以po出來大家一起討論


ps. 我現在最想要的是緯來日本台與國興衛視的頻道源 :P


由於我的臥房中只有一台27'' iMac, 但是又想在睡前讓電視看著我睡著 這該怎辦呢?

我在今天找到了這個網站 http://www.fengyunzhibo.com/channel-list

風雲直播, 這網站有比Apple TV 3 (改) 更多的即時電視資源. 非常適合出差時或是在沒辦法用Apple TV 3 (改) 的時候使用

在這就先告一段落摟 :)

日本成功製作出世界首部8K分辨率超高清電影 [feedly]

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4K還沒看上,傳說中的8K已經來了。近日,日本放送協會(NHK)宣布,目前已經成功完成世界首部8K分辨率超高清短片電影的製作。 這部超高清短片電影名為《Beauties A La Carte》,主題是美女和美食,分辨率達到7680x4320,達到普通全高清1080p的十六倍。此外,影片還採用了22.2多聲道音響播放(上...

傳聯想將擴大芯片設計業務 效仿華為海思 [feedly]

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傳聯想將擴大芯片設計業務 效仿華為海思
新浪科技訊 香港時間3月31日早間消息,科技資訊網站EETimes本週報導稱,作為中國市場第二大智能手機廠商,聯想正在進軍芯片設計業務,專注於智能手機和平板電腦的芯片設計。 過去10年中,聯想一直保持了一支小規模的集成電路設計團隊,其中約有10名員工。根據消息人士的說法,到今年年中,聯想將把這一團隊擴大至約...


又是櫻花季 最美櫻花攝影圖片精選 [feedly]

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又是櫻花季 最美櫻花攝影圖片精選
3月份,這是個春回大地、繁花即將盛開的月份,櫻花在這個季節將會陸續開放。編輯精心挑選的櫻花最美的攝影圖片,讓我們先來一睹為快。 圖片來源︰其他

1985 TV show discusses the Apple Macintosh [feedly]

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1985 TV show discusses the Apple Macintosh

Ahhh, the early 1980s. Those heady days when the Mac was new, computer user groups were the way that you learned about your Mac (and made copies of software), and the Computer Chronicles was on TV. Today, courtesy of Wired, we get to take a look at a 1985 episode of the classic computer geek show that ran from 1981 until 2002. The episode highlights the Macintosh, "the computer for the rest of us."

In this episode, host Stewart Cheifet and cohost Gary Kildall discuss the first year of the Mac's reign, the 1985 Macworld Expo, and the lack of software for the device at that point. You'll enjoy the haircuts, the suits, the beards and appearances by members of the original Mac team.

The video is a half-hour long and shows you just how far we've come since those almost prehistoric days. If you're fascinated by this trip back in time, many of the episodes of Computer Chronicles are available online.

1985 TV show discusses the Apple Macintosh originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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GDC: Apple Talking to Game Developers About iOS Controller [feedly]

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GDC: Apple Talking to Game Developers About iOS Controller

The iPad and iPhone have changed the games industry in more than a few ways, but the ubiquitousness of touch controls is probably the iOS platform's biggest contribution to modern game hardware. And while there's plenty to love about screen-taps and accelerometer controlled tilt, some games just play better with a controller. According to one report, it sounds like Apple may have finally given in to the idea.

Speaking to PocketGamer.biz, unnamed game developers say they have spoken to representatives from Apple during this week's Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco. And rather than just reiterate relationships with mobile developers, keeping the never-ending flow of titles to the App Store, Cupertino wants feedback on the concept of a first-party gamepad.


Pictured: iCade 8-Bitty Controller

Apparently, the meetings were conducted in secret, with Apple registering a meeting room under a fake company name; how very covert. As you might have imagined, Apple wants to make sure the developers are on board with the new hardware.

Frankly, if this is true, this is fantastic news. And if Apple can work a proprietary gamepad into an annual April press announcement regarding a full App Store for the Apple TV, then all will be right with the world. The Apple TV could function perfectly as a small iOS console.

After all, Android is already beating Cupertino to the punch. The Ouya, a $99 open console, has already started shipping to Kickstarter backers. And competing Android game device GameStick -- which packs a simple USB dongle right into the controller -- is shipping soon. 

Third-party hardware makers have attempted to create iOS controllers with varying results. ThinkGeek's iCade line, including a fantastically retro cabinet and the Nintendo-inspired 8-bitty, are both wonderful devices. But without official Apple support, third-party iOS controllers have faced an uphill battle in finding widespread adoption from developers. An official controller could be Apple's next big step into the games market.


Follow this article's author, Matt Clark, on Twitter.

Image Source: ThinkGeek

$99 Ouya game console set for June 4th release [feedly]

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$99 Ouya game console set for June 4th release
Ouya Release Date
While Sony (SNE) and Microsoft (MSFT) prepare to roll out their next-generation gaming consoles, gamers will also soon have the option of paying just $99 for the Android-powered Ouya console that's set to launch in retail outlets on June 4th. Engadget reports that the low-cost console, which began as a Kickstarter project, will ship to its financial backers this week before becoming available to the general public this summer. The Ouya console features a 1.7GHz quad-core Tegra 3 processor, 8GB of internal storage, 1GB of RAM, a USB port and microUSB port, a wireless controller, and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Ouya has signed up several big-name retailers to sell the console, including GameStop (GME), Best Buy (BBY), Amazon (AMZN), and Target (TGT).

T-Mobile could sell more than 3 million iPhones in 2013 [feedly]

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T-Mobile could sell more than 3 million iPhones in 2013
T-Mobile iPhone Sales
T-Mobile will be the last of the big four wireless carriers in the United States to offer the iPhone when it launches in the next month. The company's new "UNcarrier" initiative could make it an appealing choice for consumers looking for a contract-free plan. Horace Dediu of Asymco estimates that T-Mobile could sell about 3.4 million iPhones in 2013, totaling 10% of its subscriber base. The analyst's sales numbers are based off trends from AT&T (T), Verizon (VZ) and Sprint (S), along with the percentage of total subscribers that each operator has been activating. Dediu notes that the sales patterns are consistent across all carriers and that the longer the iPhone is is available, the higher the activation rate. He estimates that iPhone sales across all four major carriers will reach 53 million in 2013, accounting for 17% of 320 million subscribers, an increase from 14% in 2012.

T-Mobile’s iPhone discounts are for customers only, but it will still sell you the device [feedly]

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T-Mobile's iPhone discounts are for customers only, but it will still sell you the device

T-Mobile is taking seriously its commitment to separating the phone from the service plan. It turns out that starting April 12, you can walk out of a T-Mo store with an unlocked iPhone 5 in your hands and never deal with T-Mobile again – but you'll have to pay the full MSRP of $650, not the carrier's discounted price of $580.

As we reported earlier this week, T-Mobile is upending the traditional subsidy-and-contract model, selling you a device at full price but without a contract and without the device fees hidden in most carrier's monthly rate plans. The result is a more expensive phone, but much cheaper monthly service rates, which ultimately save customers money in the long run.

03/26/2014 T-Mobile iPhone 5 unveilingWhat's more, T-Mobile is sweetening the pot further by offering substantial discounts on the full cost of its phones. For instance, an unlocked sans-contract iPhone normally retails from Apple or other distributors for $650. T-Mobile is selling it for $580 either up front or through financing plan, making it a relative bargain. The catch is you have to sign up for one of T-Mobile's new Simple Choice plans to gain the discount.

But signing up for a plan isn't that much of a commitment. Remember, T-Mobile has gone contract-free. You can sign up for a single month of service and face no further commitment. If you use T-Mobile's installment plan, your phone will be locked to the operator's network, but as soon as you finish paying off your device (which you can do at any time) T-Mo will unlock the device.

T-Mobile, like any wholesale buyer, isn't paying full price for the iPhone from Apple so it's passing some of its savings along to the customer – as my colleague Kevin Tofel points out, it will likely do this for other popular devices like the Galaxy S 4. But T-Mobile also doesn't want to be taken for a patsy. It's not going to sell discounted phones, which buyers just take immediately to another carrier. It wants to get some modicum of service commitment – even if it's a mere month – in exchange for that discount.

What's interesting, though, is that T-Mobile is still selling a commitment-free iPhone for full price even if it doesn't stand to gain from the transaction as a service provider. T-Mobile is essentially becoming a phone retailer as well as carrier, and I think that has significant implications for the industry.

Why an open device ecosystem is a good thing

If you can just walk into any store, buy a phone and pick your carrier later, then we get a model like that which has developed in Europe, where phone purchases and service plans are independent transactions. That could lead to a whole new retail marketplace in the U.S. where sellers can discount or bundle features with unlocked phones based on other factors besides contracts.

T-Mobile storeFor instance, Samsung, HTC and Nokia could build legitimate businesses in the U.S. around selling phones directly to consumers at lower prices since there's no carrier middleman to deal with. BlackBerry could sell unlocked phones directly to businesses packaging them with its enterprise email services. BestBuy might give you a deal on a device if you sign up for Geek Squad protection. And of course, the already growing mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) community could get a big boost if there were greater phone portability.

Of course, there are some pretty big obstacles to this kind of model in the U.S. The biggest one is the fragmentation of airwaves and technologies that acts as a de facto lock for most devices to specific carrier networks. Even if you got an unlocked iPhone from T-Mobile, there are only a few other places you can take it, namely AT&T, a few regional GSM operators and a handful of MVNOs like Straight Talk.

Building that independent device market is going to be difficult and it will take a lot of consumer education. Retailers will have to explain carefully which carriers will be supported on specific devices. Luckily device technology is improving. Dual-mode GSM-CDMA devices are becoming more common and vendors are starting to pack more bands into a single device.

Everyone stands to benefit from an open device ecosystem – consumers, handset makers and, according to T-Mobile, carriers — so every step we take in that direction, no matter how small, is good one.

Feature image courtesy of Shutterstock user Arcady

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Apple Explains 'Why iPad' in New Marketing Campaign [feedly]

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Apple Explains 'Why iPad' in New Marketing Campaign

The marketing team at Apple must be busy lately. A couple weeks ago, Cupertino rolled out new information and marketing for the iPhone on the company's site. And just earlier on Thursday, Apple revealed a new campaign for Final Cut Pro X. Now, a new section on Apple's site is proclaiming the many reasons to purchase an iPad or iPad mini.

"When iPad was introduced, there was nothing quite like it. And there still isn't," reads the new Apple.com page. "Today millions of people are using iPad and iPad mini to do just about anything you can imagine. Here are a few reasons why they're loving every minute of it."

JD Power iPad

Apple took the opportunity to reiterate its recent awards from J.D. Power and Associates. The iPad was ranked the "highest in customer satisfaction" for tablets in 2012. According to the related graphic, 81 percent of tablet-based web traffic comes from the iPad.

And of course, what would an iPad -- or any other iOS device, for that matter -- marketing push be without mentioning the App Store. Echoing recent comments from senior vice president Phil Schiller, the page includes a less than subtle nudge at perceived vulnerabilities in the Android platform.

"Other mobile platforms have a myriad of fragmented store options, resulting in availability issues, developer frustration, and security risks," reads the site.

Apple and Samsung have been trading marketing jabs since the Galaxy S IV reveal event. But you know what would sell even more iPhones than clever marketing, Apple? New iPhones.


Follow this article's author, Matt Clark, on Twitter.

Sharp 推鉛筆手寫觸摸屏 或用於下一代iPhone [feedly]

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Sharp 推鉛筆手寫觸摸屏 或用於下一代iPhone
3月29日消息,據國外媒體報導, Sharp 日前推出一款超高靈敏度的觸摸顯示屏,用戶使用普通的鉛筆或者鋼筆即可在該顯示屏上書寫字跡。鑒於 Sharp 和 Apple 之間的合作關係,有傳言稱這種顯示屏或將被應用在下一代iPhone上。 根據媒體的報導, Sharp 研發的新款觸摸顯示屏在觸控敏感度上相當於普通電容顯示屏的8倍。另...

[消息] 去三星化 iPad mini 2用臺灣廠商觸控面板 [feedly]

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[消息] 去三星化 iPad mini 2用臺灣廠商觸控面板
美國市場研究公司NPD DisplaySearch大中華區副總裁大衛·謝(David Hsieh)週四表示,蘋果有可能在下一代iPad mini中採用臺灣廠商群創光電的觸控面板,三星則不會獲得這一訂單。

臺灣《臺北時報》援引大衛·謝的說法稱:"群創光電和深超光電即將獲得蘋果的產品資格認證,從而為iPad mini供應觸控面板。"

本周早些時候,群創光電觸控面板部門主管Yang Chiu-lien表示,該公司今年將專注于智慧手機和平板電腦,其目標是年內出貨7英寸螢幕。群創光電目前已經為蘋果的全尺寸iPad提供觸控面板。

群創光電生產的觸控面板預計將採用"螢幕上觸控(touch-on-display)"技術,這樣的技術將幫助蘋果解決iPhone 5中當前"in-cell"顯示技術出現的一些問題。

臺灣DigiTimes網站援引韓國媒體的說法稱,蘋果尚未向三星Display發出批量採購請求,未來也不會發出這樣的請求。媒體懷疑,蘋果將選擇從LG Display、夏普、Japan Display和友達光電採購iPad mini的元件。


iPad mini

[消息] 下一代iPhone將採用全玻璃機身和雙螢幕? [feedly]

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[消息] 下一代iPhone將採用全玻璃機身和雙螢幕?
據美國科技資訊網站SAI報導,Apple近日對外公佈了一項專利設計申請。該設計的主要內容是:新一代iPhone將採用全玻璃、全螢幕、全透明以及環繞型顯示幕的機身設計。專門關注Apple技術發展動向的美國科技網站Patently Apple公佈了這種新型iPhone機身外觀設計的草圖。


Patently Apple還對Apple這項技術專利申請的主要內容進行了歸納總結:"當今技術創新專注於柔軟性、環繞型顯示幕,這種顯示幕可採用鋁、玻璃或者全透明設計。這種未來iPhone設計沒有提供任何物理按鈕,因此使用者要調節這種iPhone的音量時,只需用手在顯示幕旁邊懸停一下,就能夠看到相應虛擬控制按鈕。利用其獨特的雙顯示幕設計,這種新機身也能創建出3D視覺效果。這無疑是今年Apple最為熱門的技術創新之一。"


由此可見,Apple提出新一代iPhone設計專利申請後,該機身既有可能成為iPhone 6或iPhone 7的原型設計,也有可能被束之高閣,而不會在市場上見到真正產品。


外媒稱 Apple 6月20日發佈iPhone 5S - 數碼 - 新浪網 [feedly]


Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style [feedly]

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Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style

design minimalist penthouse Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style

Elegance and functionality define this minimalist penthouse apartment developed by esé studio and located in Lycabettus, Athens. Initially discovered on Decofairy, the design of this place intrigued us due to its many original furniture items and daring storage solutions. Nowadays, there is a tendency towards hiding things behind camouflaged doors, yet this apartment has everything out in the open, with a successful visual output.

details minimalist penthouse Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style

By mixing Scandinavian objects with flea market finds, the designers managed to create a balanced living space, bursting with creativity. The color palette was kept neutral, with gray walls, oak wooden floor, a black fireplace, cement & white lacquer. In this relatively sober environment, some elements ingeniously stand out: the red lamp and wall clock in the bedroom, colorful cushions or the blue chair in the living room. Go on, explore this place for yourself and feel free to share ideas in the comments section!

kitchen minimalist penthouse Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 3 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 4 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 5 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 6 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 7 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 8 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 9 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 10 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 11 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 12 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 13 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 14 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 15 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 16 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style minimalist penthouse 17 Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style

You're reading Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style originally posted on Freshome.

The post Minimalist Penthouse in Athens Inspired By The Japanese Style appeared first on Freshome.com.

Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan [feedly]

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Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan

architecture narrowhouse Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan

It is always fascinating to observe Japanese architecture in its most flexible sense. Fujiwaramuro Architects have completed the design for Narrow House, a project that seems to defy the laws of space, located in the downtown residential area of Kobe, Japan. The total area of the site of 36.95 square meters meant a good challenge for the architects, which ingeniously built living space vertically.

design narrowhouse Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan

Despite its name, the inhabitants can enjoy their space, just like in any other horizontally-developed residence: "The slatted, drainboard-like floors on the first through third floors are connected to the slatted tables, stairwell and skylights, allowing sunlight to reach right to the bottom of the house. Three-dimensional gaps and holes in the visual field eliminate any sense of a two-dimensional spatial narrowness, or sensation of being fenced in". Would you consider living in a home like this? Except for the lack of courtyards, we have to say we fail to see the disadvantages.

Japan narrowhouse Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan narrowhouse 04 Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan narrowhouse 05 Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan narrowhouse 06 Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan narrowhouse 07 Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan narrowhouse 08 Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan

You're reading Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan originally posted on Freshome.

The post Flexible Modern Architecture: Surprising Narrow House in Japan appeared first on Freshome.com.

Apple Reportedly Cutting Back iPad Mini Supply In Anticipation Of iPad Mini 2 Production [Rumor] [feedly]

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Apple Reportedly Cutting Back iPad Mini Supply In Anticipation Of iPad Mini 2 Production [Rumor]

Apple Reportedly Cutting Back iPad Mini Supply In Anticipation Of iPad Mini 2 Production [Rumor]It is without doubt that 2013 will be the year that Apple takes the wraps off their next-gen iPad mini, presumably the iPad mini 2, but how sure are we that it's happening? Well according to the folks at Digitimes, they are reporting that Apple is looking to cut shipments of the first-gen iPad mini by 10-12 million units. While they did not state why Apple might be doing something like that, it has been speculated that it could mean that Apple is looking to ramp down production of the current iPad and make way for its successor, which is an entirely plausible scenario.

However on the flipside, some are speculating that perhaps it could be due to stiff competition from the likes of more affordable 7" offerings that could be causing Apple to cut back on shipments. Devices like the Amazon Kindle Fire HD and Google's Nexus 7 offer users Android tablets at affordable prices, making Apple's iPad and iPad mini seem a lot more expensive by comparison. It was suggested prior to the launch of the iPad mini that the reason behind its creation was to compete with the likes of the Kindle Fire and the Nexus 7. In any case the rumors are saying that the iPad mini 2 could be seeing a launch in Q3 of 2013, which makes sense since it would make it about a year from its previous release. By Ubergizmo. Related articles: Apple Not Using Samsung For iPad 5 And iPad Mini 2 [Rumor], US Department Of Defense Reportedly Planning On Buying 650,000 iOS Devices,

Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini Expected To Launch Shortly After The Galaxy S4 [feedly]

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Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini Expected To Launch Shortly After The Galaxy S4

Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini Expected To Launch Shortly After The Galaxy S4As with the Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, Samsung is looking to do the same with the Galaxy S4 and could be launching the Galaxy S4 Mini. We've seen an alleged photo of the device, although it seems that the existence and possible launch date for the device could have been revealed by Businessweek writer, Sam Grobart. Grobart has been working with Samsung for a recent article, and in his article, Grobart wrote that the Samsung Galaxy S4 "will probably be another huge hit for Samsung, as will the S 4 mini that will go on sale soon after." Considering that he has been working with Samsung on his report, it is safe to assume that he might have heard about some things that might not.

Alternatively it is possible that Grobart is speculating about the release of the Galaxy S4 Mini, and based his opinion on what Samsung has done with the Galaxy S3 Mini. However with the alleged leaked photo we saw earlier, we wouldn't be surprised if Samsung had a Galaxy S4 Mini in the works, and while we'll take the release date with a hint of skepticism for now, we will still keep our eyes peeled for more information, so stayed tuned for more updates! In the meantime what do you guys think of a Galaxy S4 Mini? Will you be interested in such a device, or would you much prefer its bigger brother, the Galaxy S4? By Ubergizmo. Related articles: Next-gen iPhone Rumored For 20th June Launch, Rumor: Amazon Phone To Feature 4.7-inch Display,

AT-AT Bunk Bed [feedly]

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AT-AT Bunk Bed

I know, I know, some of us are still pretty upset that Disney has bought over Lucasfilm, and along with it, the crown jewel that is the eternal cash cow known as the Star Wars franchise. Will we see Mickey Mouse cross over into the Star Wars universe sometime down in Episode 7? I do not think so, but who knows what the future might bring in the realm of cartoons? After all, Space Jam saw the amalgamation of Michael Jordan and the rest of the Looney Tunes cast, didn't it? This unique AT-AT bunk bed is definitely worth checking out, especially if you are a huge fan of the Star Wars universe.

There is a flight of stairs that leads up to the AT-AT, while it would be ideal to place a couch or sofa under the AT-AT bunk bed, complete with a bookshelf attached to the wall so that you are able to catch up on your Star Wars fan fiction before retiring for the night. Good thing this AT-AT bunk bed is stationary, otherwise a wayward A-Wing might just wrap its legs around with an extremely tough wire, tripping you up. Now that would certainly be a nightmare to sleep on, wouldn't it?

[ AT-AT Bunk Bed copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

Microsoft allows Windows 8 to run on smaller displays: is a reader-sized Surface on its way? [feedly]

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Microsoft allows Windows 8 to run on smaller displays: is a reader-sized Surface on its way?

Microsoft relaxes Windows 8 rules to allow smaller screens is a readersized tablet on its way

Until now, Windows 8's official hardware requirements have been understandably ruthless: devices with anything less than 1,366 x 768 pixels need not apply. That policy was changed in a recent newsletter, however, to permit the creation of Windows 8 devices with a resolution of 1,024 x 768 -- likely representing a very different size and shape. Microsoft says the policy switch isn't meant to "encourage partners to regularly use a lower screen resolution", and it warns that such dimensions will be incompatible with Windows 8's split-screen feature, known as "snap". Which raises the question -- why mess with the rules?

Ed Bott over at ZDNet has an interesting theory. 1,024 x 768 matches the size and aspect ratio of many popular reader-sized tablets, like the iPad Mini, which are meant to be used in both portrait and landscape orientations. There's no official confirmation either way, of course, but Bott believes Microsoft's move could be deliberately aimed at allowing the development of 7- or 8-inch Windows 8 (or RT) tablets, possibly with the close help of Nook-maker Barnes & Noble. Indeed, Mary Jo Foley spotted that Redmond and B&N have registered a new joint venture, "NewCo", that explicitly mentions the creation of a "Microsoft reader". Considering all these clues, can a Wook (WiNook?) really be that far off?

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Source: ZDNet, Windows Certification Newsletter

Deal: Dragon Naturally Speaking 3 for $100 (50% off) [feedly]

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Deal: Dragon Naturally Speaking 3 for $100 (50% off)

The deal of the day at 9to5Toys.com today is Dragon Dictate 3 for Mac for $100. That's half off and the lowest price we've seen (and $21 off Amazon's price). Dragon uses the same Nuance recognition that Apple uses in Mountain Lion but adds all kinds of extras as you can see in the video above. 

Let Your Voice Do The Work.

Want to tell your Mac what to do?

Wish granted.

Now you can with the #1 voice recognition software out on the market. Tell your computer to open your email and write an email to Big Foot and that's what it will do.

Need to draft up an email for work? Or write a paper for school?

Don't bother typing it because Dragon Dictate will help you get it done in lightning speed. Just read your text aloud and watch the magic appear before your eyes right on your computer screen.

With Dragon Dictate you can use your voice to create and edit text or interact with your favorite Mac applications. You can even use a digital voice recorder and Dragon will transcribe your dictation when you are back at your Mac.

With the digital version you'll be able to use your Mac's built-in mic or an external mic to help you deliver demands to your Mac.

Please note: the digital version doesn't include an external USB headset but the Boxed version (shipping costs $9.95) does. Click HERE to buy the boxed version.

Benefits of the Best-Selling Speech Recognition Software for the Mac.

Customers all over the world share the same excitement with friends and family when describing their experience using Dragon software. Below are some of the top benefits:

  • Work Fast & More Accurately: Create documents, reports, make Facebook and Twitter posts, e-mail, and surf the internet 3x faster than typing – with up to 99.9% accuracy. Accomplish more on your computer than ever before.
  • Feel Better at the End of the Day: Using Dragon software will dramatically reduce strain on your eyes, wrists, hands, neck, back, and entire body. Work in a relaxed hands free mode without being hunched over at your computer typing and developing repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel from repetitive mouse clicks and typing.
  • Be More Creative & a Better Note Taker: Dragon keeps up with your thoughts at the speed of your voice. How many times have you had a great idea and you couldn't write it down or type it fast enough into a document to remember everything in detail as it entered your mind? Just speak and Dragon does all the typing for you.
  • Be More Productive than Ever: Capture your thoughts on the go using a Nuance approved Digital Voice Recorder and Dragon Dictate 3 will transcribe the recorded audio files when you connect to your Mac. Or use the Dragon Remote Mic App that turns your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch into a wireless microphone for use with Dragon on your Mac. The Dragon Remote Mic App is available FREE of charge from the iTunes App store.

User Reviews

'I'm using Word 2011. It certainly performs flawlessly with this version. It stayed synchronized no matter what I tried on it. I used some formats that might be employed with templates. Perfect match, it stayed synchronized the entire time." – Philip Blair

"Rave: wow, is this fast. Very impressive. I just came over from 2.0 .3. Now, it appears to be quite stable and incredibly fast. Re: Microsoft Word, flawless! I've been unable to make it crash or lose it synchrony. It seems to know right word is at all times. An extremely fast and navigation as well." –Philip Blair

"It's so accurate, it's almost spooky. I think there is a little court reporter with a StenoGraph machine in there. I love the fact that I can mix voice commands and mouse clicks without my special tricks. Often, when I'm writing, I start typing then get on a roll where I can't keep up, even with my 100+ WPM Dvorak typing skills. I just flip on my mic, and start talking. Amazing. Just when I think it can't get more accurate, a new version surprises me. If you dried voice dictation in the Old Days (even 3 years ago) and found it lacking, you just have to give this a try." – George Silverman

Amazing Features

Ignite Productivity With Fast, Accurate Dictation
Say words and watch them appear on your computer screen — three times faster than typing — with up to 99% recognition accuracy right out of the box. Correcting or revising your dictated text is SIMPLE with a new, more powerful correction interface that lets you quickly edit words or phrases.

Ignite Convenience Using Your Favorite Mac Applications
Dragon Dictate for Mac 3 goes beyond simple speech-to-text, and gives you control in more applications so that you can simply speak to do more than ever before.

  • Use with virtually any Mac application
  • Create and edit documents in Microsoft Word, TextEdit, Notepad and Pages
  • Work with spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel and Numbers
  • Create presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote
  • Manage email in Mail
  • Search the Web or your Mac desktop
  • Post to Facebook or Twitter, and more – all by voice

Ignite Proficiency & Ease of Use Right Out of The Box
Thanks to the new interactive tutorial's simulations, you can learn and practice good dictation, correction and editing habits so that you can create text efficiently within just a few minutes.

Ignite Freedom & Comfort at Your Mac
Say goodbye to repetitive stress injuries. Use your Mac in a comfortable, ergonomic way withoutbeing tied to your keyboard and mouse. Open applications or folders, select menu items, click or move the mouse, press keys, switch from one application to another or create custom voice commands to execute multiple steps by voice. Use your Apple iPhone, iPad or iPod touch (4th gen) or your compatible Android device as a wireless microphone over Wi-Fi for optimal convenience. Wideband Bluetooth support delivers outstanding wireless performance with no training required.

Ignite Mobility For Productivity On The Go
Dictate into a Nuance-approved digital voice recorder or use the free Dragon Recorder app to capture high-quality audio files using your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch (4th gen). Dragon Dictate will transcribe the recorded audio files when you connect to your Mac. These mobile recording capabilities enable you to capture thoughts from anywhere, at any time while they're still fresh in your mind to produce detailed, high-quality reports, papers, proposals, meeting minutes, and more.

System Requirements

  • CPU: Intel-based Mac computer (2.2 Ghz Intel Core2 Duo processor or greater recommended)
  • Free hard disk space: 4GB
  • Supported Operating Systems: OS X Lion (10.7) or OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)
  • RAM: 2GB recommended
  • A DVD-ROM drive for installation
  • A Nuance-approved noise-canceling headset microphone for Mac (included in purchase)
  • Note: An Internet connection is required for automatic product activation (a quick anonymous process)


  • English, French, German, and Italian.

Amazon 收購 Goodreads 閱讀社群服務,欲強化 Kindle 使用者體驗 [feedly]

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Amazon 收購 Goodreads 閱讀社群服務,欲強化 Kindle 使用者體驗

網路零售鉅頭 Amazon 以販賣書籍起家,並在電子閱讀市場上以 Kindle 平台獲得成功。雖然該公司在網頁或行動裝置上的販售頁面已具備讀者評論和推薦書籍等功能,不過今天宣布收購書籍搜尋與閱讀社群服務 Goodreads,顯示出他們要進一步開展業務的企圖心。

雖然 Amazon 方面還沒有拿出具體架構,但據期內容部門副總表示:「對 Kindle 來說,Goodreads 致力於幫助讀者發現讀物並進行討論,Amazon 則協助讀者將閱讀視野擴展至全世界 -- 兩者的結合讓我們試圖為作家與讀者點亮閱讀的新道路」聽起來就像是在現有的 Kindle 框架下加入社群元素,進而提供朋友間相互獲取閱讀建議的生態系統。這兩家公司預期將在 2013 年第 2 季完成交易手續,或許在下個學期開學季就能見到初步成果了?


Apple Researching iPhone Designs With Flexible Wraparound Displays [feedly]

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Apple Researching iPhone Designs With Flexible Wraparound Displays
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office today published an Apple patent application (via AppleInsider) offering an interesting glimpse at the possibility of an iPhone or other mobile device using a flexible display contained within a transparent body body such as a glass tube or other shape. The display would be able to wraparound the sides and even rear of the device as needed in order to provide more viewable area.iphone_wraparound_display_1
This paper describes various embodiments that relate to an apparatus, method, and computer readable medium for creating a portable electronic device with a wraparound display.

In one embodiment, a consumer electronic product is described. The consumer electronic product includes at least a transparent housing and a flexible display assembly enclosed within the transparent housing. In the described embodiment, the flexible display assembly is configured to present visual content at any portion of the transparent housing.
Alternative device shapes

As part of the patent application, Apple explores a variety of options for such devices, including multiple form factors and the potential use of a second inner display underneath a transparent outer display to provide the illusion of 3D content. Apple also suggests the possibility of interchangeable end caps to fit specific situations, including joining multiple devices together to make a single larger screen.

The patent application, which was filed in September 2011, is credited solely to Apple product design engineer Scott Myers. The concept of a flexible wraparound display for the iPhone or other mobile device is reminiscent of another Apple patent application which surfaced last month showing a slap bracelet accessory with a wraparound display that could clearly serve as a smart watch. Myers was one of three Apple engineers credited on that patent application, which was filed in August 2011.

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