


雖說八達通已經推出了很多年,但很多香港人都不知道它原來是 NFC 應用的一種。直至一些能利用 NFC 讀取餘額的第三方 apps 出現,這全名為近場通訊的技術才開始被注視。只是,只能讀取餘額的話功能好像比較單調,所以八達通方面乾脆推出官方的 Android 八達通閱讀 apps「八達通查閱易」-- 當然只有 Android 版本,因為現在的 iPhone 根本沒有 NFC 功能嘛!

和一般第三方閱讀器不同的是,官方閱讀器要使用者先登記想閱讀的八達通號碼(只需輸入中間五位,最多 20 張),然後只要像其他閱讀器般將卡輕觸機背,就可以看到包括交易記錄和金額,甚至是日日賞餘額和自動增值額都可以查到。不過我們用 HTC One XLSamsung Galaxy S III 測試,發現其不時出現不能閱讀或強制關閉的問題,看來其穩定性有待加強呢。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/07/31/octopus-official-reader-app/

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Samsung 推出 Galaxy S III 專用 MP3 播放器 W1,傳輸不用靠電腦

Samsung 推出 Galaxy S III 專用 MP3 播放器 W1,傳輸不用靠電腦

要說 Samsung Galaxy S III 發表當天,大家比較有印象的配件的話,應該就是那宣稱全球第一家(但還沒推出)的無線充電套件吧?可惜這次上市的,只是活動過後差不多被大家遺忘的專用 MP3 播放器 W1,也就是當時的 S-Pebble;其設計和 Galaxy S III 很搭,同樣使用鵝卵石的概念(不然怎麼叫 Pebble);而除了 Galaxy S III 外,W1 也可以和其他 Samsung Android 手機搭配使用。至於其他 Android 手機呢... Samsung 方面不願評論(這是當然的),不過以 W1 透過和 iPod Shuffle 相近的方案傳輸音樂的情況來看,其他手機應該也可以用 USB OTG 的方式實現才是。

由上圖和手機的對比,可以看得出 W1 的體積很小,數據也顯示其只有 13.5g 重;資料傳輸是透過一條 3.5mm 轉接 micro-USB,直接將手機內的音樂傳輸到 W1 身上,並不需要經過電腦。就這樣看來,W1 的定位應該是一些重度使用者,在發現手機缺電時,將音樂傳到 W1 上繼續收聽,以節省一點電池 -- 不過其內建只有 4GB 容量,有點不足呢。其他規格方面,電池可以支撐到 17 小時的播放,提供白藍兩色選擇的它,將在 8 月初於香港上市,售價為 HK$498(約 NT$2,000)。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/07/31/samsung-w1-mp3-player-for-galaxy-s-iii/

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[消息] 這麼快?iPhone 5/iPad mini發佈時間曝光

[消息] 這麼快?iPhone 5/iPad mini發佈時間曝光

這麼快?iPhone 5/iPad mini發佈時間曝光
看來蘋果已經做好準備了。今天淩晨美國媒體再次傳出消息稱,他們將會在今年的秋季新品發佈會上帶來新iPhone、iPad mini以及iPod系列。

消息稱,蘋果已經將新iPhone、iPad mini以及iPod系列新品發佈會的日期定在了9月12日,除了iPhone 5 9月21日開賣外,其它幾款的新品的上市時間暫時未知。

或許9月12日蘋果真的要帶來新一代iPhone手機,因為之前美國和法國蘋果零售店的高層人士均爆料稱,iPhone 5正由富士康小範圍量產中,而它將會在9月21日正式開賣。

從目前的傳聞來看,新iPhone將會配備4寸螢幕,除了擁有1GB RAM和超大容量電池外,它還具備nano-SIM卡和19針Dock介面,同時搭載了A6四核處理器,而iPad mini則會配備7.85寸觸控式螢幕(非視網膜),內置A5X雙核處理器和8GB存儲容量,其售價約在249美元左右

當然了,相比iPhone 5和iPad mini外,iPod系列新品的傳聞相對來說要少了很多,現在僅得知iPod nano將會採用新的長方形外觀設計,並為其配備了一個Home鍵,而新iPod touch其螢幕尺寸也將從現在3.5寸升級至4寸,同時搭載了A5雙核處理器,並且後殼採用了鋁合金金屬材質

目前多次曝光的所謂iPhone 5的外殼

新iPod touch

新iPod nano


Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/iphone4TW/~3/ZuHNkq33a1Q/showthread.php

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Kuratas 機器人的組裝影片來囉!(影片)

Kuratas 機器人的組裝影片來囉!(影片)

一台 Kuratas 機器人要賣 135 萬美元,想想也知道組裝起來不會容易啦。從跳轉後的影片裡可以看到,平板車、起重機還有各種各樣的套筒扳手全都要用上呢。要裝起這台 13 英尺高的機器人還真是一項大工程,如果能買一台裝好後跳進駕駛艙,然後操縱它擺幾個 pose 的感覺一定會非常爽吧。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Kuratas 機器人的組裝影片來囉!(影片)

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/07/31/the-mighty-kuratas-gets-assembled-on-video/

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Judge in Apple-Samsung case says patent drawings can ‘speak for themselves’

Judge in Apple-Samsung case says patent drawings can 'speak for themselves'

A judge sided with Apple on Friday, saying she would not provide detailed  instructions to a jury about how to interpret patent drawings that lay out claims to the iPad and iPhone. Instead, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh said it would be up to the jurors to use "the eye of an ordinary observer" to decide if Korean phone maker Samsung copied the drawings.

The ruling represents one of the final skirmishes before a closely-watched trial set to kick off Monday in San Jose near Apple's headquarters. The California trial is the biggest showdown yet in a global struggle in which Apple is carpet-bombing Samsung with intellectual property claims in the hopes of removing Samsung products from store shelves and forcing it to pay massive damages.

The decision that the drawings can "speak for themselves" is significant because it means the judge will not, as Samsung had hoped, provide detailed legal instructions about how to decipher the patents. Instead, the jurors will be asked to base their decision on the overall design and to give "such attention as a purchaser usually gives."

The drawings in question are from four Apple design patents. Each patent contains between two and 48 drawings that are used to illustrate how Apple owns features like the shape of the iPad and the black-colored surface of the iPhone (the three iPhone-related patents can be found herehere and here while the iPad one is here ). Here are some examples of the drawings the jurors will consider (note that the judge will, however, instruct them that the dotted lines indicate that Apple is not claiming that part of the design) :

The ruling that the jurors' should decide based on the overall impression of the drawings may strengthen Apple's case that Samsung copied its designs. But if they do find copying, Samsung could still be off the hook if the jury (again acting as an "ordinary observer") decides the patents are obvious based on earlier tablet and smartphone designs. For instance, Samsung is arguing that Apple itself lifted design ideas from these Sony prototypes:

The design patent dispute is just the most high profile part of a case that also features a complicated mix of other intellectual property claims such as utility patents, trade dress and more. The trial, for which jury selection is to begin on Monday, will also address whether Apple infringed Samsung's patents. Apple claims Samsung's claims fail because they are based on so-called FRAND patents which companies must license because they part of an industry standard.

Koh on Claim Construction
(Image by nokhoog_buchachon via Shutterstock)

Original Page: http://gigaom.com/2012/07/29/judge-in-apple-samsung-case-says-patent-drawings-can-speak-for-themselves/

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Derik Chan

More olde iPhone/iPad prototypes and drawings turn up in court papers [Gallery]

More olde iPhone/iPad prototypes and drawings turn up in court papers [Gallery]

Last week we galleried up a bunch of iPhone prototypes Apple was forced to divulge in the run-up to its legal fight with Samsung, which starts today incidentally.  One interesting note: At the prototype phase, both iPhones and iPads are labelled 'iPods' (or 'Sony!') revealing that the names of these device lines either weren't finalized or weren't made known to prototyping teams.

Over the weekend, AllThingsD scoured court documents and found some additional stuff that folks with an eye to Apple nostalgia and prototyping might enjoy. Behold:

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Original Page: http://9to5mac.com/?p=208786

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Derik Chan