
Meizu 正式發表 MX2,採用 MX5S 四核心 1.6GHz 處理器、4.4 吋 1,280×800 解析度螢幕

Meizu 正式發表 MX2,採用 MX5S 四核心 1.6GHz 處理器、4.4 吋 1,280×800 解析度螢幕

正如之前所公佈的那樣子,Meizu 今天正式發表了 MX2 旗艦新機。這款手機採用 4.4 吋的 347ppi 超視網膜 1,280×800 解析度螢幕,單玻璃全貼合技術,具備 16:10 的比例,1000:1 的對比度;這樣的設計使得其邊框控制的很薄,機身的寬度是 64.9mm,而螢幕的寬度達到了 58.6mm,甚至比 HTC One X 的 4.7 吋螢幕(57.9mm)還要寬一點。處理器則採用了第 5 代主晶片 MX5S,官方宣稱專為 MX2 訂製,實際上是四核心 1.6GHz(具體型號還有待確認),速度比上一代提升近 20%。GPU 的頻率達到了 533MHz,具備 2GB 雙通道 DDR2 記憶體。另外,Home 鍵和第一代 MX 設計有所不同,采用熒光材料有呼吸燈效果,支持雙擊 Home 鍵喚醒螢幕。

MX2 的背照式主相機還是 800 萬畫素,由 5 枚高素質光學鏡片訂製而成,同時配備 4 層鍍膜的藍色濾光片。主相機支持四向全景拍攝、1.5 秒九連拍等功能。系統則升級到了 Flyme 2.0,做了 3452 項交互改進,官方將其稱為 J.Wong 交互體驗,還增加了 417 項新功能。Flyme Web 雲服務也同步公開,可以實現聯絡人,訊息,便笺,行事曆,手機設定的備份等。此外,MX2 將開放 ROOT 權限給用戶,這算是個比較大膽的嘗試。更多的細節只能等待我們之後的具體評測了,我們也會在現場給大家帶來第一手動手玩。

更新:價格方面,16GB 為 2,499 元人民幣(約 HK$3,110 / NT$11,680),32GB 為 2,999 元人民幣(約 HK$3,740 / NT$14,020),64GB 為 3,999 元人民幣(約 HK$4,980 / NT$18,690),12 月中旬上市。上市的地區包括中國大陸、中國香港(PCCW)以及俄羅斯。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Meizu 正式發表 MX2,採用 MX5S 四核心 1.6GHz 處理器、4.4 吋 1,280×800 解析度螢幕

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/27/meizu-mx2/

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Sony Cyber-shot RX1 初步試玩 簡單分享

Sony Cyber-shot RX1 初步試玩 簡單分享

如果感光元件面積跟相片畫質成正比,全片幅就是主流市場中的終極選擇。不過全片幅一直只出現在高階 DSLR 和 Leica M 系機種,前者體積龐大,後者價錢高不可攀,無論哪一種選擇都不免有所犧牲。直至 Sony 推出全片幅感光元件的 DC,市場終於有了翻天覆地的轉變。

Original Page: http://www.eprice.com.tw/dc/talk/1433/4798237/1/rv/sony-dsc-rx1-review/

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新款 21.5 吋 iMac 將於 11 月 30 日起在美國上架,27 吋版本下月到來

新款 21.5 吋 iMac 將於 11 月 30 日起在美國上架,27 吋版本下月到來

Apple 剛剛宣佈不久前新發表的 21.5 吋 iMac 將於 11 月 30 日起在美國各實體零售店及網路商店上架,而 27 吋的版本則會在下月到來。今年新款的 iMac 採用了全新的超薄設計,也加入了全新的 Fusion Drive 儲存方案供用戶選擇。其中 21.5 吋使用 2.7GHz Intel Core i5 處理器、8GB 記憶體、1TB 硬碟的版本售價為 HK$9,888 / NT$41,900,配有 NVIDIA GeForece GT640M GPU;另一款 21.5 吋產品也使用了 8GB 記憶體和 1TB 硬碟,採用了 2.9GHz Core i5 處理器和 GeForce GT 650M GPU,售價 HK$11,488 / NT$47,900;27 吋版本具有同樣的記憶體和硬碟規格,其中一款採用了 2.9GHz Core i5 處理器、GeForce GTX 660M GPU,售價 HK$13,888 / NT$57,900;採用 3.2GHz Core i5 處理器、GeForce GTX 675MX GPU 的版本售價為 HK$15,488 / NT$63,900。港台地區的具體上市時間可能還要等待電檢的步驟,不過有意入手的朋友可以開始留心起來囉。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/27/apple-imacs-available-from-november-30th/

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[分享] 寫日記 + Facebook/Twitter備份的Everyday.me

[分享] 寫日記 + Facebook/Twitter備份的Everyday.me

想推薦大家使用一個非常好用的寫日記/備份軟體Everyday.me! 這款軟體今年8月上線,美國知名網站Lifehacker、TechCrunch和New York Times都報導過,之前只有英文版,最近剛有中文和日文版介面。開發團隊都是台灣人,麻煩大家K小力一點喔!

Everyday.me是一個省力又方便的日記本。他是一個私人的空間,讓你可以隨心所欲的紀錄生活點滴。類似Facebook 時間軸的記錄方式,除了可以打卡、上傳照片/影片、輸入文字或表情符號外,還可以進一步搜尋和分類。

你可以選擇匯入Facebook、 Twitter、Instagram和Foursquare等社群網站的資料,自動幫你彙整備份所有的資訊。因此只要你在這些社群網站上與朋友分享趣事,Everyday.me也會自動同步,讓你不需要費心也能擁有屬於自己的日記本。Everyday.me還提供『Dropbox & Evernote備份』、『歷史上的今天』通知、『統計分析』等有趣貼心的功能。

『Dropbox & Evernote備份』將你每週所有的資訊彙整成一個檔案,放在你的Dropbox或Evernote,方便你收藏。


『統計分析』 是以類似報告的形式,顯示你的心情曲線(依表情符號),興趣(依分類標記的比重),記錄習慣(時間),讓你更了解自己。

Everyday.me還提供給使用者許多方便的小功能。你隨時可以到http://everyday.me 網站上登入瀏覽你的日記本,還可以透過發送電子郵件到 post@everyday.me 來更新你的日記本。使用Chrome瀏覽器的人也可以安裝插件讓記錄更容易 http://bit.ly/geteverydaychrome想要與朋友分享某篇日記的人,可以直接在當篇日記的下方選項,選擇分享到Facebook上。

APP短網址: http://bit.ly/geteveryday
臉書粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Every...664222?fref=ts
部落格: http://blog.everyday.me

Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/iphone4TW/~3/MMdXbpcc7Pc/showthread.php

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Nintendo 正式在加拿大推出 Wii Mini,12 月 7 日上市售價 US$99.99

Nintendo 正式在加拿大推出 Wii Mini,12 月 7 日上市售價 US$99.99

不久前有人在 Best Buy 加拿大的網站上發現了一款名為 Wii mini 的全新 Nintendo 裝置,不過當時在頁面上除了其外包裝照片(紅黑配色、比 Wiimote 略高一些的「身材」)和 12 月 7 日這一上市日期外,並沒有更多相關的資訊(儘管網站上顯示「現在開始預購」,但點擊後頁面只會自動跳轉到 Nintendo Wii 的產品目錄)。

那麼這款神秘的裝置是否真的確有其物呢?答案是「有」。Nintendo 在發生泄露後迅速作出了反應,他們已經確認將在加拿大推出這款產品(目前還不確定 Nintendo 在其它地區是否還有發售計劃)。和大部份 Wii 產品相比,Wii mini 在功能上作出了較大的犧牲,它將不支援 GameCube 和網路連線這兩大功能(沒有後者的話聯網對戰、訪問網頁、欣賞串流影片等都會成為問題啊)。12 月 7 日起身在加拿大的消費者將能以 US$99.99(約 HK$770 / NT$2,910)的價格買到 Wii mini,覺得拿 Wii U 來當聖誕禮物太過昂貴的朋友,可以考慮一下這款新產品喔。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/27/nintendo-makes-wii-mini-official-exclusive-to-canada/

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Microsoft 正為 Windows Phone 8 的重新啟動問題準備 OTA 更新

Microsoft 正為 Windows Phone 8 的重新啟動問題準備 OTA 更新

有留意 Windows Phone 8 的讀者,大概都會知道這個新系統現在面臨最大的問題,就是不論在 Windows Phone 8X by HTC 還是 Nokia Lumia 920 上,手機都會出現隨機的重新啟動問題。Microsoft 大概也明白要使用一部不知甚麼時候會無故重啟的手機是多麼的困擾,所以在最近的公佈中,廠方已經找到問題所在,而且正在為這個問題準備解決方案了。更新預計會在 12 月,以 OTA 的方式推出,而出事的原因 Microsoft 則三緘其口沒有透露。話說回來,最近的新手機系統,還真的是問題多多呢...

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/28/microsoft-wmicrosoft-windows-phone-8-restarting-updateindows-phone-8-ota/

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Samsung GALAXY S III 單卡雙模機即將在台上市,通吃 CDMA 與 WCDMA 系統

Samsung GALAXY S III 單卡雙模機即將在台上市,通吃 CDMA 與 WCDMA 系統

台灣亞太電信自今年 10 月起正式宣布開通 EVDO 3.5G 網路後,在台灣一直被歸類為純電話專用機的 CDMA 系統終於能提供匹配旗艦級手機的基本網路速度了。Samsung 也引進 Galaxy S III 的雙模版本,這款手機的特色在於搭載了 Qualcomm MSM6600 基帶芯片,單卡式設計可通吃 CDMA 與 WCDMA 系統,在本地除了方便轉換門號以外,基本上算是全球都可使用了。

雙模版的 Galaxy S III 在外觀、核心硬體、相機與電力方面皆無變動,內建儲存空間為 16GB(可擴充最高 64GB microSD 記憶卡),預計 12 月初會在全台亞太電信門市開始販售,建議售價為新台幣 20,900 元。目前所知優惠為 11 月 30 日起至 12 月 7 日止,於早鳥專屬網站完成預訂此手機,並於12月31日前完成上網登錄,即可獲得原廠電池一顆。不過下手別太衝動,我們還是建議大家先測試一下所在地的網路狀況再購買喔!

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/28/samsung-galaxy-s-iii-cdma-wcdma/

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HTC 在香港推出 One X+,售價和 One X 剛推出時一樣呢

HTC 在香港推出 One X+,售價和 One X 剛推出時一樣呢

HTC One X 作為廠方今年的旗艦手機,雖然有鬧出點風波,但整體的評價是不錯的。其升級版 One X+,將處理器升至 NVIDIA Tegra 3 1.7GHz,儲存也加大至 64GB -- 但這些的重要性,都及不上其將電池的容量,由原本的 1,800mAh 提升至 2,100mAh。雖說處理器快了,更高的耗電量未必會讓其得益於電量提升,但有增加容量,感覺總是比較安全的。HTC One X+ 在香港的售價為 HK$5,198,和 One X 開售時相同,等不及 J Butterfly 國際版的話不妨考慮。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/29/htc-one-x-plus-hk/

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Google 為 iOS 及 Android 版 Google Drive 加入試算表編輯功能

Google 為 iOS 及 Android 版 Google Drive 加入試算表編輯功能


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AOL Tech

Sanji Feng 於 23 hours 之前發表

文章分類: 軟體應用

Google 日前為 iOS 及 Android 版的 Google Drive 加入了試算表(Spreadsheet)的電子表格編輯功能,除了修改現有的表格之外,用戶還可以在 iPad、iPhone 以及 Android 裝置上創建新的表格。同時用戶還能即時地看到協作者對表格做了哪些編輯 — 跟桌面版的協作方式已經非常接近 — 也能看到目前線上的協作者有哪些人,在 Google 文件中複製或貼上內容時也可以維持原有的格式。此外在 Android 版本中還能在主介面內添加 Google Drive 檔案或資料夾的捷徑,方便用戶快速存取。有需要的朋友快去更新一下吧。


  1. 新會員在發表回應後,系統會送出e-mail確認信以確認此留言非機器人留言



    發表您的意見時請維持與此文章的相關性:不適合或是單純宣傳的內容可能會被刪掉。您的E-mail只會被用來確認您張貼的文章,絕對不會出現在網頁上。當您第一次輸入姓名和 E-mail 後,系統將會寄給您一封確認信函,並在確認信函中附上一個您專屬的密碼。往後使用這個密碼發表意見時,不須再次確認。網友如果想要建立一個簡單對外的超連結 URL(包括 http://)或電子郵件連結,我們將會幫您建立連結,所以在您發表的內容最多可以放三個URL。另外,系統將會自動分段及換行,不需要再另外填入 HTML程式碼 <p> 或 <br> 等。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/28/google-drive-spreadsheet-editing/

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RIM:軟體市集的新名字叫做「BlackBerry World」,還提供開發獎金與全新開發機喔!

RIM:軟體市集的新名字叫做「BlackBerry World」,還提供開發獎金與全新開發機喔!

RIM 的次世代行動平台 BlackBerry 10 即將在明年問世,這家力圖重返榮耀的加拿大公司了解以現在的市場狀況,系統平台的成功將取決軟體生態系統的完善。在我們之前為大家介紹台灣 App 應用競賽的相關消息後,CrackBerry 網站報導目前在曼谷舉辦的 BlackBerry 亞洲區開發者大會中,RIM 宣布旗下軟體市集「App World」將改名為「BlackBerry World」。

這個新名字聽起來易記許多,當然重點還是要放在內容上。RIM 表示他們所提供的軟體開發套件可以讓開發者輕鬆將 iOS 和 Android 上的作品移植至 BB 上,可保持 65% - 90% 的程式碼。為了進一步吸引開發者,該公司還祭出了多種獎勵措施,開發者只要在提交 BB10 應用程式後達到一定的門檻,RIM 除了給付所得外,另外加碼 1 萬美元的獎金(共有一千萬美元的額度)。

不過著眼當下,我們對會中宣布即將發送的 BlackBerry Dev Alpha C 開發機更有興趣,這是該公司自啟動 BB10 計畫後首款附帶經典鍵盤機種,相信不久之後拿到手機的開發者就會向大家炫耀囉。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/29/edit-rim-bb-jam-asia-blacberry-world-developer-guarantee/

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[分享] Cooliris,精美的相片整合App,$0.99app大放送

[分享] Cooliris,精美的相片整合App,$0.99app大放送

小弟目前正在為Cooliris工作,Cooliris是一家位於矽谷的App Start-up,我們在今天早上推出了新一波的升級,希望透過這個網站了解並收集用戶想法

App Link:


Cooliris在今年七月底上架,四個月來共在七十五個國家達到iPad下載第一名,在3D牆上被瀏覽的相片超過兩億五千張,達到一百五十萬次的 下載,並且被使用了超過五千萬次,在最近Cooliris也被蘋果官方列為social networking必備的app之一

原本只有Facebook, Instagram, Google Search, 以及手機相簿,今天的升級包含了Picasa, Flickr, Google+及Google Drive,用戶們可以有更多的相片可以分享,

App Link:

只要完成上面的連結,我們就會挑選十位朋友送任何你想要的$0.99App,這個App是免費的,我們不知道也不會去追查用戶有沒有下載,但是只要 你填寫,被抽中,我們就一定會送,還請各位支持,我們需要各位的意見讓這個app更好,

Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/iphone4TW/~3/Psyv5DZs-vY/showthread.php

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Gmail 全新撰寫介面整合 Google Drive,可附加最大 10GB 檔案

Gmail 全新撰寫介面整合 Google Drive,可附加最大 10GB 檔案

過去在使用 Gmail 添加附件時,25MB 的限制有時會讓人頭疼不已。不過現在好了,因為 Google 已經將 Google Drive 整合到了全新的 Gmail 電郵撰寫介面之中,未來用戶在寫郵件時可以附加最大 10GB 的 Google Drive 檔案了。如果你現在在新的撰寫介面下可以看到 Google Drive 標誌的話那麼這就代表你已經可以使用該項功能了。如果還沒有看到的話也不用擔心,Google 會在未來幾天內將其推廣至所有用戶。

在使用時用戶只需點擊 Google Drive 標誌然後選擇需要添加的檔案,如果接收者沒有訪問檔案權限的話用戶則會收到是否開放權限的提示。另外由於所有附件均儲存在雲端,所以實際上接收者收到的會是一個 Google Drive 的檔案鏈接,任何對檔案的修改都會在接收者端同步更新,這樣的話就能保證接收者看到的始終都是最新的檔案了。訪問來源可以閱讀更多相關資訊。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/28/gmail-drive-integration/

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Sharp 在日本推出首款 32 吋 4K IGZO LCD 顯示器

Sharp 在日本推出首款 32 吋 4K IGZO LCD 顯示器

繼首款採用 IGZO 螢幕的智慧型手機之後,Sharp 日前又推出了首款採用 IGZO 面板的 32 吋 4K LCD 顯示器。這款產品的型號為 PN-K321,使用了 4K 解析度(3,840 x 2,160),支援 HDMI 和 DisplayPort 輸入,Sharp 宣稱其 35mm 的厚度為業內最薄。這款產品可能於 2013 年 2 月推出,售價預計在 450,000 日元左右(約 HK$42,620 / NT$159,980)。價格雖說有一些貴,但對某些有特別需要(如 CAD 繪圖等)的消費者來說應該還是一個值得考慮的選擇吧。希望在明年一月的 CES 上我們可以瞭解到更多有關這款產品的資訊咯。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/28/sharp-pn-k321-4k-igzo-lcd-monitor/

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[影片] 超型新設計 iPhone App 圖示可隨意放大縮小 (有片)

[影片] 超型新設計 iPhone App 圖示可隨意放大縮小 (有片)

iOS 其中一個最不足的地方可說是主頁,因為主頁上只有應用程式圖示。雖然很多圖示都設計得十分美觀,卻沒有甚麼功能,最多就是在旁邊顯示一個數字。相比之 下,Android 有 widget 多功能工具; Windows Phone 的 Live Tile 方塊既是程式捷徑,亦會顯示各種即時資訊。

iOS 用戶期待新主頁設計多時,這個概念設計或許是不錯的改革方向。這個設計可以說是混合了 Android 的 widget 和 Windows Phone 的 Live Tile。只要長按圖示,就會進入編輯模式。除了可以移動和移除,還可以自由改變尺寸。

最小就是圖示本身,然後大一點就會加入額外互動功能。例如設定就會加入快速控制 Wi-Fi, Bluetooth。時鐘就可以直接設定響鬧; 而電郵就可以看到最近的幾封郵件。這個設計明顯比現在的 iOS 要方便實用得多,看上去也不錯。大家又覺得怎樣?

資料來源: http://www.appappapps.com/blog/?p=23007

Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=192954

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Derik Chan


據報 Eddy Cue 已經解雇了負責 Apple iOS 6 地圖的 Richard Williamson

據報 Eddy Cue 已經解雇了負責 Apple iOS 6 地圖的 Richard Williamson

雖說此消息還尚未獲得官方確認,不過根據 Bloomberg 的匿名可靠來源指出,蘋果公司 10 月時才獲得榮升負責 Maps 與 Siri 開發部門的 Eddy Cue,剛剛解雇了不幸負責這次 iOS 6 地圖開發小組的 Richard Williamson -- 此舉看來的確與之前「事情才剛開始」的宣示有著密不可分的關係,而就各方面而言,這也意味著 Apple 正在清開一個革新的道路,希望能讓新的領導者導航帶領這次的開發小組,做出更符合使用經驗且讓大家滿意的成果。

但在面臨 Google 看來已經即將登場的 iOS 版地圖 app 很可能隨時降臨的壓力(不過 Apple 倒是有審核的權利啦...),不知道是否會像之前隨著 iOS 6 上場一樣再次趕鴨子上架,總之,相關的改進措施應該是已經確定如「火」如荼地展開了。除此之外,報導中還提及 Eddy Cue 也另外向外尋求其他地圖專家的協助,並且戳了戳 TomTom 希望他們能儘快修正該公司所提供的圖資內容 -- 總覺得看到這次的炒人動作... 好像那戳人的工具都已經快變成火柴棒了吧!畢竟連 Tim Cook 都跳出來道歉了,大家不跟著繃緊神經怎行呢?

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/28/apple-richard-williamson-fired-maps-ios-6/

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Sharp 將於 11 月 29 日正式發售首款採用 IGZO 螢幕的智慧型手機

Sharp 將於 11 月 29 日正式發售首款採用 IGZO 螢幕的智慧型手機

Sharp Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E
雖然 Sharp 的財務狀況現在看起來仍然烏雲密佈,但這次我們看到的即將上市的新品,則為其增添了一縷陽光。日本 NTT DoCoMo 公司剛剛確認早前發佈的 Sharp 新旗艦手機 Aquos Phone Zeta SH-02E (型號名真夠長的~喘)將會於 11 月 29 日正式上市,這將成為首款正式上市採用 IGZO 螢幕的智慧手機。

IGZO(indium gallium zinc oxide)為銦鎵鋅氧化物的縮寫,這種螢幕具有亮度高、功耗低的特點 -- SH-02E 的螢幕大小為 4.9 吋,解析度達到了 720p。這款手機會採用 Snapdragon S4 Pro 處理器,1,600 萬畫素的主相機並支援 LTE。還不相信 IGZO 螢幕的實力?在日本,Fujitsu 的 3Arrows V F-04E 會早一天發售,採用 Tegra 3 處理器和普通 LCD 螢幕的版本,有機會的話應該只要多等 2 天便可以親臨日本直接拿真機來比較其差異囉。當然,我們也希望 Sharp 能夠從中獲利,進而為我們帶來更多性價比更高的手機螢幕

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/26/sharp-ships-its-first-igzo-display-phone-on-november-29th/

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[消息] IOS6.1!!!!!

[消息] IOS6.1!!!!!

居然是supports iOS6.1
iTunes11 & iOS6.1同時釋出

Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/iphone4TW/~3/pUsq8XVvbaA/showthread.php

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Nintendo Wii U 北美首週銷售已破 40 萬部,真的是賣到缺貨了

Nintendo Wii U 北美首週銷售已破 40 萬部,真的是賣到缺貨了

雖說 Wii U 的熱銷在我們身處的地區應該感受並不太強烈,但還是可以藉由官方所公佈的銷售數字來稍微試著體會一下,這部任天堂的最新遊戲機在美國所掀起的熱潮,貌似有種回到 Wii 當初的氣勢呢。根據 CNET 的消息指出該公司北美總裁 Reggie Fils-Aime 所公佈的數據,在過去一週間任天堂 Wii U 的銷售數字非常急速地衝破了 40 萬的數字。而且,上述的數字也僅僅只是趁夾著「黑色星期五(Black Friday)」購物潮的七日間,所繳出總硬體銷售量 120 萬部的一部份而已 -- 有興趣了解其中詳細數字的朋友:前代的 Wii 主機也繳出了 30 萬部的好成績、3DS 也貢獻了 25 萬部,甚至長銷掌機 DS 系列機型也有 27.5 萬部的優異表現!

Reggie Fils-Aime 也對 3DS 的銷售成績抱持極為樂觀的態度,認為其現在也持續地邁出創紀錄的步伐 -- 目前為止已經在北美區零售商創下 600 萬部的總銷售記錄。但回頭看看 Wii 當初剛開賣時首周所遞出的 60 萬部成績單,總裁則是認為他們當前需要解決的是目前 Wii U 的缺貨狀況,才能繼續保持銷售的勁道。但對於可以恢復穩定供貨來應付預訂主機玩家的具體時間表,他則是表示將盡可能地供貨給零售商。總之,目前而言貌似是大家想買也不見得買得到,不過相信對此任天堂應該也感到相當心急,畢竟如果能趁著這波購物潮好好地衝一下銷售量,應該很有機會再度站穩遊戲主機霸主的地位吧。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/27/nintendo-wii-u-first-week-sales/

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Apple 在歐洲成功從 Harley Davidson 處獲得 Lightning 商標部分使用權

Apple 在歐洲成功從 Harley Davidson 處獲得 Lightning 商標部分使用權

DNP Apple Lightning trademark

兩個公司涉及到利益的時候並不需通過官司來解決,同樣來自美國的兩家公司(本土公司可能更親密)做出了表率。Harley Davidson 在歐洲早擁有了 Lightning 商標,並且覆蓋了很多產品範疇,包括摩托車電子零部件、頭盔、電視、電腦遊戲、眼鏡等。這就意味著,Apple 想要使用 Lightning 商標,就必須問下 Harley Davidson。還好根據歐盟專利和商標局公佈的檔,Harley Davidson 的商標使用權檔已經部分轉讓給了 Apple 。這就意味著兩家可以共用 Lighting 商標,但是所使用的商品類別有所不同,Harley Davidson 仍然可以在摩托車相關產品上使用這個商標。這樣的解決方式對於兩家公司來說算是兩全其美吧,否則陷入長時間的官司戰中對誰來講都是麻煩事。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/27/apple-harley-davidson-lightning/

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[消息] Apple今年賺了多少錢?(2012年版)

[消息] Apple今年賺了多少錢?(2012年版)

 白蘋果急救室 同文刊登...

  • Nokia、Samsung、HTC與RIM的淨利總和為128億美金。
  • Walt Disney、News Corporation、TimeWarner、Viacom、Comcast等大型媒體集團的淨利總和為193億美金。
  • Dell、Asus、Intel、Acer、IBM、Lenovo 與 HP(幾乎等於整個傳統PC產業)的淨利總和為194億美金。
  • Microsoft、Google、eBay、Yahoo、Facebook 與 Amazon這些主要軟體/網路公司的淨利總和為344億美金。
  • Apple —— 417億美金。
via • Chart/ Apple's Astonishing Profit in Context | Statista

Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/iphone4TW/~3/LjEb5_QiwcE/showthread.php

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Windows Phone 8X by HTC 悄悄在香港推出,只有黑色和藍色

Windows Phone 8X by HTC 悄悄在香港推出,只有黑色和藍色

Nokia Lumia 920 推出後不久,另一家和 Microsoft 合作的重點廠商 HTC 也在今天於香港推出其 Windows 8 手機了。和 Nokia 一次推出兩個型號不同,HTC 選擇了較保守的路線,暫時只引入了高階的 Windows Phone 8X by HTC,顏色也只有黑色和藍色,至於較搶眼的紅及黃色則還沒有消息。規格方面 Windows Phone 8X by HTC 並不會輸給 Lumia 920,配備 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 MSM8960 1.5GHz 雙核心處理器、1GB RAM、4.3 吋 720p Super LCD 2 螢幕、800 萬 / 210 萬像素主副相機,也同樣支援 LTE 連線。和 Lumia 920 相比它雖然沒有光學防手震的 PureView 相機,但卻勝在體積較小,而且也有獨立影像處理晶片。Windows Phone 8X by HTC 在港售 HK$4,998,搭配網絡商 PCCW HK$299 以上月費買機的話則可以得到零機價優惠。所以大家是會選它還是 Lumia 920 呢?

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/11/27/windows-phone-8x-by-htc-in-hk/

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Why are Android users less engaged than iOS users?

Why are Android users less engaged than iOS users?

Android has raced ahead of iOS in smartphone share but it continues to fall behind in usage and engagement in the U.S. The latest data from IBM  on Black Friday shopping traffic underscores just how much iOS outperforms Android. Asymco has some good charts that highlight the engagement gap.

IBM said that 77 percent of mobile traffic on Black Friday came from iOS devices. This despite the fact that Comscore said that Android has 52.5 percent of smartphone subscribers while iOS has 34.3 percent. Some of it comes down to the iPad, which is still the dominant tablet and produces the most traffic compared to iPhones and Android phones. But like the iPhone, the iPad exhibits outsized usage patterns beyond its actual marketshare. Gartner said in the third quarter, iPad shipments have dropped to 50.4 percent. But IBM said it contributed 88 percent of the tablet traffic over the long weekend.

Android engagement, Asymco

This is a pattern than has been in place over the last few years. But now that Android is now the top dog on smartphones marketshare-wise and is eating into the iPad's lead thanks to the Kindle Fire, Nook and other Android tablets, why is iOS still so dominant?

Here are some theories we've gathered from around the web alongside our thoughts:

  • Horace Dediu of Asymco wondered if Android was attracting more late adopters, who were prone to do less with their phones than hardcore smartphone users. But he's not convinced that's the answer. Perhaps, it has more to do with "design considerations" or "user experience flaws or integration."
  • One thought is that Android users are more apt to want things for free, so they're not as likely to shop for things on their devices. We've seen a gap in how Android and iOS users are willing to pay for apps — Android users prefer free apps – but that difference is going down over time.
  • Some Android users are just graduating up from a feature phone and really don't understand all they can do with their device. Considering the declining number of feature phone options, it's possible that people are graduating to cheap Android devices, but just still talk and text on them, something Daring Fireball's John Gruber mentioned before. 
  • Tim Windsor from Digitally Speaking goes a step further, saying that most iOS buyers are specifically buying their devices for the features they can access, while most Android users are just buying what's available to them. Most, he believes, aren't interested in serious computing power.
  • Jason Grisby of Cloud Four recently wrote that the gap doesn't exist when looking at web traffic over cellular. It's only when you examine iOS and Android traffic over Wi-Fi that a usage gap emerges. He believes that Android users might not be aware of the availability of Wi-Fi networks through their device or are in lower income brackets and have less access to Wi-Fi networks.
  • Some people believe there is no gap at the high end when looking top Android devices. The problem is with cheaper and older Android devices, which don't provide as good an experience or are saddled with older versions of Android, which are worse at browsing. It is true there are more cheap Android phones options available, so that might contribute to some of the gap. And a majority of Android users are still on devices running Android 2.0x.
  • Apple users are more likely to use apps, which can provide a better user experience. Android users who turn to a browser may not find it as inviting or engaging.
  • It's also possible that shopping data is not an accurate proxy for engagement. NetMarketShare earlier this year said, however, also came up with general browsing data that showed iOS devices have 65 percent of mobile traffic compared to 20 percent for Android.

To be clear, the data we're looking at is from the U.S. only, and it's based primarily on shopping traffic. My theory is that there are people who walk into a cellular store, see only a handful of feature phones available and a salesperson who is heavily pushing Android devices. If they want to walk out with a new phone, it's likely going to be an Android unless they came in already looking for an iPhone. Those people may not be savvy now, but they will get more experienced over time. What's your theories on this Android paradox?

Original Page: http://gigaom.com/mobile/why-are-android-users-less-engaged-than-ios-users/

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New iMacs to Go On Sale as Early as Tuesday?

New iMacs to Go On Sale as Early as Tuesday?

Belgium-iPhone.Lesoir.be claims that Apple will be delivering the new 21.5" iMac to Apple Premium Resellers in Belgium starting on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the 27" iMac model is still believed to be scheduled for December.

The site also believes that the new iMac would be available for online orders at approximately the same time.

Separately, we received an unconfirmed tip saying that the new iMacs would be ready to order tomorrow, Tuesday, November 27th. We're not sure if the time difference (6 hours behind U.S. Eastern) explains the conflicting time frames or if one (or both) are simply wrong. Neither sources has a track record, but both guesses are certainly realistic. Apple originally claimed that the 21.5" iMac would begin shipping in November.

Update: Purported email sent to resellers from a distributor:

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Original Page: http://www.macrumors.com/2012/11/26/new-imacs-to-go-on-sale-as-early-as-tomorrow/

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New iMacs to go on sale tomorrow?

New iMacs to go on sale tomorrow?

Belgian website Belgium-iphone.lesoir.be (via MacRumors) claims that iMacs will begin going on sale tomorrow with 27-inchers to follow in December as originally scheduled by Apple at last month's announcement. There were claims that Apple would delay both iMac models until 2013, but several sources of ours quickly informed us that the iMac launches were on target with Apple's announced November and December timeframes.

We heard this morning from a source that Apple Store managers were briefed on iMacs coming in as soon as tomorrow, but after polling several sources from various Apple retail stores across the globe, it appears that, if the new iMacs launch tomorrow, they will not be found in all Apple Stores.

Additionally, many sources at stores say that Apple Store inventory systems do not point to the new iMacs arriving tomorrow, but it is very practical, as a new product, that Apple will ship the new iMacs to stores under the radar.

Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/9To5Mac-MacAllDay/~3/0EhzomTPCGA/

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New iMacs May Be Available Tomorrow

New iMacs May Be Available Tomorrow

New iMacs May Be Available Tomorrow
If you've been waiting to buy the new iMac then we've some good news. You may be able to buy one as early as tomorrow. MacRumors relays a report from Belgium site Belgium-iPhone.Lesoir.be, which claims that according to their sources Apple will be delivering the new 21.5-inch iMacs to premium resellers in Belgium on Wednesday and the 27-inch iMacs are scheduled to be delivered in December. Continue reading

Original Page: http://feeds.iphonehacks.com/~r/iphonehacks/~3/BBom-ZG28n8/new-imacs-may-be-available-tomorrow.html

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5 Uncommon Snow Photography Tips That Can Transform Your Winter Scenes.

5 Uncommon Snow Photography Tips That Can Transform Your Winter Scenes.

Couple in Sheep Meadow, Central Park

Couple in Sheep Meadow, Central Park

It's that time again when we get to burn off those holiday pounds by trudging through the snow to capture those stunning winter shots.  I've got a few extra ones this year, so you'll see me out there a bit more than usual.

In this article, I want to share with you a few, fairly uncommon tips that I often use, which can make the difference between an average snow photo and an epic one.  Do you do any of these things?

1.  Use a Reverse, 'White' Vignette.

The purpose of a vignette is to keep the eyes from falling off the edge of an image and to lead the eyes back to the center of it.  With the amount of white and grey in snow photos, you generally can't use a traditional dark vignette, since it will be too obvious and look out of place.

So use a white one!  White vignettes can add a magical quality to snow photographs and can further enhance the middle-of-the-storm effect.  Adobe Lightroom is the tool I use to add my vignettes and it works well.

This is such a simple tip, but it can make all the difference, as seen in the photo above.

Brooklyn Bridge at Sunset, During Snowstorm

Brooklyn Bridge at Sunset, During Snowstorm

2.  Colorize and Add Contrast (Lots of it).

I'm usually one to hold back a bit when retouching photos, but for winter captures I often throw all of that out the window.

When you photograph in the middle of a snowstorm, the photos will often come out grey and lack contrast and will have the streaks of snow that will give the capture a painterly texture and quality.  Use this quality to your advantage and enhance this look by increasing the contrast and saturation to help the photo become even closer to the look of a painting.  Over-saturating photographs is generally a bad idea, but for snowstorm scenes it can be a great one.

Compare the untouched negative below to the print at the top of the post.  Enhanced color, added contrast, and a white vignette were pretty much all that was needed to completely transform the scene.

Couple in Sheep Meadow, Original Negative

Couple in Sheep Meadow, Original Negative

3.  White Mat, White Frame.

If you've got a photograph with a lot of white snow and especially one where you have add a white vignette, further emphasize the look by adding a white mat and white frame to it.  The frame will merge to become part of the effect.

Couple in Sheep Meadow, Framed

4.  Photograph at Dusk and into the Night to Create Menacing Winter Scenes

Snow doesn't only have to be portrayed as friendly, peaceful, and simple.  It can often have a dark and menacing feel when captured in the right way, particularly at dusk or night.

When the light levels go down, the contrast between the white of the snow and the dark of everything else becomes further emphasized.  This can lead things like tree branches to look like tentacles or mangled fingers swirling through the scene.  The contrast between the beautiful quality of the snow and the menacing quality of the scene is unique and different.

Lamppost at Dusk, Central Park

Lamppost at Dusk, Central Park

5. Use HDR

I'll admit, I don't typically do much HDR.  However, I do use it sometimes for black and white photographs and particularly for black and white snow photos.  I prefer to use HDR with black and white scenes because it can add that great, textural HDR quality, without the unrealistic HDR colors.  Depending on the lighting, snow can often lack texture, and the difference between the bright whites and deep shadows within these scenes can be so pronounced that it just doesn't work well.  For scenes like this, HDR is the perfect tool to make them work.

Here is a before and after, made with Photomatix, to show you an example.

Central Park Tunnel at Night

Central Park Tunnel at Night, Original Negative

Central Park Tunnel at Night, HDR

Central Park Tunnel at Night, HDR

And don't forget a sled!  Here are a few more snow photographs to take a look at.

Happy trudging!

Stuck Cab, 5th Avenue

Stuck Cab, 5th Avenue

Couple in Snowstorm

Couple in Snowstorm

Carriage and Trees

Carriage and Trees

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

5 Uncommon Snow Photography Tips That Can Transform Your Winter Scenes.

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Take control sharpening in Photoshop

Take control sharpening in Photoshop

Most people who have experimented in Photoshop, especially those who shoot in raw, will have some experience of trying to sharpen an image.  Sharpening increases the contrast between neighbouring pixels resulting in the visual effect of a crisper image.  It is typically the last processing step that should be performed on an image and is often used to enhance already well-focussed images or in desperation to try and rescue elements of a photograph that weren't captured in-focus when the shutter was pressed.

There are numerous ways to sharpen images in Photoshop, so much so that there is a whole sub-menu of filters dedicated to sharpening, each offering a different amount of control and different levels of success.  However, one of the most overlooked filters that can help you achieve better results with more control isn't found in the Sharpen sub-menu, but is in fact found in the, usefully named, Filter -> Other menu: the high pass filter.

I'll take you through a step-by-step guide to using high pass filter and hopefully show you how simple and effective image sharpening can be.

Step 1

Start by opening the image that you want to sharpen – ideally, the image will have come from a raw file so not to over-sharpen an 'out-of-camera JPEG'.   Make sure that you have completed all other processing steps that you wish to perform.  Here I'll use this image of a fox to illustrate the process (feathers and fur often react well to a bit of sharpening).

HIgh pass sharpening step 1

Step 2

In the layers palette, right click the Background layer, select Duplicate and click OK.  This creates a copy of the original layer and is a key step for the application of the high pass filter.

High pass sharpening, step 2

Step 3

With the duplicate layer selected, select Filter -> Other -> High Pass

High pass filter, step 3

This will bring up a high pass window with a small preview of the results and a Radius control.  If you can see the whole image behind this window, you will notice that the Duplicate layer has turned grey – don't panic, it's supposed to.

High pass sharpening, step 3

Step 4

Set the Radius value and click OK.  The higher the Radius, the more sharpening will be applied to the image.  If you play around with the Radius slider, you will notice that at low values, e.g. 1.0 pixels, only high-contrast edges are visible in the grey layer, whereas if you move the Radius slider up to 10 pixels, you will notice that more edges within the image will be highlighted.

HIgh pass sharpening, step 4

The precise Radius value that will result in optimal sharpening will be image dependant, but somewhere in the range 1.0 to 5.0 pixels will suffice.  Generally, 5.0 pixels will be too much, but given that we are performing this action on a duplicate layer gives us the flexibility to be heavy handed with the high pass filter, I'll explain more shortly.

Step 5

In the layers palette, set the blending mode of the duplicate layer to Overlay.

The Overlay mode 'multiplies' the blacks and 'screens' the whites of the layer below – that is, makes the dark areas darker, and the light areas lighter.  Up on application of the high pass filter, our image was turned grey (neutral grey in fact), and when setting the Radius value, edges were picked out in light/darker shades of grey.  Therefore, when the blending mode is set to Overlay, the neutral grey areas of the image have no effect, yet the lighter/darker edges screen/multiply the edges of the layer below, increasing the contrast, resulting in a sharper image.

High pass sharpening, step 6

Step 6

Change the Opacity of the duplicate layer to achieve the desired sharpness.  I mentioned that you can be heavy handed with the high pass filter – that is because you can tone back any over sharpening using the Opacity slider.  It is often a good idea to set the Opacity to zero and work your way up to an acceptable level of sharpness so not to over sharpen and introduce artefacts.

Step 7

It is advisable to try and print off a section of your image, at the same scale as you intend to print the full photograph, to get a feel for how much sharpening an individual image requires and adjust the Opacity slider as appropriate.

And that's it, image sharpened!

High pass sharpening, before and after

The benefit of using this method to sharpen your images is that the sharpening effect is applied in a non-destructive fashion, on a duplicate layer, with a very simple to understand parameter (in the Radius value) that controls the magnitude of the sharpening, as well as giving you the ability to fine tune the final effect using the Opacity slider.

In addition, given that the sharpening is entirely controlled by the duplicate layer, you can have further control for where the sharpening is applied within the image by applying a layer mask to the duplicate layer.

So there you have it, a quick yet effective method for sharpening your images that gives you full control.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

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Take control sharpening in Photoshop

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