
[分享] 免 USB 線!PC/Mac 超方便傳送圖像、影片、文件到 iPhone/iPad!

[分享] 免 USB 線!PC/Mac 超方便傳送圖像、影片、文件到 iPhone/iPad!

雖然 iTunes 已經提供無線同步功能,但若想將文件、影片、圖像傳送到 iPhone/iPad 仍不是很方便。這套名為 Air Transfer Pro
的工具就能夠將所有過程簡單化。用戶這套 App 安裝在 iPhone/iPad 後,便能夠直接在 PC/Mac 以瀏覽器傳送檔案到 iOS 裝置之中,當中只要
Drag and Drop 即可實現,非常方便。程式自動將檔案分為 7 類,用戶要在 iOS 裝置找回檔案也十分輕鬆方便。

軟件名稱:Air Transfer

Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=185374

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Derik Chan

[消息] 蘋果今秋或推iPad Mini:配7.85英寸屏

[消息] 蘋果今秋或推iPad Mini:配7.85英寸屏

蘋果今秋或推iPad Mini:配7.85英寸屏
美國太平洋皇冠證券分析師安迪·哈格裡夫斯(Andy Hargreaves)週四在一份報告中上調了蘋果目標股價,並預計蘋果將發佈小尺寸iPad平板電腦,應對穀歌和亞馬遜的挑戰。

哈格裡夫斯認為,蘋果將於今年秋季推出"iPad Mini"。這款產品將採用7.85英寸顯示幕,而非當前iPad的9.7英寸。小尺寸iPad的入門價格很可能為299美元,提供8GB的存儲空間。目前定價最低的iPad售價399美元。

哈格裡夫斯預計,在iPad Mini面市後,蘋果很可能停止銷售iPad 2,而iPad Mini將成為新的入門級蘋果平板電腦。
如果推出iPad Mini,那麼蘋果將有一款可以與穀歌和亞馬遜競爭的小尺寸、羽量級平板電腦。谷歌本周發佈了Nexus 7平板電腦。該產品將於7月份面市,售價199美元。而業內普遍預計亞馬遜將發佈第二代Kindle Fire。這兩款平板電腦均採用7英寸螢幕,基於穀歌Android系統。

Pacific Crest認為,iPad Mini能夠獲得用戶歡迎,因此將推動蘋果的營收和利潤增長。該投行將蘋果的目標股價從630美元上調至690美元。在美國股市週五下午的交易中,蘋果股價上漲近2%,至579.80美元。

該投行估計,在截至今年12月底的第一財季中,蘋果將售出1000萬台iPad Mini。而在截至2013年9月的下一財年中,iPad Mini的總銷量將達到3520萬台。不過,小尺寸iPad的推出有可能影響正常尺寸iPad的銷售。Pacific Crest預計,正常尺寸iPad的銷售將因此下降25%。


iPad Mini假想圖


Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=185600

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Derik Chan

Apple iPhone 五歲生日了!來個數據小回顧

Apple iPhone 五歲生日了!來個數據小回顧

改變了手機業界生態的 Apple iPhone 一代在美國時間的 2007 年 6 月 29 日發表,即我們的今日就是它五歲的日生,ComScore 特地為歷代 iPhone 的相關數字做了一個小統計。在過去的五年中,Apple 共推出過 iPhone、iPhone 3G、iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4 和 iPhone 4S,共五代的 iPhone,截至五月底在美國有 3,510 萬的 iPhone 用戶,而 iOS(包括 iPhone、iPod Touch 和 iPad)的市佔率僅次於 Android 排第二,有 31.9%。目前 iPhone 始祖(第一代 iPhone)在眾多 iPhone 的總數比例中,只佔 2%;四分三的 iPhone 用戶都是在用 iPhone 4 或 iPhone 4S,不過計比重的話還是 iPhone 4 的數字比較多,佔總數 40%。

回顧五代 iPhone 之中,有哪一代是你最喜歡或覺得最震撼呢?就小編個人而言就是第一代 iPhone 和 iPhone 4 了,iPhone 的用戶們不妨跟大家分享一下啊。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/06/30/visualized-the-iphone-five-years-after-launch/

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Derik Chan

[消息] Google Glass 才是真亮點

[消息] Google Glass 才是真亮點

前幾天google發表了新的平板與Android 4.1 Jelly Bean


應該是這個別人沒有的google glass吧






來吧,來看看這段使用google glass的一天吧



Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=185636

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Derik Chan

Canon IXUS 240 HS 動手玩,支援 Wi-Fi 上傳

Canon IXUS 240 HS 動手玩,支援 Wi-Fi 上傳

大家喜歡用手機拍照,或多或少因為可在拍照後即時上傳相片到網絡,這部 Canon IXUS 240 HS 只要透過 Wi-Fi 同樣能即時上傳照片到 Facebook。240 HS 配備 1,610 萬像素背照式 CMOS 感光元件, 24mm 超廣角 5 倍光學變焦鏡頭,機背使用電阻式 46.1 萬像素觸控式 LCD 螢幕,並配備全高清影片攝錄功能,建議售價為 HK$2,780、NT$9,990,到底利用 240 HS 經 Wi-Fi 上傳照片是否方便,讓我們點擊繼續閱讀看下去吧。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Canon IXUS 240 HS 動手玩,支援 Wi-Fi 上傳

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/06/30/canon-ixus-240-hs-hands-on/

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Derik Chan

Sony 在香港推出 Xperia Neo L 和防塵防水的 Xperia Go

Sony 在香港推出 Xperia Neo L 和防塵防水的 Xperia Go

Sony 宣佈旗下的 Xperia Neo L 黑色版已經於今日在香港推出,售價為 HK$2,198,白色版將於 7 月中發售。另外,他們的防塵防水手機 Xperia Go 亦都將在 7 月 9 號以 HK$2,498 的價格發售,購有黑、白和黃三種顏色,而包括運動型立體聲耳機、專用運動臂帶及運動型腕帶的「限量版運動套裝」價格則為 HK$2,698。Xperia Neo L 的特色是具有 4 吋螢幕及預載 Android 4.0,而 Go 的特色則是支援濕手指觸控,更詳盡的規格可在繼續閱讀中找到。至於我們的動手玩快將來臨,這兩天多加留意了。

%u7E7C%u7E8C%u95B1%u8B80%u5168%u6587 Sony 在香港推出 Xperia Neo L 和防塵防水的 Xperia Go

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/06/30/sony-xperia-neo-l-xperia-go-launch-in-hk/

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Derik Chan


[系統強化] Google Drive雲端服務登陸iOS, 推出iPhone/iPad App

[系統強化] Google Drive雲端服務登陸iOS, 推出iPhone/iPad App

資料來源: http://www.appappapps.com/blog/?p=16575

Google 的雲端儲存及文件編輯服務 Google Drive 在 4 月尾推出,一開始已連同 Android 程式一同推出。Google 當時說 iOS 版已經接近完成,不過最後到現在才正式推出。Google Drive 的用戶終於可以在 iPhone / iPad 使用。

Google Drive 的 iPhone / iPad 版幾乎一樣,兩個都是由左面的選單開始。項目包括有 My Drive, Shared with me, Starred, Recent, Offline 等等。進入其中一個便可以看到裡面儲存了的檔案,可以直接按星來分至 Starred 一項。如果按右邊的箭頭便可以預覽檔案,亦有一系列選項,例如改名; 儲存到離線瀏覽; 邀請別人加入等等。

不過用戶很快會發現 iOS 版少了一些重要功能。首先是不可以正常管理檔案,例如不可以刪除檔案,更不可以從 iPhone / iPad 上載檔案。而最令人失望的是不可以新增 Google 文件,亦沒有編輯文件的工具。唯一編輯的方法是以其他應用程式開啟。

不過 Google Drive 強大的搜尋功能在這裡一樣可以使用。Drive 懂得文字和圖片同時搜尋,例如搜尋 "Earth",即使有一幅地球的圖片檔案名沒有 "Earth" 字眼,Drive 亦找得出來。另外,亦可以辨認掃瞄文件或 PDF 上的文字。

如果想知道更多 Google Drive 的功能和介紹,可以看看這個網址

下載 Google Drive

無論你是 iPhone / iPad 還是 Android 用家,我們都有最適合你的資訊! 我們的 Facebook <iPhone iPad Fan Page>和<Android Fan Page>都會盡快為你解答疑難及給你送上最新最快的科技新聞和手機資訊。還有官方 YouTube Channel,包含大量教學及評測影片。

Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=185514

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Derik Chan

Google 推出 iOS 版 Chrome 瀏覽器,瞬間榮登免費App第一名!

Google 推出 iOS 版 Chrome 瀏覽器,瞬間榮登免費App第一名!

Google今天除了推出Google Drive的App之外,也推出了iOS裝置專用的Chrome瀏覽器,並且不到24小時的時間,就榮登了App Store裡免費App下載冠軍,可見Chrome瀏覽器的在個平台的高人氣,也延續到了iOS裝置平台上。



Original Page: http://www.macuknow.com/node/17123

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Derik Chan

[分享] 泊車必備!自動提示泊車時間快過了!

[分享] 泊車必備!自動提示泊車時間快過了!

泊車是很多駕駛人士最感到不便的地方,不少地區的泊車也有限時,2 小時不再付泊費便當你是違例泊車,因此不少車主也全預早再付費,但很多時卻過了時!這套名為
Parking Meter Pro 的 App 就是各位車主的好幫手!你可以設定泊車時間提示,快要到時便通知你。程式更精心設計,可讓你直接選 15 分鐘、30
分鐘、1 小時等等。當然,它更可以讓你以 Google Maps 記下你的泊車位置,不怕忘記將車泊在哪兒,更讓你拍照記下四周環境!

軟件名稱:Parking Meter

Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=185499

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Derik Chan


Canon 7D 2.0.X firmware update scheduled for August, brings plenty of free fixins

Canon 7D 2.0.X firmware update scheduled for August, brings plenty of free fixins

Canon 7D 20X firmware update scheduled for August, brings plenty of free fixins

It's hard to believe, but the last the last time we covered a major firmware update for Canon's 7D DLSR the iPhone 4 was still fresh in our minds. Now, nearly two years later, Canon is offering up a bevy of new features for the camera with its soon to be released -- and free -- 2.0.X update. To start, folks who shoot RAW will be pleased to know that they can shoot up to 25 continuous frames (17 in RAW + JPEG) in burst mode -- that's up from just 15 previously. You'll also be able to edit images captured in the format straight from the camera, as well as set a maximum limit of 6400 (up from 3200) for its Auto ISO mode. If that wasn't enough, Geotaggers should know that Canon is also going to make its GP-E2 GPS module (originally introduced with the 5D Mark III) 7D-compatible. Lastly, videographers are getting a nice bump in the audio and multi-camera shooting departments; you'll be able to manually control the mic-input with a choice of 64 volume levels (like the Mark II) and an updated sub-menu interface will allow the first four characters of your videos' file names to be changed. The update won't be available until early August, but you'll find full details and a video demo at the source link below.

Continue reading Canon 7D 2.0.X firmware update scheduled for August, brings plenty of free fixins

Canon 7D 2.0.X firmware update scheduled for August, brings plenty of free fixins originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 28 Jun 2012 20:16:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Original Page: http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/28/canon-7d-2-0-x-firmware-update/

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Coca-Cola's A011 vending machine keeps drink cool without using (much) power

Coca-Cola's A011 vending machine keeps drink cool without using (much) power

Coca-Cola's A011 vending machine keeps drink cool without using (much) power

So maybe that self-chilling soda didn't pan out, but Coca-Cola is working on another method for keeping its beverages cool without using power. In partnership with Fuji Electric Retail Systems, the company has developed the A011 vending machine, which is capable of keeping drinks frosty for up to 16 hours a day without using energy. The A011 works by shifting the cooling process from mid-day, when energy use is higher, to nighttime, when there is a higher power capacity. Even after the machine stops powering the chilling, the unit's temperature only rises slightly, thanks to vacuum insulation and an airtight design. Great in theory, right? Well Coca-Cola Japan will put the product to the test this summer with a two-month pilot program in two of Japan's toastiest areas, Tajimi City in Gifu Prefecture and Kumagaya City in Saitama Prefecture. If things go well, the company will tweak the A011 to extend the amount of time it can go without power. Room-temperature soda is the worst, so here's hoping it works.

Continue reading Coca-Cola's A011 vending machine keeps drink cool without using (much) power

Coca-Cola's A011 vending machine keeps drink cool without using (much) power originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 28 Jun 2012 22:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Original Page: http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/28/coca-cola-a011-vending-machine/

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Andy Rubin:平板程式開發方向不變。另外,Nexus 7 將會在英國多間零售商上架

Andy Rubin:平板程式開發方向不變。另外,Nexus 7 將會在英國多間零售商上架

雖然 Google 跟 ASUS 開發了(算是)自家的 Nexus 7 平板,但 Google 的高級 VP Andy Rubin 告訴 AllThingsD 他們不會因此而調整平板程式的開發方向,即是不會加強鼓勵開發者去開發為平板而設的程式。反而,他比較傾向多裝置共同一個介面,而吸引人去購買 Android 平版的方法就是透過推廣雜誌和音樂等 Google Play 的多媒體內容,不是為平板特製的程式。

另外,Andy Rubin 才剛剛在上述訪問中表示 Nexus 7「有可能」在零售商販賣,不消一會英國的零售商如 PC World、Comet、Tesco、eBuyer 和 Carphone Warehouse 就宣佈 Nexus 7 16GB 版將會在 7 月 27 號上架;而 8GB 版則只能在 7 月中在當地的 Google Play 預購。8GB 和 16GB 版的價格分別是 £159(約 HK$1,900 / NT$7,400)和 £199(約 HK$2,400 / NT$9,260)。要注意的是,上述的單位是英磅,所以它們其實是比 US$199(約 HK$1,600 / NT$6,000)和 US$249(約 HK$2,000 / NT$7,500)貴了一點的。

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/06/28/google-andy-rubin-nexus-7-may-head-to-retail/

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Derik Chan

Google Drive 用戶端有 iOS 和 Chrome OS 版了!

Google Drive 用戶端有 iOS 和 Chrome OS 版了!

除了 iOS 版的 Chrome 之外,Google 剛剛宣佈今天稍後 Google Drive 服務也將登陸 iOS 和自家的 Chrome OS。加上原有的 Windows、Mac 和 Android,Google Drive 用戶端現在總共支持五個作業環境了(不過四月時提過的 Linux 版還是沒有蹤影...)。據說 iOS 版的用戶端擁有 Android 版的所有功能,包括 OCR (光學字符識別)以及圖片辨認。剛才在 Google IO,Google Apps 產品管理總監 Clay Bavor 就利用了此功能來記錄一些用 iPhone 拍下的收據。不過更厲害的是當 Clay 一輸入「金字塔 」,用戶端就辨認出有金字塔在內的假期照片 -- 當然,什麼關聯字都是沒有的啦。

Chrome OS 版方面,最具特色的功能莫過於剛剛宣佈的離線模式支援了,讓你任何時候都能夠在一台低功耗的 Linux 電腦上盡情享用 Google Drive。有了主流桌面系統以及兩大流動系統的支持,看來 Google Drive 終於有足夠炮彈來對付 Dropbox 了。

更新:對了,原來 iOS 版的 Google Drive 不能讓你編輯檔案。唉...

Original Page: http://chinese.engadget.com/2012/06/28/google-drive-client-comes-to-chrome-os-and-ios/

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Derik Chan

(BN) Apple Says Riccio to Run Hardware as Bob Mansfield Retires

Bloomberg News, sent from my iPad.

Apple Says Riccio to Run Hardware as Bob Mansfield Retires

Apple Inc. (AAPL), the world's most valuable company, said Dan Riccio will take over as head of hardware engineering to succeed Bob Mansfield, who plans to retire in the coming months.

Riccio is currently the vice president in charge of iPad hardware engineering, the Cupertino, California-based company said today in a statement. Mansfield joined Apple in 1999 through an acquisition.

Mansfield worked closely with Apple design chief Jony Ive to ensure that products, including the iPhone, iPad and Mac, functioned as well as they looked. Riccio, a Mansfield lieutenant, has been "instrumental" in working on the iPad from the start, Apple said. In two years, Apple has used the iPad to become the leader in tablets, a market that DisplaySearch predicts will reach $66.4 billion this year.

"Bob has been an instrumental part of our executive team, leading the hardware engineering organization and overseeing the team that has delivered dozens of breakthrough products over the years," said Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive officer, said in the statement. "We are very sad to have him leave and hope he enjoys every day of his retirement."

Mansfield was often featured in Apple's promotional videos, talking about the company's engineering accomplishments.

His is the first major executive departure at Apple since retail head Ron Johnson left last year to become CEO of J.C. Penney Co. Johnson was replaced by John Browett, the former CEO of Dixons Retail Plc. (DXNS)

In the case of Mansfield's retirement, Cook is selecting an internal replacement. Riccio, who joined in 1998, "has been a key contributor to most of Apple's hardware," Apple said. He earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1986, Apple said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Adam Satariano in San Francisco at asatariano1@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Tom Giles at tgiles5@bloomberg.net

Find out more about Bloomberg for iPad: http://m.bloomberg.com/ipad/


Derik Chan

(BN) Apple Said to Prepare ITunes Changes to Improve Sharing

Bloomberg News, sent from my iPad.

Apple Said to Prepare ITunes Changes to Improve Sharing

Apple Inc. (AAPL) plans an overhaul of iTunes that would mark one of the largest changes to the world's biggest music store since its 2003 debut, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter.

Apple will unveil the changes by year's end, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the plans aren't public. The company will more closely integrate its iCloud file- storage service with iTunes so users can more seamlessly access and manage their music, videos and downloaded software apps across different Apple gadgets, the people said. Apple also plans new features for sharing music, the people said.

ITunes has been critical to Apple's success over the past nine years, generating revenue of almost $1.9 billion last quarter alone as well as tethering users to a widening family of Apple products. Any changes will have implications for the media industry, because the store is the gateway for millions of iPhone, iPad, iPod and Mac users to buy music, movies and television shows.

Tom Neumayr, a spokesman for Cupertino, California-based Apple, declined to comment.

Apple's iTunes Store has more than 28 million songs and 45,000 movies. It also houses the App Store, which offers more than 650,000 applications that can be downloaded for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices.

Discovering Content

With an increasing amount of content available on the store, the overhaul is intended to improve how people manage all their files, one person said. That includes changes to how users find new material and how they access what they already own on different Apple devices, said one person.

One of the main ways Apple will attempt to improve discovery is by making it easier for people to share songs, a popular feature of Spotify Ltd.'s music-subscription service. Apple has been negotiating with major record labels for rights that would let a user listen to a song sent to them from a friend for free, one person said.

Apple also has announced tighter integration of social networks Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. in iTunes, allowing people to share what they are listening to.

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who died in October, often spoke about making Apple the "digital hub" in people's lives. ITunes has been the critical product to fill that role, starting with music sales and expanding to movies and TV shows.

ICloud Integration

Customers also use the software to activate and update iPhones, iPads and iPods, as well as to synchronize their libraries of music, videos, photos and applications. Yet as more content is being stored on people's mobile devices, organizing all that material has become increasingly difficult. The further integration of the iCloud Internet-based storage service is aimed at fixing some of those problems, according to the people familiar with the changes.

Apple is creating separate applications for features that had been included within iTunes. Podcasts now are a separate app on iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch devices, instead of being part of the iTunes app.

To add more multimedia features to iTunes, Apple has been asking music labels for more band photos and videos that can be included, one person said.

ITunes also is part of Apple's plans to expand in Asia. The company this week announced that it will be opening the digital store in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and nine other markets in Asia.

Music labels also have been urging Apple to offer a music- subscription service similar to Spotify's, so customers could pay a monthly fee to get unlimited access to songs, said one person familiar with the matter. Still, Apple isn't likely to announce that type of service, another person said.

Apple's shares fell 0.5 percent to $571.79 at 9:33 a.m. in New York. Through yesterday, the stock had increased 42 percent this year.

To contact the reporters on this story: Adam Satariano in San Francisco at asatariano1@bloomberg.net; Andy Fixmer in Los Angeles at afixmer@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Tom Giles at tgiles5@bloomberg.net

Find out more about Bloomberg for iPad: http://m.bloomberg.com/ipad/


Derik Chan


[消息] iTunes Music Store / Movie Store正式在台灣上線!!

[消息] iTunes Music Store / Movie Store正式在台灣上線!!

 白蘋果急救室 同文刊登...

在前幾天iTunes App Store開始採用新台幣計價之後,似乎永遠都不會在台灣出現的iTunes音樂下載以及影片購買/租借服務,現在終於在台灣iTunes Store上登場了。
這次iTunes Music Store以及影片服務上線的亞洲國家,包含香港、新加坡、台灣等共九個國家,台灣iTunes Music Store的音樂以歐美以及華人圈音樂為主(好像是廢話),不過內容上看起來似乎比較像香港市場的音樂。日本音樂也有,不過似乎還不是很多(也有可能是剛上線的關係)。

雖然台灣iTunes Music/Movie Store在內容上目前似乎還不夠豐富,不過好歹是個開始……
via Apple

Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=185162

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Derik Chan

[消息] 超讚!iTunes 台灣/香港 Music Store 正式登場了!

[消息] 超讚!iTunes 台灣/香港 Music Store 正式登場了!

一直以來,iTunes Music Store 也以英語為主,不過今天我們的華語歌曲終於能夠登上 iTunes Music Store 了!iTunes 台灣及
iTunes 香港 Music Store 正式上線了!我們可以找到很多知名歌手的名字,而他們的歌曲只要 NT$20 /HK$6
要檢視 iTunes Music Store
的話,暫時只能用 iTunes 程式來看,只要進入「音樂」主頁,用家便可透過選取音樂類型找到國語或粵語音樂了!

Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=185165

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Derik Chan

[消息] 蘋果著急了?新iPhone將提前亮相

[消息] 蘋果著急了?新iPhone將提前亮相




目前,不少傳聞都稱,新一代iPhone將會更加的輕薄,同時螢幕也將由原先的3.5寸提升至4寸,同時搭載了32nm雙核處理器,並內置了1GB RAM和支援NFC功能,同時運行的是iOS 6.0系統。



Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=185164

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Derik Chan


[新聞稿] 約伯斯的視頻傳記:通過250多個視頻片斷瞭解傳奇人生

[新聞稿] 約伯斯的視頻傳記:通過250多個視頻片斷瞭解傳奇人生


Art Matsak在讀Walter Isaacson寫的約伯斯傳記時受到激發,開始了一個視頻搜集專案,試圖挖掘並搜尋更多、更有趣的內容。當Matsak搜集到自己認為足夠多的內容後,他創辦了Steve Jobs Archive網站,將所有的視頻以傳記章節的形式分類,讓你可以通過視頻瞭解約伯斯的人生經歷。


此前有人曾在視頻分享網站Chill上匯總了自己所能收集到的全部有關約伯斯的視頻,包括產品演示、記錄片及電視採訪等。我們在引薦時稱之為《史上最全面的約伯斯視頻》,粗略統計約有七八十個左右。Steve Jobs Archive搜集了兩百多個視頻,很多是記錄片片斷,與此前的集合肯定也有重複的內容,但新鮮的應該更多。

還記得為Macintosh拍攝的經典廣告《1984》嗎?這是約伯斯與導演Ridley Scott討論自己想法的片斷。


Original Page: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/iphone4TW/~3/Oa7W2g915nc/showthread.php

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[分享] 2 秒啟動!iPhone 快拍王!

[分享] 2 秒啟動!iPhone 快拍王!

這套名為 Quick Camera 的攝影 App 是一套以快作為賣點的攝影工具,它只需 2
秒即可啟動程式進入攝影狀態!更提供了連環快拍功能,可自選連拍多少幅圖。程式在 iPhone 4 中能夠實現每分鐘拍 125 幅,4S 當然更快吧!


Original Page: http://iphone4.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=184918

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Derik Chan

How to Add Pizazz to Your iBook

How to Add Pizazz to Your iBook

So far you've authored a basic iBook and can carry a test version of it around on your own iPad, but there's so much more you can do! Let's spruce up your book a bit and get it out to the world.

1. Add Interactive Widgets

Widgets can add a lot of fun and useful interactivity to your pages, and they're super-easy to use. Simply click the Widgets icon at the top center of the main window and choose one of the seven Widget options. The two most useful are probably Gallery, which is used to create image slideshows, and Media, which allows you to add a video clip. In either case, choosing a Widget from the Widget pull-down menu will place an empty box onto the page. All you have to do to fill the box is grab the associated media from your desktop (whether it's a movie clip or a group of images) and drag it over.

2. Export Your Book

If you don't plan to offer your book in Apple's iBookstore, you can simply choose File > Export to export your project in one of three formats: iBooks (which creates a full-featured iBook, ready to be read on any iPad), PDF (a non-interactive version of your book that retains the layouts), or Text (a plain text version of your book that ditches the layouts completely).

3. Sell Your Book in Apple's iBookstore

If you want your book to appear in the iBookstore, click the Publish icon at the top of the main window, follow the prompts, and a website will open in your default browser that walks you through the steps needed to sign up. You'll need to set up either a Free or Paid Books Account depending on whether or not you want to charge for your book. Setting up a Paid account is a little more involved, but again, Apple walks you through the steps. If you're an aspiring writer, a little hassle is well worth the luxury of selling your book in 32 countries. Good luck!

Original Page: http://www.maclife.com/article/howtos/how_add_pizazz_your_ibook

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Derik Chan

Flipboard Lands on Android, Gets Google+ and YouTube Integration

Flipboard Lands on Android, Gets Google+ and YouTube Integration

Flipboard is now fully available on Android phones of all shapes and sizes. Image courtesy Flipboard

Flipboard is on a mission to become your destination for social news, no matter what device you're on. In addition to being on iPhone and iPad, the animated news-browsing app is now available for Android phones, the Kindle Fire, and Barnes & Noble's Nook tablet.

Flipboard's claim to fame is that it takes input from a variety of social media destinations and aggregates them in an aesthetically pleasing, magazine-like spread. This includes everything from Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr, to your Google Reader subscriptions and Flickr, and even SoundCloud for podcasts. Along with officially launching on Android, Flipboard is also adding integration with Google+ and YouTube to this update.

Flipboard CEO Mike McCue told Wired that one of his company's main goals is to surface great content to the user through the app's "Cover Stories" section. With so many places to find great content, there's a lot of noise to sift through, so Flipboard tries to bring the highlights that you'd be most interested in straight to the surface. To do this, the app uses a mix of social, editorial, and algorithmic curation that's mixed and matched in different ways on a per-user basis to identify the best influencers for you.

As for the Android version of the app, Flipboard carefully engineered the app so that it looks sharp on Android phone and tablet displays from 3 to 7 inches in size. It uses the same upward page-flipping action as the company's iPhone app, which it released in December, rather than the larger, more magazine-inspired iPad user interface. It's important to note that there's no specific version for larger Android tablets yet, only a version for phones and for the 7-inch tablets from Amazon and B&N, so the less-complicated, phone-optimized navigation makes the most sense.

Flipboard is also bundled with the new Samsung Galaxy S III, with the app itself and a slick widget that cycles through your cover stories.

Flipboard is free and available from Google Play, the Amazon Appstore, the Barnes & Noble Nook Store, and from Samsung Apps.

Original Page: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/06/flipboard-android-google-plus/

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No Retina Display in Next-Generation iMac?

No Retina Display in Next-Generation iMac?

Earlier today, Instapaper developer Marco Arment published his thoughts on a potential timeline for upgrades to Apple's iMac and Mac Pro lines, initially suggesting that the need for an ultra-high resolution 5120x2880 Retina display (either inside the 27-inch iMac or as a standalone display) is likely the most significant hurdle to major updates for those lines.

With ABC News having reported in May that Apple was planning to bring Retina displays to its next-generation iMac line and suggestions of updated models potentially being right around the corner, anticipation has been high for new Retina iMacs. But shortly after publishing his speculation, Arment is now hearing that while the next iMac update will come later this year, it will not include Retina displays.
I've now heard from multiple sources that while an iMac update is indeed coming this fall, it will not have Retina displays.
Arment describes some of the issues surrounding Retina displays at the size needed for the 27-inch iMac, including production yield and insufficient bandwidth, but it is unclear why Apple would wait until the fall to update the iMac if those issues will prevent Retina displays from being included in that revision. Even without a Retina display, updated iMac models could take advantage of Ivy Bridge processors, improved graphics chips, and USB 3.0, and those upgrades could be included in a new model any time now.

As we noted earlier today, vacation blackouts at a third-party technical support firm are hinting at a release of OS X Mountain Lion in late July, and it seems possible that Apple could follow last year's trend of a simultaneous hardware/software launch by introducing new Ivy Bridge iMacs and perhaps Mac minis alongside Mountain Lion. That speculation is, however, yet to be supported by any specific rumors or evidence.

Following the keynote at Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference earlier this month, company representatives were initially quoted as saying that updated Mac Pro and iMac designs were due "later next year", but the company moved to clarify those remarks as applying only to the Mac Pro, suggesting that iMac updates will come ahead of that timeframe.

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Original Page: http://www.macrumors.com/2012/06/22/no-retina-display-in-next-generation-imac/

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iPhone 4 and 4S now available to purchase outright at Cricket for $399 and $499

iPhone 4 and 4S now available to purchase outright at Cricket for $399 and $499

iPhone 4 and 4S now available to purchase outright at Cricket for $399 and $499

There's nothing quite like the pent-up anticipation for an Apple product arrival, and yes, that extends even to customers of Cricket, who lined up this morning for their first chance to score an iPhone from the prepaid carrier. While both the iPhone 4 (8GB) and 4S (16GB) must be purchased outright -- for $399 and $499 respectively -- sales were said to be "brisk" today, which can be partially attributed to Cricket's $55 per month plan. For the monthly layout, customers can take advantage of unlimited calling, messaging and data, although they'll need to contend with throttling for any usage past 2.3GB. Next up, Virgin Mobile is similarly situated to receive the iPhone on June 29th. Think there'll be any lines?

iPhone 4 and 4S now available to purchase outright at Cricket for $399 and $499 originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 22 Jun 2012 22:37:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Original Page: http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/22/apple-iphone-4-and-4s-now-available-at-cricket/

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D-Link unveils Cloud Router 1200 and 2000, dishes out WiFi in tube form

D-Link unveils Cloud Router 1200 and 2000, dishes out WiFi in tube form

DLink unveils Cloud Router 1200 and 2000, dishes out WiFi in tube formWe'll admit: one of the biggest appeals for us in D-Link's new Cloud Router 1200 and 2000 is that tube shape, which is a nice break from the amorphous blobs we're used to as our WiFi routers. Not to say that there aren't convincing technical reasons to like them. Both will let you remotely administrate the 802.11n router's devices from an Android or iOS app, and they both carry four gigabit Ethernet jacks as well as a USB port for some network media storage. The differences lay exclusively in the wireless support, where the single-band 1200 caters to the frugal set at 300Mbps and the simultaneous dual-band 2000 hums along at 600Mbps. Thankfully, the prices of the just-shipping access points are both about right for what you get: the Cloud Router 1200 is a cheap and cheerful $60, and the 2000 won't strain the wallet much more at $100. You can catch the full details of our new cylindrical overlords friends after the break.

Continue reading D-Link unveils Cloud Router 1200 and 2000, dishes out WiFi in tube form

D-Link unveils Cloud Router 1200 and 2000, dishes out WiFi in tube form originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 23 Jun 2012 01:14:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Original Page: http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/23/d-link-unveils-cloud-router-1200-and-2000/

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Derik Chan